
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

Where I live, in a formal situation, woman is expected to give hand first for handshake. Otherwise you don't.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

I use acronium. Really basic app with daily notes section and many other things. Good thing about it is that I use it both on my pc and my phone and it syncs very well. Finding stuff is easy too.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Kind of. Latest releases aren't supported officially but you can safely install Monterey (10.12) with OCLP. No data & performance loss.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago

You are very right. It only gets the job done but that's about it. Seeing new Macbooks going on for hours and hours, it's impressive.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (2 children)

And good thing about 2012 and early models is that you can upgrade parts. Maybe find a 4GB model for cheaper and upgrade it.

Lastly it gives me about 4 hours of battery life, doing school work (presentations, documents). If I use PhotoShop, it lasts 2 hours and I call it a day.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 10 months ago (5 children)

I recently got a second hand mid 2012 Macbook Pro for roughly 150 USD. I live in a third world country and I would call that a good deal. It has 8GB ram, 250GB SSD. 3rd gen Intel CPU but gets the job done.

I use PhotoShop very much, besides school work. You can maybe find something similar on eBay.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

God.. I am sorry you gone through all that. And, it's very brave of you to explain your life, difficulties, different situations and your perspective. Thank you. You really gave me an insight, I mean it.

While reading this, I thought about my perspective to life. I am in my early twenties and try to do different stuff to earn my life, pursue some kind of satisfaction. This makes me get tired every day, and consider killing myself constantly. Now, I don't.

This summer I've gone through an emptiness, moneylessness. I agree, without money, I think about what to eat in the most economical way. That leads to more depression. Then every night I tried to find a purpose to not to kill myself and with this comment, it's done. I accept a perspective to life now.

Seeing all successful people, whether successful since born (nice family, good looking, no major illness...) or by later (breaking the chain of poverty, being the best at one stuff...) people damn kill themselves or be in a depression either thisbor that way. This fucking possibility stays there.

Seeing this situation, I accept the life on it's own. That's it. Born, study, socialize, work, get lost. Again, with your comment, I rationalized my perspective. I am, really, now happy with who I am and know how to make it be that way. Do my business, and fuck it. There'll be no miracles, there's no one to help you be happier.

Thank you. I wonder how can I prove it but you really helped me. I needed some rationalization.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I was in touch with a local luthier (guitar repairman and designer) and I started to visit him frequently. Sometimes I got my guitar modded, sometimes traded some stuff with him like pedals, keyboards...

One day he called and said he was going to move away, and wanted to give away his album collection. 100+ CD's, cassettes, movie and document DVD's, mostly original and in very mint condition. Rock, jazz, classical, all kinds of genres had he. I went to his house and returned home with 3 big grocery store bags!

That was 2 years ago and there still are stuff that needs to be listened and watched. Whenever I think about this, it gives me smile and want to do the same thing.

Thanks to him.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Same dude! What I am trying to achieve is now in my last year of the uni, I am trying to learn a trade to make a living by doing my own stuff.

All my other friends sent CV's and shit to get work experience in the field, get certificates, improve theirselves... And here I am, learning from zero with almost no experience or any network.

But I am hopeful. Thinking about my projects makes me happy and want to do more. This lead me to watch less of that stuff and kill less time. This comment became long and does not fit to the sub but; the downside of my mindset atm is that, I become depressed when I fail at something... That makes me go lay in bed browsing YouTube. Won't go away in a week, too.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

I do pyrography and make amplifiers, guitar pedals. I sometimes fix them, too :) It makes me happy to fix sound systems and crave for more!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Message to people my age (early twenties). I have been smoking since 18-19 and I liked it so much that I didn't bother quitting or reducing. There were moments which I knew the harms and bad effects it did to my body even in the short term, I was constantly telling myself to keep going because life is too short anyways & smoking is fun etc.

Then one day while having a conversation with my older brother who is also a smoker, he laughed with his mouth open and I saw his teeth in 4K... Damn, then I thought, if I keep going my teeth will be same in, 5 years? No, thanks.

It is easy if you have a motivation, lol it's curiel one maybe but it worked. The only thing I miss is the fake dopamine rush. The need for that quick happiness, it still needs a bit of time to go away.

By the way, it's been a month or so and I feel less miserable and more energetic now. I realize now, how smoking made me lay down and rest constantly. Hope you get the message.


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