
joined 3 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

I'm not sure what you mean by tactical shooter but flathub has a subcategory for shooters in the games category. While half of them are source ports of Doom, Quake and some other games, there are a few games I've looked into that seem interesting. So far I've only played Empty Clip and that's a pretty good top down shooter with rpg elements but games like Red Eclipse and Tremulous look pretty interesting as well.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I might try that later if the issue comes back up. Last night, I used the "Fix MergeList problems" option in the maintenance tab of software sources and that seems to have fixed it. I did at the time think it was an issue with my HDD but disks wont let me check the filesystem because it can't unmount a filesystem that is in use.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

It seems to be working now, so I might not need to try that. Last night, I used the "Fix MergeList problems" option in the maintenance tab of software sources and that seems to have fixed the issue.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

Right now it seems to be working fine, so I'll try that later if I have issues again. Last night, I used the "Fix MergeList problems" option in the maintenance tab of software sources and that seems to have fixed it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I'll try that if the issue happens again because right now it seems to be working. Last night, I used the "Fix MergeList problems" option in the maintenance tab of software sources and that seems to have fixed it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

I just saw your edit, the closest to "remove duplicate dependencies" is "remove duplicate entries", is that it?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (3 children)

The closest thing I see to "clear packages" is "remove foreign packages", is that it? For the mirror, am I supposed to change the Linux Mint mirror or the Ubuntu mirror? It's telling me to change the Linux Mint mirror but you mentioned "Jammy", so which one am I supposed to change?


Edit: Last night, I used the "Fix MergeList problems" option in the maintenance tab of software sources and at least for now, it seems to be working. So I probably wont need help with this anymore, hopefully.

Every hour or two, the Update Manager keeps giving me an error message saying that my APT configuration is corrupt and that I should switch to another Linux Mint mirror. It usually goes away when I do a manual refresh but it just keeps coming back. I have also tried switching to a different mirror but I get the same error. It also tells me to run apt-get update but even if I add "sudo" it just gives me an error message saying to run apt-get update.

It happened again so I'm adding screenshots in case they help. The first is the initial error, then it's the error I get when I try to change the repository and the third is the error I get when I try running the command it suggested:

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago

Would it lick me clean or would I still have to wipe myself?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

To name something that hasn't been mentioned yet, ArcaOS, which based on OS/2. It supports modern hardware and in addition to some preinstalled software, it also has some compatibility layers to run software from other OSs.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Fake Gamer

I once saw a video where a guy was talking to his sister's best friend about Fallout 3. He didn't know how to leave the vault without killing the overseer and she said that she would only help him if he banged her.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago

I didn't see anyone else mention this but, as someone who uses Linux Mint, if you are going to install software through the Software Manager, read the reviews for the app you want before downloading it. Linux Mint's Software Manager is full of apps that are so outdated that some of them aren't even compatible with the current version of Linux Mint. There are other issues as well, like how there are at least 20 different versions of Wine and most of them are very old versions. I'd understand if they want to keep legacy apps for the older, still supported, versions of Linux Mint but it can be confusing to use sometimes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I'm not familiar with Fedora, as I've only ever used Debian and Debian derivatives. I also can't seem to find any information on the system requirements for the LXQt spin of Fedora. I may still check it out in the future because I don't know if I will always stick with the Xfce edition of Linux Mint for my main computer, but right now I'm just looking for a Linux distro for my old computer and Q4OS seems to be fine.


I recently found out about a Linux Distro named Q4OS and I wanted to test out their claim that it only requires 256 MB of ram when using the trinity desktop environment. However, when I used the live cd in virt-manager with 256 MB or ram, it just kernel panicked at boot. So I then tried it with 512 MB of ram. In addition to some issues that are not present when you are using at least 1 GB of ram, such as "sudo apt update" causing the entire VM to become unresponsive, I noticed that it seemed to actually use anywhere between 290 MB to 370 MB of ram when the only thing running was the process viewer (which is htop).

Obviously, this is still very low for a modern Linux distro but I was wondering how accurate VMs are for testing ram usage.

And, yes I know that it would be pretty much useless on a PC that only had 256 MB of ram even if it did work. I'm actually checking the ram usage because there is a possibility that I may be using a very old computer of mine that only has 1 GB of ram at some point in the future. So I'm just testing it and eventually other distros out to to see which one I'm going to end up using (assuming I do actually end up even using that computer).

Edit: I just tried the 32-bit version in virt-manager and htop stated it was only using 232 MB of ram, which means that their claim was right and that I might have been using the wrong version.

Edit 2: I just tried installing the 64-bit version in virt-manager and htop stated that it was using about 350 MB of ram, so I don't know if installing it actually made a difference.


Edit: I'm no longer looking for help with this. The issue seems to be with the app itself and I have submitted a bug report for the app on github.

Before you tell me I should try another n64 emulator, I have been using other emulators but I have a game that isn't working and I'm trying to run it in other emulators.

Anyways, if I try to run simple64 through the terminal, I get the error message:

Failed to load module "xapp-gtk3-module"

I tried to look into this and it seems that I'm supposed to install "xapp" but I'm getting the error message:

The following packages have unmet dependencies: xapp : Depends: libxapp1 (= 2.2.8-1) but 2.8.2+virginia is to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

I tried to fix it with sudo apt --fix-broken install xapp but it's just giving me the same error message. Is there anything else I can try before I try another emulator?


I need to reinstall Linux Mint but MOK Management is preventing me from booting into the live CD. I tried looking for a solution online but (assuming I did everything correctly) I couldn't find anything that actually worked for me. How do I properly disable it?

Also, I forgot to mention that I do have access to Linux Mint, I just have to run it in recovery mode because it wont boot normally.

Update: I was able to bypass MOK using my password, I still wasn't able to disable it but I was at least able to boot into my Live CD for Linux Mint and I'm in the process of reinstalling it. I would prefure if I could just disable MOK but I at least know how to work around it.

Update 2: I have fully reinstalled and updated Linux Mint but for some reason everything looks different despite the fact that I'm using the same settings and software I was before everything broke. But whatever, outside of the fact that I no longer have the dual boot menu and instead I get a string of text saying "booting in insecure mode" for some reason, it seems to be working fine.


I got an external hard drive enclosure for the purpose of recovering some of the files from my old laptops hard drive. The hard drive and all of it's partitions show up in both disks and gparted but it wont mount. When I tried to mount it manually, it gave the error message stating that it can't read the superblock. I've never had to deal with this issue before, so the only things I've tried so far were fsck and the data recovery option in GParted, and neither of them helped.

I tried searching about it online but all of the solutions I found online either didn't work or required methods that are currently not possible for me. The hard drive had Ubuntu (22.04 if I remember correctly) installed on it and I just need access to the files in the sdd3 partition, which was formatted in ext4.


I started using Spotube a few days ago and it seems interesting but I'm having a specific issue with it. I'm trying to listen to "Darkish" by A-One but despite the fact that there are multiple videos on YouTube, Spotube can't find a source and if I try manually searching for a source, all of the videos, including videos it uses as a source for other songs, are grayed out. There are three versions on Spotify (the original from Vol.7, a release from montage yellow and a remix in the "nonstop" 2012~2013 compilation) and all three of them have the same issue.

I have tried switching the api type from YouTube to Piped but the issue still persists. I mostly use the Linux version but the issue also exists for the android version. Is there anything I should try before contacting the developers?


I tried looking into this myself but I couldn't really find much about this error. The only solutions I could find didn't work for me. The first one was to use mokutil but at the point where I was supposed to run sudo mokutil --import MOK.der it gives me the error message "Failed to get file status, MOK.der" even though I did everything it told me to do. The other one was to disable secure boot and then run sudo '/sbin/vboxconfig' but even though it looked like it worked, I'm still getting the error message. I have re-enabled secure boot, so you don't have to worry about that.

Is there something else I can try or does VirtualBox not work in Linux Mint for some reason?

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