joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Compare to what Mozilla shows their users in a pop-up tab after the update:


Isn't it strange that it doesn't mention anything from the release notes on this page?

The only thing it does mention, Close Duplicate Tabs, isn't mentioned on the release notes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Interesting how the announcement contains neither mention nor screenshot of the new AI chatbot that appears to be in it...

I thought that was going to be an integral part of the sidebar. Are they keeping it turned off by default?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I support the things that the Mozilla Foundation puts on its website, even their manifesto. Even, begrudgingly, the insistence that we must balance the needs of human beings against the needs of corporations.

Even if those things contradict what Mozilla Corporation is doing with their browser.

But the Foundation is just a thin wrapper for the Corporation, so I'm not sure how that would work.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Look harder, I believe it's in developer settings.

But is IS nightly, this sort of thing is to be expected right

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

Still waiting for you to fix your grossly blatant lie which claims that Mozilla simply took a W3C proposal rather than crafting it with one of the most unethical companies on the planet.

Not only did you lie in an attempt to launder Mozilla's behavior through the W3C, but your lie was also used as an attack, not just some random innocent comment.

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 months ago

I take issue with anyone who misleads others, as you were doing. You should feel ashamed of yourself, you should correct your comment at a bare minimum, and you should consider an apology to those you have misled.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

So you admit you are being dishonest now, because your original statement was

They've taken a W3C proposal and implemented it. It's that simple.

You need to go back to your original comment and correct your wrong portrayal of Mozilla and the W3C. You need to name Mozilla and Facebook as collaborators in the creation of the standard, and consider apologizing to the people you misled.

[–] [email protected] -5 points 2 months ago (6 children)

The proposal was created by Facebook developers with Mozilla, and laundered through the W3C.

Please update your claim.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Except there's already a slough of those browsers.

Every other corporation has implemented the same AI chatbot features, and made it look prettier. I thought Mozilla was supposed to be beyond that, better than following the herd.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

If you look at the Mozilla community forums before they announced the AI feature, nobody was asking for it.

In fact, Reddit posts from earlier months leaned in the opposite direction, with people thankful that Mozilla had not injected unethical AI into Firefox.


Now that Google and Microsoft each consume more power than some fairly big countries, maybe it's time for 2024 Mozilla to take heed of 2021 Mozilla's warnings.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Unpopular opinion, but I use Firefox because I care about privacy and the spirit of the Mozilla manifesto, and this new enabled-by-default advertisement feature snuck into the browser is at odds with both.

Mozilla never even gave their users a warning in their browser, which is even worse than how Chrome handles it (also enabled by default, but they at least included a notification with a corpo-speak justification that includes similar language about "options" and "privacy".


There seems to be minimal information about this online, so I'm leaving this here so cooler heads can prevail in discussion.

Link to filing: https://archive.org/details/jyjfub

Notable portions:

Teixeira was hired as Chief Product Officer and was in line to become CEO.

Mr. Teixeira became Chief Product Officer (“CPO”) of Mozilla in August, 2022. During the hiring process, Mr. Teixeira had conversations with executive recruiting firm, Russell Reynolds Associates, that one of Mozilla Corporation’s hiring criteria for the CPO role was an executive that could succeed Mitchell Baker as CEO.

Also, shortly after being hired, Mr. Teixeira had conversations with Ms. Baker about being positioned as her successor.

After taking medical leave to deal with cancer, Mozilla swiftly moved to replace CEO Mitchell Baker with someone else.

Shortly before Mr. Teixeira returned from leave, Mozilla board member Laura Chambers was appointed Interim CEO of Mozilla and Ms. Baker was removed as CEO and became Executive Chair of the Board of Directors.

After returning, Teixeira was ordered to lay off 50 preselected employees, and he objected due to Mozilla not needing to cut them and their disproportionate minority status.

In a meeting with Human Resources Business Partner Joni Cassidy, Mr. Teixeira discussed his concern that people from groups underrepresented in technology, like female leaders and persons of color, were disproportionately impacted by the layoff.

... Ms. Chehak verbally reprimanded Mr. Teixeira, accusing him of violating [a] non-existent “onboarding plan” and threatening to place Mr. Teixeira back on medical leave if he did not execute the layoffs as instructed.

Mozilla's lack of inclusivity was a known problem

In February 2022, Mozilla commissioned the firm of Tiangay Kemokai Law, P.C. to assess its performance in providing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace culture.

The report delivered in 2023 from Tiangay Kemokai Law, P.C. states in part: “MoCo falls into the Cultural Incapacity category based on leadership’s inadequate response to the needs of a diverse culture or else the need to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture, which is reflected in current systems, processes and procedures, policies and practices, or the lack thereof, and are incongruent with MoCo’s stated values and goals.”

Steve Teixeira has been put on leave.

On May 23, 2024, Mozilla placed Mr. Teixeira on administrative leave.

Mr. Teixeira requested a reason for being placed on administrative leave.

Mozilla did not provide Mr. Teixeira with a reason why he was placed on administrative leave.

Mozilla cut off Mr. Teixeira’s access to email, Slack messaging, and other Mozilla systems.

Mozilla instructed employees not to communicate with Mr. Teixeira about work-related matters.

Upon information and belief, an investigation into Mr. Teixeira’s allegations was finally conducted in late May 2024, but Mozilla did not do so under its internal policies and procedures regarding managing complaints of discrimination. Mr. Teixeira was not contacted to participate in the investigation into his complaint of unlawful treatment.

Coverage online so far

~~I say "alleged" because there appears to be no consensus on the veracity of this document.~~

Update: this appears to be confirmed.

This has received no "news" coverage besides one angry loudmouth (Bryan Lunduke) whose entire commentary career has been shaped by his political beliefs, regardless of truth.


I recently downloaded Firefox Nightly and noticed some new settings that were enabled by default:

  • Suggestions from Firefox Nightly
    Get suggestions from the web related to your search
  • Suggestions from sponsors
    Support Firefox Nightly with occasional sponsored suggestions

Learn more about Firefox Suggest

The link in the UI doesn't mention sponsorships anywhere. But this page does:

Who are Mozilla’s partners for sponsored suggestions?

We partner with organizations to serve up some of these suggestion types... For sponsored results, we primarily work with adMarketplace, while also providing non-sponsored results from Wikipedia.

This page links to the adMarketplace Privacy Policy which makes it pretty clear this company is okay with collecting your IP address and passing it to further unnamed entities.

Elsewhere, they say Firefox sends them "the number of times Firefox suggests or displays specific content and your clicks on that content, as well as basic data about your interactions with Firefox Suggest", and then will share interaction information "in an aggregate manner with our partners".

Update: Switched the link from the Desktop to the Mobile version. Added more quotes from FF, and bolded info about their one named AdTech partner.


Today, when I navigated to amazon.com on Firefox for Android, I received a jarring message that I could "try" a new service, Fakespot, on the app.

Fakespot is littered with privacy issues.

Among other things, FakeSpot/Mozilla was forced to admit:
"We sell and share your personal information"

Fakespot's privacy policy allows them to collect and sell:

  • Your email address
  • Your IP address
  • Account IDs
  • A list of things you purchased and considered purchasing
  • Your precise location (which will be sent to advertising partners)
  • Data about you publicly available on the web
  • Your curated profile (which will also be sent to advertising providers)

Right before Mozilla acquired them, Fakespot updated their privacy policy to allow transfer of private data to any company that acquired them. (Previous Privacy Policy here. Search "merge" in both.)

People donate to Mozilla because they believe in the company's stated goals. Why were the donations put into an acquisition of a company with this kind of privacy policy? And why has Mozilla focused on bundling it as bloat into their browser? Now that Brave is in hot water for becoming bloated, Mozilla should buck the trend, not follow it.

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