
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 20 points 10 months ago (2 children)

According to JerryRigEverything, they actually run you through a mac mini on their server farm. He said he has info about that confirmed by the devs. Not sure what’s true, but i usually trust him, seems like a good guy.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I’m not hosting a lot, just things i wanted to have in order to replace having a pc with installed apps. I want stuff to be a available on a web browser.

Some of the things i host:

NGINX Proxy manager - pretty much required Joplin - notes, apps for all platforms available Wiki.js - to replace Joplin, i don’t like installed apps HomeAssistant - home automation Mealie - converted my family paper cookbook Paperless-ngx - documents organization Mumble - voice chat server for gaming and meetings NextCloud - pretty much self explanatory Jellyfin - i want to be able to play media that is stored on the NAS, family photos, videos MQTT - self explanatory ZigbeeToMQTT - connect zigbee devices to MQTT Grafana - pretty graphs WireGuard - VPN access Trillium - to replace joplin for actual note taking Homepage - to display and organize all services VS Code Server - self explanatory OctoPrint - printer management Whoogle - i don’t like ads and “algorithms”

My total TDP is 15 watts. Idle is about 5W. I can’t imagine what i would do with a higher power consuming machine, it wouldn’t be financially feasible.

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 year ago (10 children)

That widely depends on what you are using it for. I think it’s amazing.

I can buy a computer for $500 with 8 cores, 32GB ram, 512GB NVME storage. I can install free open source linux distribution on it that manages virtual machines. It can run dozens of containerized free/open source applications on it.

Then, i can use my domain name and freely available services like letsencrypt and cloudflare to make it securely available on the internet.

Internet is what you make of it, always has been.

If you only rely to 3rd party websites then you’re missing out on a lot of usability.

I guess it depends on when you stared using it.

Today, a lot if people take a lot of things for granted.

I still remember the days of waiting for a website to load, making myself coffee while it’s loading.

Now i can stream realtime 4k video of my house on my phone, served by my computer.

I can game with friends conencted to my voice chat server that i own and has awesome voice quality and low latency.

I can have all my files available wherever i am, instantly.

I can forget my phone and my laptop, login to my server at a friend’s computer and do whatever i need to do.

All that wouldn’t be possible if the internet was stuck in the 90’s.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Newpipe doesn’t have a version for iOS, the newpipe team decided it won’t support the os because it heavily relies on android api. Not to mention that you probably couldn’t easily install it even if it exists. Youtube without ads is available via safari though.

Nothing wrong with differences. I just wanted to point out that many of the things i thought i would be missing, i’m not, either because there is an alternative or because it’s in the os by default.

To answer your last question, an example, i paid more money to get less enjoyment from one of the computers i use in the “home lab”. I could’ve spun up yet another VM for some services, for free, but i decided to purchase a dedicated machine. It had to be small tho, so the only real option i had was the Intel NUC.

It costs triple of the DIY version, not to mention infinitely more than a “free” VM, but it was the right choice. CPU is soldered, you have to buy M.2 storage because no sata ports, and it takes SO-DIMM. I “could” buy a cheap AMD CPU and motherboard and reuse multiple sticks of RAM and SSDs laying around in the lab, but the power consumption and form factor were more important for the use case.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Slowly but surely i’m getting on the same boat. If i lost my phone tomorrow and couldn’t afford a new one, i would much rather get a second-hand iphone from a year or three ago than a cheap android

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I guess you should look into nextcloud and/or synology drive, because they do exactly that.

You can use it as a “cloud”, where the files you are using are downloaded locally and then updated if you made changes, or you can just sync everything.

For me, i have some folders i need always available, internet or no internet, and some that i don’t care about as much. And that’s how it’s configured, it syncs the stuff i need, it leaves the stuff i don’t.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I guess what i wanted to ask by creating the post is exactly what you are saying.

Why would you want to jailbreak a phone or sideload apps? Maybe you don’t have to? I was blown away by the amount of apps and features baked into the iOS and macOS, i had no idea that was the case.

And you can’t even know if you don’t try. Look at the amount of people saying, for example, you can’t have adblock on safari (you can), or that there are no automations on ios (there are).

I’m not trying to preach or to convert anyone, i’m just saying that i’ve been living under a rock and didn’t know about any features the ios/macos offer.

Also, apple products work just fine, sometimes better, with non-apple hardware and software.

Bluetooth devices especially.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Good for you. I switched to libre or at least alternative software which is (almost all) cross-platform compatible. I replaced almost everything apart from some niche software that only works on windows.

The day i can game on linux is the day windows goes to the VM just for that few pieces of software required for my business.

That said, mac comes with most of the every-day items preinstalled. Mail, spreadsheets and the likes. Windows on the other hand - not so much. Windows mail app can’t hold a candle to the mac app or even the ios app.

You need to pay for office for that. Same on android. I can do 99% of stuff without installing any app from the app store.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I tried. Don’t get me wrong, but if a couple of people can make a better software than a huge company then why am i giving the company my money in the first place. Unfortunately, i don’t have much free time anymore, not as much i would like, and certainly a lot less than i used to have 5-10 years ago.

I would love if the guys who make custom roms could make a phone, but sadly, that probably won’t happen. And i hate that all the phones are locked in. I wish a phone could be like a pc, where you can install whatever OS you like.

Hardware manufacturers make that impossible. The company that makes snapdragon is responsible for all the drivers and compatibility. Samsung certainly won’t open up their chips and drivers as well. Apple is the same.

Until we get something like a linux phone, everyone will fight tooth and nail for their slice of pie.

Hell, look at linux drivers on the x64/86 (nvidia).

Look at microsoft ditching 99% of CPUs on win11 launch.

Look at apple with their “macOS is for macs only”.

Software manufacturers are to blame as well. Why no office on linux but they support macos? Why no adobe products on linux? Why not games on linux? (I know it’s better now but still, very few big players) Banking software? Windows only. Manufacturing software? Almost all windows only.

OS choice has to be on the person using the computer, not some company.

It’s time for standardized computing.

I understand that you can’t write all the software that has been written again, but you can at least make the new software compatible.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I had a pleasure of replacing a CPU on an Acer laptop. It refused to work. I have it on video, 3 or 5 minutes after boot (can’t remember, but it was consistent) it would shut down.

Later, i found out that even though you can replace the CPU in that laptop, Intel has made it so that if that unit wasn’t configured with that CPU when you bought it, it would simply shut down after X minutes.

Can’t recall the name for that “feature” unfortunately.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I think there’s a good reason behind the sales numbers, to be honest.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

No need to wonder! Better to cut them off and sleep calmly if you ask me.


I am dissapointed in my peers. For years I have always been told to stay away from Apple devices and the company in general. However, no one who said that actually used their devices, or used them but not recently (some had like iPhone 4s in the past). Their knowledge was always based on some 3rd hand impressions or internet related peer pressure.

I am in the EU, and Apple devices aren’t as popular as in the US, mostly everyone uses an Android phone and a Windows machine. That also led me using Android and Windows in my daily activities, for the last 15 years. After many phones, starting with HTC Wildfire, i have continously been let down by my phone every 1 to 3 years after purchase.

First i was buying flagships, then mid-high, then back to non-pro flagship variants. I was also trying diffenent brands; HTC, LG, Sony, Samsung, Xiaomi, Nokia, OnePlus. When my last phone died, and i had to buy a new one, i had no idea what to get.

Everything seemed bad, i had them, they look the same, software looks the same, i was afraid of picking a “wrong” phone again. Every single one of them had some issue i couldn’t get over. Either notification problems, bad battery life, slow performance on camera, issues with sharing stuff, fingerprint annoyances, restarts…

Mind you, not everything was on a single device. One had great battery life but i wouldn’t get messages sometimes, other was great but battery life was poor, and on most of them the camera was laggy or buggy.

1 year ago, maybe a bit more, it dawned on me that the only brand i haven’t used anything from is Apple, so i got a basic iPhone 13 to “check it out”, planning on using it for a week or two just to see what the fuss is about. I was using my Android device as the main phone, and the iPhone as a second phone, I wasn’t ready for the jump.

After a week i found myself doing everything on the iPhone apart from voice calls, so then i finally took the SIM and retired my Android phone. 6 months later, my Windows laptop battery died and the repair would cost more than what the laptop is worth. So i decided to purchase a thin and portable laptop with intention to install Debian on it, as i was done with Win11 bugs and “features”.

After looking for 2-3 weeks, comparing different laptops, i was set on a HP 14inch laptop with a price tag of about €1300. Then i remembered that i am still thinking with my peers in mind. They were enraged on how i “betrayed” them by switching to iPhone.

I decided to look up Mac laptops and found out that they are actually very similary priced as the one i wanted to buy. I got out and purchased a M2 Air, basic configuration. I had no idea about the iPhone-Mac compatibility and integrations. Found out about AirDrop and other features. I was in love with this new combo that, cliche, “just works”.

My “friends” literally went 180 on me just for the dumb reason of using one brand instead of the other. None of them has actually tried to use Apple hardware. They were mocking me about being “locked in”, “fallen for their marketing”, and other stuff. “How do you like your iCloud subscription?”, things like that.

I have to tell you, i do not use any paid service from Apple. I succesfully conected my Apple devices to my home server where i keep my files, photos, calendar and all the other applications on it. I am not locked in, i feel like i have even more freedom because some services work better than on Android or Windows.

Syncing works flawlessly, something that was always janky on Android.

Sorry for the long post.

I guess what i am trying to ask is, why so much hate? Why can’t a person decide for themselves? Why is macOS/iOS looked down upon regarding connectivity with other devices and services when that’s clearly not the case?

Why do people that have no first hand experience so vocal and opposed to the brand? Shouldn’t you at least try and then be the judge?

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