
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Sigma Star Saga is an odd RPG game where the random encounters are short side scrolling shmup segments. I really enjoyed the amount of it that I played, but you can get screwed in some encounters as it gives you a random ship each time, and some are worse than others.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago

there was something I could somehow magically fix if I just kept pushing myself through the rock in my way.

This is one of the worst "thought traps" out there. The biggest change in my life was when I decided to learn to work around/with my flaws rather than through/against them.

I don't mean give up and never try to improve, like a post I've seen here where someone got mad at their friends because their friends should just expect them to be late because ADHD. I mean stuff like that I set as many alarms and reminders as it takes, rather than deluding myself that "one alarm will be fine if I pay attention".

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago

I feel like that's a stretch, and there's some important things to consider here.

People are weird, and can fetishize all sorts of shit. There's no reasonable way to control say, someone jerking off to pictures of hand models. Or to stop someone shlicking it to your shlubby beer gut at the beach photos you put up on social media if that's their thing (and I know a woman who's thing was "straight bears" for a long time).

But no one has any agency or ability to prevent that. No one has any agency to prevent any random person passing them on the street and then later using that memory plus imagination as cranking fuel.

For the sake of every individual's personal sanity, I think it's important that each and every one of us understand and accept that. Existing in the world is naturally giving up a certain amount of control. This is part of it, as disgusting as it is.

This is even more the case when you put content out there. Whether through acting in film or other media, creating artwork, posting pictures, etc. Creating content in the current age of the internet is inherently ceding ownership and control over it. The moment it hits the public space, you cannot control what is done with it, and the sooner people can learn to accept that, the better off I think we all will be.

I understand that feeling of violation to learn that someone has used you purely as an object for arousal.

abuseMultiple times an ex manually stimulated me to physical arousal and used me as a human dildo. At the time I convinced myself I was into it, because I was a guy. I wasn't, and while my trauma is relatively minor, it exists.

That said, there is nuance. This content was not edited, it was merely taken out of the original context. Are we going to prevent news from doing this to prevent using content in ways unintended and unanticipated by the original creators?

"I'll know misuse when I see it" is not a sustainable method for evaluating misuse at scale.

"If it's clearly being used for erotic purposes" likewise doesn't work, as defining that line isn't straightforward. Do we ban reposts of bikini shots?

This isn't something that was created for private use that was leaked. It was content made for public consption. Being disgusted with how the public chooses to consume it is your right, but there's no way to control that.

Again, I entirely sympathize with the women experiencing this. Being used in this manner is dehumanizing.

But there's no stopping it. Best to accept as best you can and ignore it.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Lol, tell me you've never worked IT support again.

The average user can't remember passwords without browser autofill. They don't want to tinker. A "just works" linux distro with a relatively limited set of default features targeted to a specific hardware set to avoid complications, like SteamOS on Steam Deck, is pretty much at the limit of the investment level the average user is willing to put in to keep things working.

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

It's also possible that in 24 months, I grow wings made of fish and get into anime style battles in the sky with hungry seagulls. Just as likely.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago

Yep, it's blatant attempts to decrease costs of employment. Just like outsourcing various tech jobs, automated phone trees, and every business tech "no code required" automation/workflow platform ever devised.

Convince people they can do more with your particular flavor of less. Charge them enough that they save money on the books but you make a profit through them using your toolkit.

At the end of the day, you will always still need someone to fully understand the problem, the inputs, the expected outputs, the tiny details that matter but are often overlooked, to identify roadblocks and determine options around them with associated costs and risks, and ultimately to chart a path from point A to B that has room for further complications.

Whatever the tool set, job title, or perceived level of efficiency provided by the tools, this need will never go away. Businesses are involved in a near constant effort to reduce what they have to pay for these skills, and welcome whatever latest fad points towards the potential of reducing those costs.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 weeks ago

This guy is free to do all the cowboy shit he wants in his own fork of the kernel. The problem is that he's trying to force his way with the main one without proper care for how much a small mistake of his could damage.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Just use the nointro romsets off archive.org. About as close as you can get to dumping the cartridges yourself.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

NoIntro Romsets on Archive.org for roms.

4chan's Emulation General thread wiki for emulators etc.

They only care as far as going after large targets running rom sites (archive is much more than that, so they skirt by) and emulation of modern consoles (they go after the devs). They will never go after an individual just direct downloading and emulating shit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Man, I remember ancient gmod addons released using (iirc) turtle svn so they could auto update. Was a wild time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Not upset, just thought it needed to be said.

It seems odd to expect people to realize this is largely addressing issues in mastodon when it is posted to Lemmy and the summary uses terms that are interchangable. Most people are not going to take the time to follow the link if they have a negative reaction to the summary.

In short, the summary is very easy for people to take as some sort of attack on the places they personally spend time in on the fediverse as lacking. I don't think most people look around on Lemmy and see evidence of what is being addressed as though it is an all encompassing problem, and so you get knee-jerk downvotes and that's the extent of the engagement.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Then perhaps this is not the correct audience for this piece.


Soichi Terada is a House music artist who was popular in Japan in the 90s. Outside of Japan, he's mostly known for his soundtrack work on the PS1 game Ape Escape.

This is one of his covers/arrangements/remixes, where he plays around with elements of another song. Not quite sure what to classify it as, otherwise I'd label it in the title.

I find his music to have a pretty distinct style, and I like using it as background while I study, code, or do other work.

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