
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (1 children)

Also videos that weren't intended for kids but superficially looked like they were got involuntarily flagged as such and had their comments removed.

A separate site would have been a much better solution.


I just kind of wonder with how casually people express these thoughts. It's a little disturbing how normalized it is to entertain such notions, given how other types of fantasies are very stigmatized.

Like when discussing char.ai, acting out sexual or romantic fantasies is something a lot of people do, but it's considered embarrassing. While people freely discuss violent roleplays without any shame.

And then there's the cliche of fantasizing about killing one's boss or coworkers.

Are these really common thoughts for mentally sound people to have?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

If you liked Norsemen, try Lilyhammer.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

When you think about it, it's pretty unreasonable to expect the entire population to become educated and engaged about everything involving running a modern society. Modern government is incredibly complicated. It's no wonder that tribalism wins over nuance. Who has time for nuance when they're worried about their jobs and families?

That's why I'd like to see some form of sortition tried. Draft a jury to do nothing but learn about a single topic for a period of time. Make all of their contact with the outside world public record to ensure nothing shady is going on. Let representatives from all sides of the issue address them. Then let them make their decisions and go back to their normal lives. No campaign donors or political careers to worry about.


I've never heard of these candidates, they have no party affiliation, and there's almost no information about them online that I can find.

Are those positions just for people who work closely with those departments to vote on?

[–] [email protected] 31 points 6 months ago (2 children)

No, 9 months community service.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Aw, dang it, I thought that might be a character, but I didn't find it.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

So one dog is named Rǝx and the other is just "thǝ dog."

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago

The mode of a set of numbers is the number that occurs the most times in the set.

For example, in [1,4,4,4,5,6,6,7], the mode is 4, because there are more 4s than there are any other number.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai and Disco Elysium. Yeah, I could see that.

Anyone know what the game in the original meme is?


A lot of times, when people discuss the phenomenon of employers ending work-from-home and try to make their employees come back to the office, people say that the motivation is to raise real estate prices.

I don't follow the logic at all. How would doing this benefit an employer in any way?


I'm not a parent, but going by pop culture, it seems like literally every child has the same fears.

In pre-modern times, I imagine that they'd be sleeping in the same room as the parents, but if modern notions of privacy don't permit that, seems we could at least design an enclosed capsule or something.


Ask The World

[email protected]

Back on reddit, I really enjoyed participating in the various "Ask " subs, so I'd like to get something similar started here. This community is going to be for general questions for anyone from any country, not directed as a specific country. Ask about culture, lifestyles, geography, whatever you want to know that might be different in a different place.

I hope some of you will be interested. I'd really like to see Lemmy grow in general.

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