
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

The only genuine hint to the real reason of the refusal was "minimal abstinence outside of hospital".

Let me ask you bud, if you needed a liver transplant to continue living, would you have even one drink per week, or would you just quit completely?

Very biased article.

Plus, regardless of her husband being compatible, it still costs the state tens of thousands for the operation. In no way would it be ethical to put a new liver in someone who refuses to completely abstain from alcohol.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

That's not weed, that's wee

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

Really feel sorry for the guy. Apparently the drinking was the only way to ease the physical pain he was in so much of the time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

I believe it's spelled "TURRRIST!"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

But if you do them all at once they cancel each other out

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

You gotta get one of those used crack pipes, otherwise you're missing out on the extra flavour

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

True. My caps lock is already my mute button. Now I'm going to figure out which keys to remap as copy/paste cause that's an awesome idea

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Ah but do you say it "Sue Doo" or "Sue dough"?

But I'm Finnish

Wait... Linus?


Ok, going for full controversy here. zsh = "zoosh" ssh = "shoosh" sudo = sue-dough

Before you achktually me, I know it's supposed to be "sue-DO", because the acronym stands for "superuser do", but for the life of me, when I see those letters together it just seems wrong to pronounce it that way.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

And every one is just a single block of text that the presenter reads out, slowly...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Check your neck for extra beard hairs, or your legs for knee high socks

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

What show / movie is this meme template from?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

You've just gotta dig out the mouse/keyboard combo that came with the Packard Bell you bought in 1996 from some dusty box in the attic / storage room at work


Last night I was nearly tearing my hair out trying to get a crappy inkjet printer installed when I turned to ChatGPT for help; 5 minutes later it was done (driver issues).

I realised that I use it a lot for all sorts of things but haven’t really seen any posts on here about it, and was wondering if other people do the same.

I’ve used it to create bash scripts, write small, niche python programs (eg sort photos into separate folders based on their orientation), and create cron jobs among other things.

In particular, I find it useful when I want to use a command line program that has a complicated set of options / syntax, but I might only ever want to use it once, or very infrequently. So I tell it what I want to accomplish, and ask it to give me the correct command to run with the options I specify in plain language.



Give me the correct rsync command to recursively copy all files in /home/user/Documents that are image files of any type but were created more recently than 1/1/2024. The destination is /home/user/foo


rsync -avm --include='*/' --include='*.jpg' --include='*.jpeg' --include='*.png' --include='*.gif' --include='*.bmp' --include='*.tiff' --include='*.svg' --exclude='*' --prune-empty-dirs --min-age=$(date -d '2024-01-01' +%s) /home/user/Documents/ /home/user/foo/


Break down the command and explain each part of it in dot point format.


- rsync`: Invokes the rsync program, which is used for efficiently transferring and synchronizing files across systems or within a system.

  • -avm:
    • -a: Archive mode, which preserves permissions, symlinks, modification times, group, and ownership. Implicitly includes recursion.
    • -v: Verbose mode, which provides detailed output of what rsync is doing.
    • -m: Prune empty directory chains from the file-list.
  • --include='*/': Include directories themselves, which is necessary for recursion.
  • --include='*.jpg' --include='*.jpeg' --include='*.png' --include='*.gif' --include='*.bmp' --include='*.tiff' --include='*.svg': Include files that match these image file extensions.
  • --exclude='*': Exclude all other files that do not match the previously stated include patterns.
  • --prune-empty-dirs: Exclude empty directories that result from the inclusion/exclusion pattern.
  • --min-age=$(date -d '2024-01-01' +%s): Exclude files that are older than the timestamp for January 1, 2024. This uses date -d to convert a date string into a timestamp, which rsync uses to filter files.
  • /home/user/Documents/: Source directory from which files are being synchronized.
  • /home/user/foo/: Destination directory to which files are being synchronized.`

It’s also really good for explaining concepts / commands in plain language.

It’s like having a 24 hour on call Linux expert :)

#Things to note:

- Get the subscription. ChatGPT 3.5 is pretty useless. ChatGPT4 is fine, but I’m pretty sure you need the subscription to access it.

- Give it pre-instructions. I have told mine what distro, what shell I’m using and the make and model of my laptop. If you have a subscription you can add these as permanent pre-instructions, so to speak. That way it will be much more likely to give you correct answers.

- It’s not magic In order to get what you want, you have to be able to ask the right questions. It will boost your ability but won’t turn you in to a 1337 haxx0r

-Ask questions As always, don’t run any commands that you don’t understand. Ask it to break down any commands it tells you to run if you don’t understand them.

-Sometimes it goofs For various reasons, sometimes it will ask you to install a package that no longer exists, or will give you a command that doesn’t work. When that happens, I just feed the error message back into ChatGPT and it usually is able to correct itself.

-Ask “Is there a better or easier way to do this?” This is probably the most valuable question I’ve found to ask chatGPT. Sometimes it gets so far in the weeds looking for a solution to a problem that you need to pull back and start fresh.


I know there was some project about this but haven't heard of anything for a while. Ewaste is such a crime; all of my devices are used or older purchases that are past their "cool by" date. I have an iPad 2 and iPad mini that function perfectly but aren't supported by apple anymore. Would love to get a second life for them instead of having to get rid of them for no good reason.

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