
joined 2 years ago

Finally deleted my LinkedIn account!

After putting my account into "hibernation" for the past few weeks, I finally closed it. But I'm still looking for work. Thankfully I can still find positions (SRE and software dev) by just going directly to the company's site and finding a Jobs page.

Good luck to everyone else out there looking for work!

#privacy @privacy

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

This is not about software licensing nor the spirit of FOSS.

There's some inconsistent messaging that's genuinely confusing me. I've shared an anecdote below (from a time when I was developing open source software) in the interest of generating discussion to clear it up for me and perhaps others, too. I don't mean to imply I know what is happening right here.

@pop @fediverse

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Dev publishes unreadable website:

"Some developers are bad at CSS and design/CSS (like me)"

Implying some innate incapacity.
Same dev:

"Or these people could learn Rust and contribute to the existing project."

Man I just don't get it. There's a kind of wilful ignorance here or something? It's jarring. All due respect for what's been made but this attitude... I'm not offended or have disdain, just dumbfounded at the messaging.


[–] [email protected] 12 points 6 months ago

@CoderSupreme The founder of StackOverflow went on to work on Discourse (https://discourse.org). There’s actually an ActivityPub plugin available nowadays, so apparently people can contribute from whatever fediverse server they’re coming from. For example see Go Bridge (https://forum.golangbridge.org)


[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago

@becha @selfhosted Sure I’d be happy to talk about it there!

[–] [email protected] 12 points 6 months ago (1 children)

@onlinepersona @fediverse Haha good question! They're light on details ("we moved to Wordpress")
and after testing it seems like it's not even working :(

WordPress has an ActivityPub plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/activitypub/

Here's a wordpress blog that is available via activitypub: https://solarbird.net/blog
We can address it like so: @solarbird.net
We can't see the posts on Lemmy (doesn't support ad-hoc fetching of ActivityPub Notes)
but in a Mastodon web UI: https://solarbird.net/blog/2024/02/27/kosa-again-yes-again/

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

pf/opnsense essentially provide web interfaces to the underlying
FreeBSD OS tooling. In this case I'm running plain OpenBSD. That means
configuring the system is mainly done by reading and writing text
files and doing stuff at the command line. There's a whole bunch of
reasons why some people prefer one way or the other or even mix things
up a bit. My recommendation is, if you're interested, have a go
administering a system without a web interface and see how you feel!
@Edgarallenpwn @selfhosted

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

> The garbage out there today is too much.

For sure. I'm hoping that with much cheaper and more reliable hardware
that we have now, it makes it easier for indivduals and small groups
to run services that could only be run by big dysfunctional companies.
Fingers crossed!
@jjlinux @selfhosted

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (3 children)

@jjlinux Hahaha no way that’s awesome


[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago (4 children)

For starting out, Building a Router from the OpenBSD FAQ is helpful: https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/example1.html

@MigratingtoLemmy @selfhosted

[–] [email protected] 14 points 6 months ago

@czardestructo For the CPU Intel says 7.5W: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/81071/intel-celeron-processor-n2830-1m-cache-up-to-2-41-ghz.html
So all up I’m guessing under 10W. I don’t know how much other components affect the power usage, though. And I’m about 200km away from where it is installed! Hoping someone more expert in hardware could chime in here :)



Follow-up: OpenBSD routers on AliExpress mini PCs

I got lots of replies to the last post showing the little OpenBSD internet gateway setup (super interesting; thanks!). Here's more info and pictures:

Something I've been meaning to share for years now.

@selfhosted #openbsd #selfhosted #selfhosting

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago

Because blinking lights give me goo goo ga ga

@Smc87 @selfhosted


Another successful OpenBSD setup

I've been buying these little boxes from AliExpress for years to use as firewalls and routers. My oldest one is almost 9 years old now! OpenBSD installs just fine. Just a BIOS tweak to always boot up after power is restored.

@selfhosted #selfhosting #selfhosted #openbsd #runbsd


End-to-End Arguments In System Design


Awesome paper clearly articulated.

This article reminds me how demoralising finding work feels for me sometimes. I wish I could put something on a résumé that says I appreciate this kind of system thinking. Who cares how many years of programming in a specific language, or which "well-known" companies someone has worked at? It feels like hiring journalists based on their years of experience with pencils.

@programming #programming


Why We Can't Have Nice Software


From Andrew R. Kelley, he's the author of the Zig language



Profile Guided optimisation with Go

An article from a mate of mine from the Sydney Go programmers meetup (in Australia). #golang



Accessing Mastodon and the fediverse via email:
An experimental #IMAP and #SMTP interface.
I feel like #NNTP #Usenet interface would be more appropriate.
But gotta start somewhere!
Threading and replies work ok too (so far!).



Mozilla.ai seems silent 9 months on. MemoryCache is a "Mozilla Innovation Project", which seems unrelated.

@opensource #mozilla

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