
joined 4 years ago
China Is Winning. Now What? (americanaffairsjournal.org)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

This is the stupidest comment I’ve ever read. Give me a break.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 week ago (7 children)

the important part is that if ad companies can listen then three letter agencies almost certainly are

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Being pro military and pro Israel doesn't mean these parties will be pro NATO. What's far more likely is that they'll try to build some kind of European military around France and Germany.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think it'll hobble along for a few more years, but I don't think there's going to be any faith in the project going forward. If Trump gets elected, he's almost certainly going to pull funding and force Europe to pay. That will in turn cause a bigger rift across the Atlantic. The liberal centre in France and Germany is already collapsing, and where they go the rest will follow.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think if US pulls money that will be the end, and US has to pick its battles at this point. Stepping up military investment is also driving austerity in Europe which is leading to a backlash against NATO. Hence why we're seeing nationalist parties gaining a lot of support. For example, RN in France and AfD in Germany are both openly hostile to NATO.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (7 children)

I personally can't see how NATO can last much longer after the Ukraine debacle.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago (1 children)

wow that's terrible, would never happen in an enlightened western country like the UK https://scheerpost.com/2024/08/30/human-rights-activist-sarah-wilkinson-arrested-by-uk-police/

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I recall there was an interview with the Belarusian ambassador last year where he mentions an interesting point. Belarus found that after they started refocusing their trade towards the east, their trade volume overall was lower, but their profit from trade went up. This is an indication that the west was basically ripping them off.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Seems like Kursk will likely end up being the deciding battle of the war once again.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Take that Putler!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

When a project is developed for a while, a lot of initial design decisions can become invalidated as business needs evolve. New features have to be added, and in many cases they go against original assumptions about how the project would be used. At that point you have to start making hacks and kludging new features in. This creates a lot of special cases and surprising behaviors making overall project brittle and hard to maintain. That's what's known as tech debt.

In an ideal world you would have time to do proper redesign to accommodate new features, clean up problems as you go, and so on. However, in reality there's usually just not enough time to do any of that so people just pile on features at the cost of overall development becoming harder and more error prone. This is a great discussion on the subject incidentally https://medium.com/@wm/the-generation-ship-model-of-software-development-5ef89a74854b

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

It's true that total consumption of energy in Europe down due to deindustrialization and growing recession because manufacturing in Europe is no longer competitive. However, the breakdown of energy that Europe imports hasn't fundamentally changed. It's not like new sources of energy have magically come into existence in the past two years.

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