
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

If it's your laptop then you don't have to care about the firewall, your laptop can be the access point and connect to the reMarkable.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Well you can bring your laptop, plug it on HDMI then ssh to the device, I've done that in the past.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (7 children)

I use the reMarkable 2 nearly daily. It's so much thinner and can be tinkered with (you can ssh to it then do whatever you want BUT the interface itself, the read/writing software xochtil is NOT open-source, hence hacks) so I prefer it.

That said the PineNote is quite powerful comparatively, both specs (which don't "feel" like much when you are on eInk anyway, even memory) and connectivity (e.g Bluetooth simply opening up a world of accessories) so it's cool to tinker.

What usage do you have in mind? Could help to differentiate both. Also FWIW I don't think the PineNote is in stock.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago (9 children)

Any review? In theory interested (I have reMarkable 1, 2 and PineNote) but short of trying one myself I'd like to read what people here think, not just announcements, otherwise feels like an ad.

Obviously based on the community here, I'd also like to know, beyond the eInk screen performances (which seems to be the single biggest differentiating factor) if it's possible to use Linux rather than Android, like on the devices I already have.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

You can check my post history but I'm a dev who also play and had no problem with Linux for years. I don't play emulation (which is cool, even have a RPi with arcade joystick) but modern games (Elden Ring, Baldur's Gate 3, Ruiner, and some indies) including VR (Half-life: Alyx, Virtual virtual reality, Eye of the template, Cubism, etc) both on desktop and on the SteamDeck. Well it's been few years and I can tell you the tinker to play ratio is easily 99.9% in favor of playing. I don't tinker with drivers or anything of the sort (unless I have to work with CUDA, but still then no problem) but it's true that before buying a game I check ProtonDB to insure it will actually work.

Now in terms of distribution I'm not sure it matters much, what I would though highly recommend is that you make few extra partitions, at least /home this way if you do decide to format (because you somehow broke the OS, want to hop distros, etc) then you will keep you data without having to copy anything on another drive or even slower through the network. It makes changing a breeze.

PS: IMHO as a dev do tinker as much as you need, it's the best way to learn and see which distro is actually the best for you, just backup your data first then you can go "crazy", enjoy it's definitely worth it, even more so as a dev who can at any time say "Oh... that part sucks, I can change it", it's literally liberating.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I should clarify, the Quest does work on Linux for streaming if you use ALVR, one just has to tinker a bit. Apologies forgot about that solution.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Ah yes forgot about that despite actually using it! AFAIK it can support SteamVR because my goal while tinkering with it was testing SteamVR on the Apple Vision Pro via ALVR (Air Light VR). So yes it can be done, I even made ALVR work on the SteamDeck more than a year ago, just to tinker.

Anyway back to Steam Link does work on Linux, sadly streaming VR does not work on Linux, at least today when I tried and despite having SteamVR installed. Maybe some tinkering is required.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

It does not even matter, namely if tomorrow quantum computers were to become a commodity then we would at the same time switch to quantum resistant encryption, e.g https://csrc.nist.gov/projects/post-quantum-cryptography

The name "post quantum encryption" sounds super complicated, and to be fair the math behind it is beyond my understanding (and I won't even claim I would have enough time in my life time to study it and assume I can formally prove all of it to be correct) yet switching is actually relatively trivial, namely your software, say a browser like Firefox or Chrome, and the server it communicates with, e.g lemmy.ml relying on e.g nginx or Apache, "just" have to have at least 1 matching encryption scheme, one way to exchange data that is post-quantum resistant. In practice that means configuration files on both sides that you, as a user, do not even know exist and that can be done through basic updates.

TL;DR: most users will switch to post-quantum encryption without even realizing, and then even if say the NSA were to buy a $1T quantum computer, even your $1K computer and the $10K server it communicates with would be able to handle it no problem, even a $30 Raspberry Pi computer will.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

My formulation wasn't clear, I meant to say I'm happy to support creators in general that make quality content, software or not, but I would always prefer to support open source, open hardware, remixable content, etc rather than closed and proprietary alternatives. I listed games as very rare examples where I'm still happy to support them even if I still wish that the software itself would be made open, even if delayed as Quake or Doom for examples have been. Does it make more sense now?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

FWIW I did build and run Monado, even presented at FOSSXR on WebXR, so I'm relatively confident I understand the status of XR support. Here the problem is not a lack of capability of the OS is my point, it's "only" a business decision from one single vendor that yes is popular on low-end hardware.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I mean if the vendor specifically decides NOT to support Linux AND there are viable alternative that do, e.g Valve Index, that run IMHO some of the best content, i.e Half-life:Alyx, then IMHO popularity is indeed important but it does show it's not an OS problem.

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