
joined 1 year ago

Was playing a bit of Stunt Car Racer for the Amiga this week, from 1989, and wondered how far back people are going!


I remember a few from various stages of my life (born 1984).

Seeing the demo footage of Sonic 2 in Woolworths and thinking the leaves falling down in Aquatic Ruin zone was so cool and advanced.

The original Sega arcade of Virtua Racing with the moving cars completely blew me away.

I remember my uncle loading up Cannon Fodder on his Amiga, and a REAL song with REAL music came out, along with REAL photos. I was amazed haha.

A few years on I remember a PlayStation demo disc having promo footage of the first Gran Turismo and it looked so real to me, I watched it over and over. The first Driver on PS1 looked absolutely amazing to me also.

[–] [email protected] 37 points 1 month ago (2 children)

The tiny thumbnail for this looked like a belly button on my phone, had no idea what I was tapping on at first

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

If the Mac has a Retina display then I actually found XFCE runs worst of the various DEs at native resolution. Not in terms of resources but very choppy scrolling, video playback etc. Gnome and KDE Plasma actually ran better than XFCE for me on my 15” 2012 retina.

Presume it’s some kind of graphics acceleration thing, not 100% sure.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

Excellent work, my favourite Mario Kart due to countless, countless hours spent playing at uni.

Need to set that bad boy to 4:3 not 16:9 for the aspect ratio to be correct though!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Definitely perfectly comfortable on Mint for day to day use… but would still struggle for anything that hasn’t got a GUI. Obviously can copy and paste commands but would like to be better than that.

This is installed on my old computer and I upgraded to a M1 Mac as my main one, so this is more a hobby project and learning experience than a daily driver.

Have had a lot of issues with previous installs from other distros failing, I think due to this Mac’s 2012 Intel/Nvidia hybrid graphics.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Can’t take any credit, but found this after doing some searching


[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Yeah, it’s nice!

I can’t take any credit for it, I found it here and figured out how to modify it slightly, mainly to remove the bits I couldn’t get to work.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Yeah, I foolishly shopped around a whole host of distros and DEs after seeing things on reddit and getting ideas above my station.

Most couldn’t even boot either the live USB or following install, and I didn’t really know how to find out why.

Others worked for a week or more before failing after an update and I hadn’t figured out Timeshift yet.

Probably my 2012 hybrid Intel/Nvidia graphics played a part if I was guessing.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

A lot of it seems at least partly deprecated, had to just delete a few presets I couldn’t get to show any data

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago


I’ve nuked and started again with Linux so many times at this point.

Did the usual ill-advised distro hopping instead of just using Mint, to see if the grass was greener… and it wasn’t.

So many distros couldn’t even load the live USB and locked up with a black screen.

Others would install… but then wouldn’t boot.

Others ran for various amounts of time before failing after an update.

At least now I’ve done what I should have done at the start and figured out Timeshift. If anything goes wrong again I’ll make sure I take the time to see if I can understand why, to learn from it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Yeah it’s plain old Conky.

Trying to be incredibly non-invasive and able to backtrack on anything I do. So nothing extra installed and no Conky Manager, all just using someone else’s conky.conf settings I found online, which I then tweaked (and removed some bits I couldn’t get working!)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Interesting. This was one of the many distros I couldn’t get to install on my 2012!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Others here with old Macs seem to have had a much smoother run than me!

You can absolutely run Linux like a champ on that machine, but for reasons I'm not advanced enough to know/understand I've struggled with even booting the live USB for multiple distros on my Mid-2012 15" Retina. Maybe it's the version of the hybrid Intel/Nvidia graphics on the model, I can't really say.

I'm currently writing this from Linux Mint on said Mac, and all is well; but I've experienced the following:

  • OpenSuse installer couldn't even be seen at startup manager
  • MX Linux would freeze during boot to the installer
  • Elementary OS wouldn't boot following install
  • Pop! OS installed the wrong Nvidia driver for the computer, and with the open source drivers stopped booting after running a few updates
  • Nitrux would freeze during boot to the installer
  • Ubuntu stopped booting a few days in after an update
  • Debian might have worked but wouldn't detect my trackpad, wifi or USB ethernet adaptor so I couldn't properly get it installed
  • Manjaro worked for a while but eventually failed after an update
  • ArcoLinux wouldn't wake from sleep running the live USB

I totally recommend Linux Mint overall. I've decided I like Cinnamon best, "it just works" far more than anything else I've tried. I consider it the closest to macOS in terms of being thought about from every angle and set up and ready to go as a beginner or as a more advanced user.

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