
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Capitalism baby. Can't have you producing your own stuff when the corporations can sell it to you at 10x the price.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

Hopping on a live USB to recover files is your safest option.

It will also give you an opportunity to scan files (with something like clam av) while running from a system other than Windows, so you're less likely to encounter any further infections. Not that Linux can't be infected, it's just much less likely and you'd be running from a flash drive and off network anyway so it's about as safe as you can get.

You would need to connect the live USB to the Internet to install clam av on the USB stick or something similar, but that can be done while using a separate machine before actually plugging into the affected machine.

I can't really offer any advice on using any software for scanning as I keep personal things on separate drives segregated from the network so if something ever did happen I'd just wipe and start over.

May be a good idea to take though. Get him a USB drive that he can store files on and disconnect when he doesn't need it.

Just some thoughts from someone that works in desktop support and has been tinkering for a little over 20 years.

Good luck!

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Try using a USB boot stick to boot into Linux and just save whatever you need from the machine and then reformat it. Since this way the machine won't automatically connect to Wi-Fi and potentially cause more issues.

That's the quickest, simplest way without needing to try to diagnose and dig into the system to see what is affected and trying to fix it.

Also what is the computer doing when it boots up? There's not really enough information being given to be able to provide any other advice.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I absolutely agree. Mental evaluations or other processes or restrictions would be welcomed. I by no means feel that we should just leave things exactly as they are. However too many people just scream about banning weapons with no forethought into the subject.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

Because, as a country that already has so many guns, it's not so simple to just say, "fuck it, no more guns". Just three days ago my neighbor lost his marbles and decided to shoot up his apartment at 2am. I share a wall with this psycho.

The cops didn't even bother to come out even though I had video proof of the incident.

I own a weapon for this exact reason. I have a family to protect and if I can't even depend on the resources that are supposed to be there to protect us from this, then I will continue to own a weapon.

I lived in Japan for almost a decade, guns are almost non-existent there. It was awesome.

I wish it could be like that here in the US but there would need to be a radical shift in public perception of the police and each other for that to ever happen.

Edit: corrected spelling from weapoon to weapon lol.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Because your 0$ per month after dropping them doesn't hurt their bottom line.

Corporations generally weigh the risks and the benefit often wins out and they make more money because there are enough people that either reluctantly cave into the fee increase, forgot about their subscription or just don't care that it's going up.

It's fairly seldom (but seems to be increasing over the years) to see so much backlash that a company walks back on what they were planning to do.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 1 year ago

They probably will if they get a takedown request.

I'm guessing you are uploading US related material by your comment.

If you are concerned about it, like maybe you have an account that you don't want to lose, then make another account and upload it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

You are right, it's really not cut and dry in today's age.

Could be something like the way I have my son's tablet setup. If he tries to install something, I get a notification to approve it on my phone.

I can disable or enable the device at any point and have active times setup on it so it automatically does that if I'm not manually managing it.

BUT, that requires the parent to be actively engaging in what their kids are doing while trying to not be helicopters over them. You can setup home networks to block stuff like that also, but that requires some technical knowledge that a lot of people may not want to deal with. Also, that has no bearing on what is done outside of the home.

Also the age of the kid is a huge factor, a 13 year old is going to have a higher ability to get around those restrictions.

So now we're at the point of basically saying, there's not a really good defined way of doing that. However, if we ask for a copy of your ID, that's adds a decent protective layer. BUUUT, that's going to throw up red flags to everyone who wants to protect themselves and doesn't want their info out there like that. Which we all know there are data breaches and bad actors out there (like Tesla employees sharing videos from people's cars) so it's reasonable to not want to provide stuff like that.

Now at this point we're kinda back to square one what can be done to manage this, be secure, and appease both sides of the table?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

That's a really fair point.

My wife is Asian and I definitely understand the conservative side of many Asian cultures, also the immigration policies as I lived in Asia for almost a decade.

Sometimes it can be hard to see the different viewpoints when you aren't directly affected. For one reason obviouly, not being Asian myself (mixed but I'm basically white), and two, even having many Asian friends but never actually really discussing politics with them.

I really appreciate the time you took to give some external viewpoints to things.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (9 children)


Strangest thing to me is that I know quite a few Asians that immigrated here that are super Trumpers. I just can't even grasp how.

Also, interestingly enough, I also happen to work in a very right leaning field, and the majority of the republicans here have been very quiet since the Jan 6 incident. There was only one who was pretty outspoken about it, and he quit recently.

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