
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Depends how you look at it! Here’s me accessing Mastodon and the fediverse via email: https://lemmy.world/post/11020167 I’ve written a a couple more prototypes to connect one to the other. If anyone is interested I could write up more about how it works or do a more public demo

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

The other fun one is that the continental US (AKA everything except Alaska) is just about the same size as Australia. Then when you consider that there's 49 states versus Australia's 7, you can see how the numbers come about.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

I honestly find it worrying that someone would think it's some sort of deeply ingrained human trait when it's clearly not culturally universal (eg. small hunter-gatherer tribes wouldn't exist otherwise) and not present through all of history.

I think "growth" is a strong signal for people to put faith and trust into something. And that these emotions have influenced our behaviour for a long time.

Why did the Roman empire keep expanding? What made them want more? I'm not a historian nor an anthropologist (far from either!). But this feels like "line go up" behaviour. What would it mean for those in power to communicate that some part of the empire was receding? Even if, overall, the empire was objectivetly huge relative to other organised groups?

One thing I think about is there could be eroding confidence and trust of those in power by colleagues and the general population. If people lose faith, the powerful lose power; they lose ability to influence behaviour. Growth is obsessed over because it's a means to capture influence over the means of production (and capture profit).

The line has to go up because the current economic system demands it has to go up

What about outside of economics? Even metrics on https://fedidb.org: shrinking numbers are coloured red. Growing numbers green. Green = good, red = bad.

Another thought. The other day I was at a cricket match. Grand final. Because the home team was losing, the stadium started to empty. It wasn't about enjoying the individual balls/plays. Supporters were not satisfied with coming second (an amazing achievement, much "profit"!), it needed to be more.

To stretch this shitty metaphor further, when the supporters (investors?) lost confidence in their ability to deliver more, they just abandoned the entire match (enterprise?) altogether!

Again: I'm not stating anything here as fact. I'm just absolutely dumbfounded as to why "line go up" is, as you say, such an obsession. I hear you when you say that it's a consequence of how the modern economy works. That makes sense. I guess I wonder what would happen if we snapped our fingers and we could start again. I wonder what the economy system would look like. Would we still be obsessed with growth?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago (3 children)

Growth might be impossible, but a steady and "boring" amount of profit should still be possible selling plain-ole-dishwashers. Yet ... for some reason, we don't see that.

God yes this bothers and fascinates me.

Instead companies throw everything into growth and we get the retarded bluetooth enabled dishwasher problem everywhere, and I'd like toknow more about why.

I think it's alluded to in the article:

They found a way to make consumers spend more money on dishwashing. The line goes up, for one more year. But it's not enough. It has to go up every year.

Digging deeper: why must the line go up? Pesonally I see it as a deeply emotional, human thing.

When you read those annual financial reports from big companies, they will do anything to make sure things look rosy. Bullshit terms like "negative growth" are used because "loss" or "shrink" sound bad. So what if it sounds bad?

Confidence. Trust. It's emotional. These are deep in our psyche. It's how governments get elected, contracts are won, and investments are made. It's what makes us human. If that line goes down... will it go back up? What's going to happen? Alarm bells! Uncertaintly. Anxiety. People abandon you. Money, power, influence fades. You could find yourself replaced by the up-and-coming who "show promise".

Our social emotional species has hundreds of thousands of years (millions?) of years of this stuff hardwired into us. Trust let us cooperate beyond our own individual or family interests. Would we be human otherwise? (I found the article Behavioural Modernity interesting).

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Not sure it’s capitalism per se. Perhaps rampant waste. Criticism of capitalism could include monopoly formation; massive tech companies buy small ones (obtain more capital = more control over production = more profit).

There’s despair over everyone, big & small, resolving the same recreated problems. Kelley doesn’t talk about breaking Microsoft up (i.e. redistributing their capital). He implies he’d be ok for Microsoft to maintain its market position if it just fixed some damn bugs.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 7 months ago

The art of turning a 500-line text file into a 50MB tarball. Welcome to the future :(

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Here’s the article’s source: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Future_of_Jobs_2023.pdf

That report’s data is a survey they sent out to companies. Quantising “so… what do you think is gonna happen?” seems… shonky?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Ex NSW premier John Barilaro was an executive director of a western Sydney property development company. That development company is closely tied to organised and gang crime - murders etc. - and so far its kingpins has evaded any serious prosecution. The video insinuates that this is a result of corruption of the NSW government.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

I wonder whether they are aware of the ForgeFed project?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

Oh wow thanks! :) One program syncs my home Mastodon timeline, with all replies, to a Maildir. Dovecot serves that over IMAP. Sending involves a custom SMTP server which reads the mail message and creates a post from it.

For Mastodon it was all about converting statuses (toots? Posts?) into RFC 5322 messages. Using the status’ ID as Message-Id in the message header is handy. Mail clients do the heavy lifting of rendering threads thankfully!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Ha good eyes! :) I have basic receive-only working with Lemmy using a virtual file system interface I wrote (https://pkg.go.dev/olowe.co/lemmy). Just realised we actually spoke about this a while ago haha (https://lemmy.sdf.org/post/1035382 )

But synchronising to disk is super inefficient: too many API calls. Should subscribe using ActivityPub proper and store updates received as RFC 5322 messages.

From there we could serve the messages via NNTP. Then, finally, we could use nntpfs(4)


One of my favourite talks on programming. Just wanted to share for others who haven't seen this before.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

https://www.crikey.com.au How is it?

Last year I gifted a news junky friend a year subscription to the New York Times. That was cool but they are more interested in Australian stories. Normally they browse the ABC and BBC apps.


Let’s share stories where your automation efforts have been rejected and you can’t quite understand why! Here’s mine.


lemmyverse: search lemmy communities from the command-line. Thanks to the data HTTP API from lemmyverse.net! This is not really as polished as I like but, hey, in the interest of having a lively Lemmy I thought I'd share anyway :)


lemmyverse searches community names and descriptions using a regular expression:

lemmyverse pattern

Find communities about motorcycles:

$ lemmyverse motorcycle
[email protected]      All Things motorcycles
[email protected]   All Things motorcycles
[email protected]     All Things motorcycles
[email protected] Community for BMW motorcycles. A place to share
[email protected]       A community to discuss all things BMW cars & motorcycles.\nFeel free to show off your new vehicle/parts
[email protected]       A discussion area for Buell motorcycles.
[email protected]        A community for pictures and videos of people using motorcycles to transport things in a creative manner.\n\nThis includes
[email protected]   This community is for all things motorcycle related. At a later point and with enough traction gained

Find communities for the Plan 9 operating system:

$ lemmyverse '(plan9)|(Plan 9)'
[email protected]     Discussions on the Plan9 operating system.


I run relatively slow hardware and I'm travelling in Bali, Indonesia at the moment. Loading lemmyverse.net in a web browser takes ages and gets the laptop fans spinning (it's hot here!). So I had some fun creating a tiny command-line program to find Lemmy communities using classic UNIX tools awk(1), tr(1), grep(1) etc.

More info

See the man page:

LEMMYVERSE(1)               General Commands Manual              LEMMYVERSE(1)

     lemmyverse - find lemmy communities

     lemmyverse pattern

     lemmyverse finds Lemmy communities indexed by lemmyverse.net using the
     given regular expression as interpreted by grep(1).  Both the names and
     descriptions of the communities are searched.

     On first run, a local community database must be generated.  The full
     community index is downloaded from https://lemmyverse.net using curl(1),
     transformed, then stored in the user cache directory.  To regenerate the
     database, remove the file and run lemmyverse again.

             Community database from lemmyverse.net.

     lemmyverse uses the following environment variables:

             The directory to store the community database.  If unset,
             $HOME/.cache/lemmyverse is used.

     Find communities for the Plan 9 operating system:
           lemmyverse '(plan9)|(Plan 9)'

     List all communities from the instance lemmy.sdf.org:
           lemmyverse '@lemmy.sdf.org'

     The lemmyverse utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

     grep(1), curl(1), https://lemmyverse.net

Go project tech lead Russ Cox talks about a technique to make programs clearer using concurrency.


An OpenBSD developer and the one-man-band behind Pushover gives some advice after 10 years of running a public HTTP API. It's interesting as big companies are happy to publish articles about all the fancy stuff they developed to run some API, but you don't always hear from a sole developer running a service for such a long time.

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