
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I know that it’s not their fault, it’s the small size of the team

This part is directly Telegram's fault. If they cannot keep up with their moderation queue then they need a bigger moderation team. Preferably properly remunerated. There are news reports about how Facebook's sub-contracted moderators work for these extremely shitty companies who track them based on how many reviews a minute they do, and which causes extreme psychological damage to the workers both because of the extreme content they have to see as part of their jobs and the bad working conditions they must put up with.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 weeks ago

I don't even watch Anime but I still get bummed when news like this hits.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The one caveat to building is if you build a PC and a single component is faulty, you are now responsible for determining which component is to get the RMA done. That can be a big hassle. One time for me it was actually two different components that needed to be replaced by the manufacturers, and that was a pain to figure out.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 1 month ago (1 children)

There are numerous occasions where someone has a lingering question on Reddit that I see and know the answer to. It’s too bad it’s on Reddit because I no longer contribute to that website, and refuse to.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

Remembering the media hysteria after Bernie won Nevada's caucus followed by the relentless promotion and support given to Biden after he won SC with Clyburn's help. You could feel their collective sense of relief from cable tv heads that their taxes weren't going to go up transmit from the tv into your soul. They were laughing at us.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

Guo, who is also known by the name Miles Kwok, left China in 2014 during an anti-corruption crackdown that ensnared people close to him, including a top intelligence official.

Chinese authorities accused Guo of rape, kidnapping, bribery and other crimes, but Guo said those allegations were false and designed to punish him for publicly revealing corruption as he criticized leading figures in the Communist party.

He applied for political asylum in the US, moved to a luxury apartment overlooking Central Park and joined Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida.

Come on. It's too on the nose. I just have to assume that every allegation about this guy is true.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Maybe a few more bitcoin mining warehouses and datacenters for "ai" will offset this. Perhaps a few sweetheart deals where all available "renewable" energy gets diverted to such facilities, meaning traditional carbon-emitting sources have to be kept ramped up... maybe that will help. While we're at it, those sweetheart deals should be further offset by rate increases to everyone else.

Oh, and double while we're at it all the big tech companies claiming they're already or at least definitely on the way to carbon neutral by purchasing carbon credits should be allowed to do everything they want. This always bodes well.

In case it's needed: I'm being sarcastic.


For many, many years now when I want to browse a man page about something I'll type man X into my terminal, substituting X for whatever it is I wish to learn about. Depending on the manual, it's short and therefore easy to find what I want, or I am deep in the woods because I'm trying to find a specific flag that appears many times in a very long document. Woe is me if the flag switch is a bare letter, like x.

And let's say it is x. Now I am searching with /x followed by n n n n n n n n N n n n n n. Obviously I'm not finding the information I want, the search is literal (not fuzzy, nor "whole word"), and even if I find something the manual pager might overshoot me because finding text will move the found line to the top of the terminal, and maybe the information I really want comes one or two lines above.

So... there HAS to be a better way, right? There has to be a modern, fast, easily greppable version to go through a man page. Does it exist?

P.S. I am not talking about summaries like tldr because I typically don't need summaries but actual technical descriptions.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Dude that’s just way too on the nose. Please don’t agitate against your betters. They have money and are therefore better than you, don’t you know?

I’ve never seen the western propaganda machine be so obvious about it

[–] [email protected] 28 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Reminds me of George Lucas talking about how Soviet filmmakers had more creative freedom than American ones

[–] [email protected] 19 points 3 months ago (3 children)

big ass surprised pikachu face

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago

That would be the behavior of a rogue state.

ICYMI, Yuzu settled with Nintendo for $2.4M and tl;dr said that Yuzu's primary purpose was to aid and abet piracy. Nintendo won outright.


Archive link.

Some personal editorializing: This is a pretty remarkable first because of how captive we Americans are to pharma prices. Famously, when Medicare Part D was brought into existence by law it restricted the federal government from negotiating Part D drug prices. To me, shopping for drugs in Canada is tackling the symptom and ignores the cause. I wonder if this gets more traction with more states how it might affect drug prices in Canada, too.

The real solution to all this, of course, would be nationalize the healthcare industry in all aspects and to create a single payer healthcare system.


The way they talk about it makes it sound like they invented the written word, but that notwithstanding the fonts actually look really nice in my opinion.


There are a lot of good improvements and fixes in this release. As a remorseful Nvidia on Linux user, I am extremely excited that GAMMA_LUT is finally making its debut in the Nvidia driver. This means I can actually try to use Gnome Wayland at night with the night shift feature, assuming other Wayland issues are also resolved.


It is licensed under GPLv2


Say I define different contexts or workspaces. So in my address bar I can type work and it will open up 5 pages that will be associated to that keyword. Then I can type bored and it will open up my 4 defined pages associated to that keyword.

I am NOT asking about pinning pages to the start/home page, and I am NOT asking about loading websites when Firefox starts up (because I don't want to always load the same things every time I launch ffox). I am also not asking about pinning tabs.


Some context about this here:

the robots.txt would be updated with this entry

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

Obviously this is meaningless against non-openai scrapers or anyone who just doesn't give a shit.


tl;dr question: How do I get the Handbrake Flatpak to operate at a high niceless level in its own cgroup by default? I'm using Fedora Linux.

So if I understand things correctly, niceness in Linux affects how willing the process scheduler is to preempt a process. However, with cgroups, niceness only affects this scheduling relative to other processes within a cgroup. This means a process running with a high niceness in its own cgroup has the same priority as other processes in equivalent cgroups, and it will not in fact be preempted in a way one would expect.

So why does this matter to me at all? I have a copy of Handbrake installed from Flatpak. And sometimes I want to encode a video in the background while still having a decently responsive desktop experience so I can do other things, and basically let Handbrake occupy the cpu cycles I'm not using. Handbrake and the video encoding process should be at the bottom priority of everything to the maximum extent possible.

But it does not appear to be enough to just go into htop and set the handbrake process's niceness level to 19 and then start an encode, because of the cgroup business I mentioned above.

Furthermore, in my opinion Handbrake should always be the lowest priority process without my having to intervene. I would like to be able to launch it without having to set its niceness. Does anybody have suggestions on this? Is my understanding of the overall picture even correct?


PipeWire 0.3.77 (2023-08-04)

This is a quick bugfix release that is API and ABI compatible with previous 0.3.x releases.


  • Fix a bug in ALSA source where the available number of samples was miscaluclated and resulted in xruns in some cases.
  • A new L permission was added to make it possible to force a link between nodes even when the nodes can't see each other.
  • The VBAN module now supports midi send and receive as well.
  • Many cleanups and small fixes.
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