
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 45 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (10 children)

It has now been finalized as of yesterday, from what I understand. Previously it was a work-in-progress policy change they were still unsure about, and now it's decided that this is the way going forward.

I reckon sadly at least part of the reason will be that they are in a partnership with OpenAI, and feeding generated stuff into a GenAI breaks the model, so they need to keep SO as non-AI as possible.


Obviously, given the subject matter, I had to let ChatGPT generate a summary for this:

The Meta Stack Overflow post discusses a policy decision regarding the use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, on the platform. The key points include:

  1. Ban on Generative AI: The community has decided to prohibit the use of generative AI for answering questions on Stack Overflow. This is due to concerns about the quality and reliability of AI-generated content.
  1. Quality Control: The decision aims to maintain high standards for answers, as AI-generated responses may lack accuracy and context, potentially leading to misinformation.
  1. Community Feedback: The policy was influenced by feedback from the community, emphasizing the importance of human expertise in providing reliable answers.
  1. Future Considerations: The post suggests that while the current stance is a ban, the situation may be revisited in the future as the technology evolves.

Overall, the policy reflects a commitment to ensuring that the content on Stack Overflow remains trustworthy and valuable to its users.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Okay, and how would you address it? The limitation is easy to criticize when you can think in a vacuum about it. But in the real world, we'd need to find a way to change things that can actually be implemented by everyone.

Which usually means transformative change.


The big one here is IMO the change in respawn systems, from group respawn (the thing they custom-made for Season 7) to a more standard wave respawn system:

So those things were great, but the biggest problem with Group Respawn was how dying first often led to getting “buried” by a long sequence of teammates dying in a row, making your respawn time a lot longer. This meant their respawn times were generally shorter, but it also meant yours was longer. Wave Respawn fixes that by ensuring your respawn time will always be shorter than the default if another hero was already dead.

Though the statistic with group respawn is truly interesting, about how it made a much bigger difference in particular in the highest ranks. Which is curious, as you'd also assume that in those ranks, people would have known to stay back and wait for their respawning teammates, which in a way is all group respawn ever did, forcing that.


Excited as all hell, this looks really really beautiful in remastered. 😮

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

It's weird how little identity this has now, visually. The previous design was quite striking, now it looks easily confused for something else.

Maybe this works better with screen readers though since it's just black text on white background in simple text blocks.


If someone finds the dark mode or knows where I left my pair of sunglasses, let me know. 😑

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Yeah same. Since nothing comes even halfway close, might as well use it.

Plus, the thing is AFAIAC feature complete. So as long as Barry can keep working on bugs cropping up with new versions, I'm happy with what I got.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah it's because a separation can leave you in a really vulnerable emotional and mental place.

And assholes like Peterson or Jones or so are adept at latching onto that and subverting your perspective from the inside out. You'd think "Hey, that could never happen to me!" but it's difficult to know how vulnerable you'll be after a truly harrowing emotional experience - which a breakup can be in some particular cases even though between adults it really should not have to be - and once you're exploited, it's virtually impossible to realize how skewed your view has become.

Of course, this is separate from the often much more common case where someone was a nutjob from the getgo (like the guy in this article) and it just took their partner a while to realize that all the fame and money isn't worth living with someone so utterly deranged.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Personally I have been around longer than him but I used to like his stuff at first.

As I've coded more and more on stuff that is built not only on legacy code but specifically legacy code by coders influenced substantially by clean code... damn has this single author given me a headache like nothing else ever has.

The level of inane unmaintainability and complexity achieved by younger coders being encouraged or forced to code "clean" is remarkable.


Some more info in the Wikipedia article. And yes, this is about DC Solar, which I guess many americans will know but as someone from europe this was totally new to me.

Wild just how far he got running this shit.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Oh. Man imagine if they had not privatized such basic public services...

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Why YSK: Locking your credit with the main 3 places is not enough.

Someone explain to me what that means. You mean you have to ask different agencies when asking for a loan? Wouldn't you just talk to the bank you want the loan from?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Tentatively excited.

Liked CrossCode despite the rough edges. This looks like it's the same thing in more polished, so if it's as good as the trailer implies, I'll probably get it pretty quickly.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

Not even just bullshit marketing, rather on making someone rich a smidge richer. For weeks and weeks of figuring out how to solve a problem that the client could solve by just not insisting they can export every single view to excel and re-import from excel "because that's what I'm used to".

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Replace Youtube with Meetings, and it's spot on!


This is one of those genuinely funny bugs, tbh. I remember Singles 2, the slightly more naughty competitor from years ago, had a ton of these weird quirky interactions, like masturbating with guests around and stuff.


I mean, he's not wrong that the app wasn't ready. Which begs the question why they didn't un-roll-it-out. >.>


From the article:

"Play is an integral part of human evolution and learning," she says, mentioning that this is a topic she covers in her book. "Gaming, being the most refined form of play in our time, has much to offer. Instead of focusing on what gaming is not, it's more effective to showcase its true essence. The industry's effort to create a more diverse range of games, beyond merely violent and intense ones, will help showcase the broad spectrum of gaming as an expression of creativity."


Interesting bits:

Net bookings of €290.0 million, ahead of target of around €275.0 million

As Ubisoft progresses on expanding its presence in GaaS-native experiences, a strong pipeline of content for current Live titles was also presented at Ubisoft Forward


Ubisoft shareholders approved all resolutions on the agenda of its Annual General Meeting held on July 11 by a very large majority highlighting the strong confidence of the shareholders in Ubisoft’s strategy. In particular, the shareholders voted for the renewal of Yves Guillemot’s as director.



GOG link posted, Steam link is here. I tried a demo what feels like forever ago, neat little colony builder.


From the pdf:

After the Sun, the closest star to us is a small Red Dwarf star, Proxima Centauri. It is too faint to be seen without using a sizeable telescope. It is 4.24 light years away, so in our model, which is 1:1 billion scale, it is 40,140 kilometres away. This is approximately the distance around the circumference of the world from Melbourne to Melbourne.

That's extremely nerdy, I love it.


I like this. A lot. I mean as far as I can judge it just from the demo.

It looks like it'd be a quirky XCOM-like. Chimera Squad, but even more magic than the special ability in that. And in a lot of ways it is that, but it has this thing where you can see what the enemy will do on their turn, which in turn makes your turn a tight puzzle as you got near-perfect information.

And it's super well done. You can pull off these perfect turns constantly where no enemy can ever do anything and you control the entire momentum, and it feels cool. I hope they can keep that up as the team gets bigger, but so far it feels nice.

Plus, the writing is quirky as fuck and very fourth-wall-breaking, but also cool. The whole game gives off that vibe, what with one guy using an Assault Staff (basically an AR-15 but also a wizard's staff) and your witch having a tactical vest on and tac goggles on her witch hat.

Did anyone of you try it? Did you also like it? Definitely waiting for them to announce when it'll come out now.

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