
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks, this thread has been highly informative for me. I now know there's a little bit of vitamin loss from the canning process, so I should look into that.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

There was a time when I tried getting into cooking (mostly variations of rice and beans) and I ended up leaning pretty heavily on canned chopped/diced tomatoes too. I liked the different flavors you could buy, in terms of the seasoning that's put in the can, and you're right, you could put anything in it and it would taste good.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Haha yeah, the canned fruit is loaded with sugar from that extra syrup they add. I've been rationalizing it as at least I'm not drinking soda anymore, but I need to fix that too.

This is great info, though. Dried fruit is a good idea about ditching that sugary syrup. Plus, it's easier than canned fruit anyway. I have been avoiding the premixed canned stuff and I do eat a lot of nuts and seeds, but I don't do any dried vegetables. I'll start looking into trying those. They do sound like they'd be a good way to get more variety.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks! Yeah, I'll start trying to introduce frozen veggies into my routine. Never considered the pickled section of the grocery store, but I'll take a look there too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Thanks cool, that's good to know that I'm ok with the cans. I just have to start buying the low/no salt versions from now on, it sounds like. I'll probably try to start mixing it up with the other lazy healthy options too, though. If only for a little more variety.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for the recipe!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Thanks, I'll try getting the low salt versions of things I can, and trying alternatives too, like frozen versions. I thought about dried beans before too, so maybe I'll give those an honest go now. I was thinking they'd probably be just as easy as what I'm currently doing if you cook those in batch, and they'd probably taste better too.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Thanks for the alternatives ideas. I should try to mix up my "cooking" game a little, just to get a little more variety in my diet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah, that's the type of thing I was wondering about. Some weird chemical type thing or something that does damage over time. I haven't been worrying about it too much, but figured I should probably at least check before I knock too many canned meals back.

And yeah, this is metal cans I'm talking about.

For the microplastics, I guess I'm not too concerned with this if I can't avoid them anyway.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (4 children)

I forgot to mention that I also eat a sandwich or something with the canned food meal. Like peanut butter and jelly or something. And about the salt content, I rinse both the beans and vegetables off before I mix them. I'm pretty sure there's little to no salt left at that point, because I don't taste any.


I recently gave up eating takeout every night, but I'm too lazy to cook, which led to me replacing it with basically nothing but canned food. Like I'll mix a can of beans and a can of mixed vegetables together, put half in a bowl and put the other half in a container for tomorrow, put salad dressing on it, and then that's my dinner. I also eat a half can of fruit per day, because I found the shelf life and inconsistencies with produce to be too annoying.

On the one hand, I think I'm eating better than I was when I was doing nothing but takeout. My salt consumption has plummeted, and in general, I think the nutritional facts for my canned meal are better across the board than the takeout meals I was doing.

On the other hand, if there's some long term issue with eating too much canned food, then I'm definitely going to be affected by it. I was thinking cats lead pretty good lives with nothing but canned food, so maybe I'll be ok.

Anyway, am I going to die a horrible canned food death, or am I ok?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago

I don't know what to tell you. This change was more appropriate for Fedora and developers are bad at PR is basically the simplest way to put it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

They do have a robust testing process, but their main focus at the CentOS Stream stage is more about preparing for the stable RHEL build than it is about adding a ton of new features and bug fixes. Testing takes time so it would be physically impossible for them to test everything if they didn't have a limit on the type of contributions they accept. For bug fixes, their limit is that the bug has to be critical. For bugs lesser than that, the correct place to contribute those fixes is in Fedora.

That has been adequately explained in the merge request at this point, if you click in that link at the top of this thread amd read through it to get the latest info. The Red Hat devs have also made no indication that they're not welcome to contributors. Anyone who's saying that is blowing this merge request issue out of proportion.


Submitting a request for the ability to views users' instance info anywhere a username is displayed. So for example, in the posts list and comments list, a username would be displayed like this:

@[email protected]

If the user has set a display name, then still show the instance info, but remove the @ before the username to indicate that it's a display name, like this:

[email protected]

And have a toggle for this in the options so users can decide whether they want to display instance info next to usernames or not.

It's not that big of a deal, but I like having that extra little bit of info about users when I'm browsing through lemmy.


I'm a depressed web developer who's hypothetically thinking about a possible career change. The issue is I live in a rural area. I'm wondering what kind of new career paths would be available to me out in the country? Two I can possibly think of would be a welder and construction, but I have no idea beyond that. Plus there's the plethora of things I could possibly do online that Inhave no idea about.

I will most likely just stay as a work from home web developer, so don't worry too much about me. But still wondering what possible alternatives there are out there, if anybody has any ideas they wouldn't mind sharing.

I also realize that "rural" might not be specific enough, but I don't want to get any more specific than that for privacy reasons.

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