
joined 1 year ago

Initial Thoughts

Hello friends!

This is something that's been muddling around in my mind for a bit, in part because I now have a decent collection of DVDs, and I am starting get a digital collection of shows that are a bit hard to find. I'm also interested in the fact that there's a TubeArchivist plugin for Jellyfin, as media archival interests me and YouTube is starting to suck with Google's position on ad-blocking. It would be nice to be able to access this stuff anywhere as well, so creating a media/Jellyfin server seems like a good solution.

Thing is I'd rather have a physical server than pay a bunch of monthly fees for VPS hosting. Not knocking it of course, but on top of monthly fees I also have my skepticism about VPS hosts and if they're sharing data with people regarding my use of their service.

Completely wishful thinking setup

I'm not so much of a hardware guy as I am a software guy, funnily enough, but to give you an idea of what I would like here's my admittedly wishful thinking of what I'd like for a setup:

  • DragonflyBSD as the server OS, utilizing it's HAMMER2 filesystem and swapcache as I've heard great things about those.
  • Jellyfin, obviously.
  • NVMe SSD storage with some level of RAID.
  • Intel GPU, as I've heard they're very good at video decoding, but I've not looked into evidence of this.
  • Whatever CPU and RAM I can get good performance out of without wasting money.
  • Add it to the Wireguard network so I can watch stuff anywhere.

A few things with this:

  1. I don't know how up-to-date DragonflyBSD's dport of Jellyfin is, but maybe this is something worth contributing to.
  2. God only knows if the new Intel graphics card drivers work well on the BSDs. I know all of the BSDs basically just pull from the official Linux firmware for graphics (I think?).
  3. I'd have to figure out if any other hardware would not play well with DragonflyBSD, probably not too big of an issue but it's still something to look out for.
  4. Cost of hardware.

Wrap up

Overall it probably be just me and my wife who would use the server, mostly me. Maybe some immediate family, a few friends, maybe down the line use it for kids when we have them.

What are your recommendations?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Sure, I don't disagree. But you can't fire them simply because Islam isn't pro-gay.

But I need proof that Eich was going out of his way to specifically oppress the gays, not a "well obviously" or tangential claim. If he simply donated to some Republican who later turned out later to actually be anti-gay marriage, who's to say Eich didn't know they had that position?

And we don't even know if Eich is against gay marriage, no one here has shown proof of that. Should I assume you're possibly Islamaphobic because of your comment? I don't think I should.

We can't assume people's positions based on nothing tangible. It comes off as obnoxious mind reading. In fairness, the internet created these mind reading games all political sides do, because it gets attention and likes. If someone truly holds a disagreeable opinion, you should be able to sufficiently counter it. Granted, that's a whole different think when we're talking about being in the workplace.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

He was ousted in part because Mozilla is supposed to be and open and inclusive place to work,

So by "open and inclusive" that means "everyone has to have the personal opinions, even when they don't bring any of those opinions to the company?"

To clarify, I think gay people should be allowed to marry. I don't agree with the supposed position Brendan Eich has. I say "supposed" because you haven't provided any proof that this is his position.

Here's 2 great questions you should answer:

  1. Should Muslims be allowed to work at Mozilla?

Islam is very anti-gay, and if you've met any Muslim immigrants, I have, they don't think the gays should marry either. Among, uh, other things. Depending on age and where they're from.

  1. Should you be penalized/reprimanded/fired by your employer for having opinions they don't agree with?

Let's say this: you work for a Pakistani Muslim and in a workplace that's predominantly Middle Eastern and North African. He doesn't believe in gay marriage, you do. You donate like $50 to some LGBTQIA+ organization. Should your boss fire you?

Or let's be less controversial: you want to legalize all drugs and donate to a candidate who thinks the same. Your employer had a family member who died of a heroin overdose, and they're pretty anti-drug. Should they fire you?

Or lastly: you're a Republican. Your boss is a registered Democrat. Neither of you talk politics at work and you get along well and you do your job. Should they fire you?

hard to do that when your boss doesn’t believe you should be allowed to marry.

Was Brendan Rich going out of his way to tell any gay people at Mozilla he thinks they shouldn't marry? Was he bullying gay subordinates? If he was, yea, he should absolutely be fired. If not, it doesn't make sense to me for an employer to fire you for personal opinions you hold that don't effect your day-to-day job.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Hey now, spam is made of pork! What cuts of pork we're talking about, well, that's a different question.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Saves you whatever they marked up the price to for adding the "organic" label.