
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago

Thanks for that, I was starting to get hopeful for Britain. Only hope for that island is as a future Atlantis.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

You know and I know it’s the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country’s ever seen

I dare you to guess which one said this.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago (7 children)

An actual leftist British political party? Idk man, sounds antisemitic to me.

Who wants to bet on whether Corbyn will join? Idealistic and conciliatory as he was, at least Gaza was one of the good wedge issues he never seemed to back away from. He also got a lot of flak for his "Stop the War Coalition" thing for ending Ukraine's War.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

github(dot)io markdown pages are free and accouts require no personal information to create.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Tfw when you want to demilitarise the police, but the civilian police also sucks.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 6 months ago (1 children)

[Tankies'] positioning, further to the left than subreddits like r/communism, r/socialism, and r/Anarchism

Bruh r/communism is unapologetically gonzaloist, they're even further 'left' than we are lol

The figure doesn't even imply that, that sort of graph has no concept of "intensity" for positioning. The colours being different just means that (assuming it was well done) the red communities are more similar among themselves than the orange communities.

So their "further left" is just either a massive ass-pull or they actually think that their clustering model has an implicit politicalcompass system in the position of plotted clusters.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 6 months ago (3 children)

There's a sort of logic to having a weak military in Mexico. Their only land neighbours are the USA, Guatemala and Belize. Neither south neighbour is a threat, and despite the USA being really inefficient there's no way Mexico could fight toe-to-toe with them if they were directly invaded.

They also don't have any strategic overseas rival like an imperialist power would.

So not only can you save lots of budget in the military, but it also reduces the harm that a well-funded and organised military can be to the "internal enemy", which is usually poor, indigenous, black or otherwise marginalised people. (Usually with the cover of "combatting drug trafficking")

Bribing the military is also part of the CIA modus operandi for interfering in Latin America. Just look at the current investigation on the Bolsonaro coup attempt and how many of the relevant generals took part in the MINUSTAH.

But I also don't think the USA will ever be able to directly attack Mexico without gigantic repercussions to themselves. They're better off just doing another Allende.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 months ago

I think it might just be because Hexbear is "difficult to understand". If you pick random high score comments from there without context and show it to a data-driven nerd, I doubt they'd even be able to describe what's going on.

But since federation, at some point any (naïve) analysis of either forum will inevitably include a lot of posts from the other. This could be an actually interesting area for social network research (social dynamics between "native" and "foreign" users in an instance), but since there's no ready-made model for this in scikit-learn the Data-Driven bros will never risk actually doing research.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (6 children)

Besides being a fucking ugly graph where you can barely read the node labels, I also like that this one pretty much admits democrats are clustered along the other reactionaries.

They also don't describe how they even got that clustering (or the network itself) in the first place. I think it's safe to assume they either nicked it from the web or got an inexperienced intern to just do whatever with a Jupyter notebook.

Is it a network of "common posters"? Of links in sidebar? In cross-posts?

Data science is what happens when "programmers think they are experts in everything that deals with computers" is taken to its most extreme. This field needs a purge, for the sake of all actual statisticians.

Science is when you never show your methodology, because it came to you in ~~a dream~~ a linear regression.

Edit: why the heck is Anarcho_Capitalism plotted between Feminism, feminisms and Radical_Feminism?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 6 months ago (1 children)

It's not a real Onion article though. It's just an edit of this one about Al-Qaeda. Check the dates, it's the same one.


If you want a horror story, read this other article about his confinement:

He has not been outdoors—apart from a minute when police dragged him into a paddy wagon—since he took refuge in London’s cramped Ecuadorian Embassy in June 2012. The embassy’s French windows had afforded glimpses of sky. Here at Belmarsh maximum security prison in southeast London, his abode since April 11, 2019, he has not seen the sun. Warders confine him to a cell for 23 out of every 24 hours. His single hour of recreation takes place within four walls, under supervision. His paleness is best described as deathly.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Not sure how foreign media is reporting on this, but this seems like a huge event. One of the biggest non-aligned nations (both in population, size and economy), under their most conciliatory president, is cutting ties with Israel.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

This reporting is some "literally 1984" shit, with the guy thinking of the many ways the "perpetrators" could've been caught on camera in order to be punished for breaking an empty machine. Actually disturbing shit.

But then you read his bio and learn he's just another vampire. His stock portfolio is way more important to him than the drivers' jobs, the safety of the roads or the lives of the people who broke his little toy.

I worked on Google's car team in its early years and am an advisor and/or investor for car OEMs and many of the top startups in robocars, sensors, delivery robots and even some flying cars.

May this car be the first of many.

Well this is weird (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

source. Some of the usual anti-communist historical lies in the text, but surprisingly lucid WP.


Creator had his house firebombed earlier after a different video about gambling and money laundering, with similar links to Liberal Party politicians.

Reupload on odysee


Taken from this massive article from the tricontinental:


Debut organised by the Party for Socialism & Liberation in Portland.


cross-posted from:

Never have revolutionary conditions in Haiti been so favorable.

[...] To make matters worse, there is a good chance that Guy Philippe, the former “rebel” leader and senator-elect who just spent seven years in U.S. jails, will finally arrive in Port-au-Prince this week, perhaps as early as Jan. 31. Since his repatriation to Haiti in November, Philippe has been calling for revolution, organizing a militia, exhorting Haitians in rallies around the country and on social media platforms to rise up against “the system” and oust Ariel Henry, and to fight against “imperialism” and the MSS’s deployment. In response, a growing number of demonstrations, strikes, barricades, and civil disobedience actions have gripped Haiti.

Let's see if he maintains his public positions so far regarding the interference of foreign embassies.

Seems everybody is getting involved, and Kenyan police have been delayed. Even if it doesn't end up being a socialist revolution, this is still great news.


“Everywhere I have gone the masses agree that there has to be radical change in how the country runs,” he continued. “The system has gathered itself together to crush the people’s movement, this battle to get Haiti out of the ditch it is in. They all have united: the guys in power, the part of the oligarchy which always wants to continue with the policy of squeezing and sucking, a big part of the political class, all the small functionaries whom they have illegally named to the head mayors’ offices around the country, they have all put their heads together. The embassies are behind them. The foreigners [i.e. the U.S., France, and Canada] are with them. We only have ourselves. That’s why I’ve said from the beginning that the people are my only ally.”

“The revolution will happen. The revolution of 2024 is a reality. It will be done with the support of the Haitian people. We can’t be afraid.

“Don’t listen to people trying to lead you astray by saying that you don’t announce a revolution. Look at the Cuban revolution. How long did Fidel Castro talk about it? Since 1954, with the attack on the Moncada, he was talking about the revolution.”

“You don’t make a revolution with a coup d’état,” he said. “We are not making a coup d’état to take power. We’re here to tell the people that they are the motor of their own change. They have to understand that they have to participate and that it is their work.”

I'm not exactly trusting of Guy Philippe here given his history and the fact that he was somehow not "killed in an accident" while in prison in the US, but I can't see any downsides from his current actions yet.

Critical support to Guy Philippe, uncritical support for a new Haitian Revolution.

Wikipedia: Rotten to the Core (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Edit: apparently the author went full QAnon in 2020. This article is from 2018 and is reasonably well-researched, though it downplays the participation of the USA agencies and corporations in the astroturfing campaigns, but I needed to put forward this disclaimer regarding all her other content.


Original website wasn't working properly for me.

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