
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Need to drop meat & dairy consumption in rich nations if we have any hope of managing climate change while we transition out of fossil fuels, which will take time.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago (5 children)

Likes are anonymous on YouTube.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 7 months ago

It appears racial anxiety is a well recognised term that pretty much describes the meaning I'm referring to.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Come to think of it, xenophobia doesn't really work as a fear of other races since that's associated with hatred as well. Is it like if it's common to hate something, we just disregard the capability for some people to have a genuine fear of that thing without hatred? Seems almost like black-and-white thinking. Either you're fully in support of something and not afraid of it, or else if you're afraid of it you must hate it as well. No middle ground or nuance or understanding of people who have a fear they're trying to come to terms with without any hatred.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago

Well, aquaphobia is the fear of water. That's a good example because another word actually exists to describe people who are afraid of water rather than just disregarding their fear because the word that might be used for it (hydrophobia) already means something else.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)

It's more like, if you use the word phobia for hatred in this case, that's fine, but then what is the word for having a genuine fear? What are those people called, who don't hate homosexuality, only fear it? They certainly exist and I feel like it should be a recognised thing rather than them having to either be called a term that doesn't apply to them in how it's used or have their phobia completely unacknowledged.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Who said fears need to be rational? I think people can be afraid/terrified of anything. Anatidaephobia (the fear of being watched by a duck or goose), for example.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

I couldn't find any record of this, could you possibly provide some reference?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago (1 children)

After researching your great word fuckerism (which I'm guessing you coined since I can't easily find mentions of it online), I found this: Sexual orientation discrimination (also known as sexualism) is discrimination based on a person's sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy.. This isn't entirely clear and could be interpreted as relating to "sexualising", which means to make something sexual, and "homosexism" might be more specific to discrimination against homosexual people.

We also have a related concept of gender binarism (or in some uses, genderism (such as here, here) (though genderism can also apparently mean the opposite thing, to negatively describe gender-non-binarism(?), or what is referred to as "gender ideology" by people with "anti-gender" prejudice)) to describe specifically discrimination of "gender nonconfirming" (or non-binary-gendered) individuals (rather than transphobia or LGBTphobia for the same lexical confusion theoretically). Anti-genderism also makes sense as a term for this, I suppose. Anti-LGBTism ([Anti-LGBT rhetoric](Anti-LGBTism [ could also work as a term for discrimination against LGBT people in general (horrific paper).

I also found a term, HOCD, which can mean excessive fear of becoming or being homosexual, though it can also literally means a form of OCD relating to homosexuality, but it's the closest thing to "fear of homosexuality" ("FOHO"?) that I found, albeit a form that only applies to a fear around one's own possible homosexuality rather than a fear of homosexuality in general regardless of one's own sexuality.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

"Autohomophobia – Hatred or fear of homosexuals, most often by members of the same community i.e. homosexuals."

Could have been but unfortunately I don't think it really fits based on that definition... I think it's like being homosexual and yet hating (or fearing) homosexuals. The type of person I described may or may not be homosexual (or closeted) themself, but is simply afraid of the concept, without the negative connotation of an implication of hatred.

However that reminds me that I was also wondering about what to call racism toward one's own race, since "internalized racism" seems to describe being racist to your own race as a result of discrimination that you've already experienced, almost like a Stockholm syndrome type thing where you begin to sympathise with your oppressor for a sense of safety or belonging (or something), but someone can certainly be racist toward their own race even if they've never experienced discrimination based on their race before and even if they're not generally a discriminated race.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (15 children)

I appreciate what you're saying, certainly someone could claim to be just afraid of homosexuality while using that as a cover for actually hating it or being prejudiced against it or homosexual people. But I think bigotry, meaning "obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group", doesn't exactly fit the hypothetical I described of a person who's just afraid of the concept without harboring any hateful feelings or displaying any discriminatory behaviors toward it. Shouldn't we help that person come to terms with their fear and be understanding, while certainly helping them to tackle that fear (without accusing them of doing something wrong, presuming that they weren't hypothetically)?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 8 months ago (1 children)

I see what you mean. I guess it's hard though because currently they can already say that (they aren't afraid of gay people and therefore aren't "homophobic" if interpeting the word literally, but they just hate them), whereas if there was a word that meant hatred of gay people, they would have to admit they are that thing instead, which would then be viewed worse by society in a similar way to racism or misogyny etc. If a word existed for it, they would have no recourse but to admit that even if they aren't technically homophobic (though they are by the common understanding and usage of the word), they are still word that means hateful/discriminatory toward gay people. And if there's no distinction, I don't know what we can say to people who aren't hateful but just afraid of the idea of homosexuality. What do they tell their therapist? "I have a fear of homosexuality and/or gay people but I don't hate it/them"? That's a mouthful and a simple word could suffice couldn't it?


Is there a law preventing me from for example selling a baseball hat for $20,000?


HELLO amazing helpful Lemmitors (Lemmians... Lemurs. Whatever). I hope I can explain this clearly. I desire a pair (2) of PlayStation 2 controllers which work wirelessly via the SAME wireless dongle stuck into BOTH PS2 controller ports at the same time. This allows me to turn one off while my friend on the other side of the room turns theirs on in order to switch who's controlling player 1 for taking turns in single player games without having to throw one controller back and forth across the room. You may laugh but I have managed to find and purchase a controller that does exactly this off eBay, which is a ProGamer (brand) PS2 wireless 2-controller set with a single dongle that splits into 2 wires and plugs into both controller ports simultaneously and does exactly what I described. The problem is one of the controllers has a faulty analog stick that doesn't activate when going left, and I can't find this brand or this type of controller or anything like it to replace this set up. If you have any thoughts or solutions I would much appreciate it. Thank you 💚

And I should note that I'm unconcerned about the quality of the controller since my main requirement is for it to simply function properly and work in the ways I described. Thanks



Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

The Hobbit, or There and Back Again (the book)

And before you say "alternate title", since these supposed alternate titles are included in the full version of the main title (even if it's usually not listed in full), how does this differ from "true" alternate titles that replace the entire main title?


Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey vs Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn

Into the Deep vs Yakamoz S-245

And then there's the standard sub-titles, for example:

Captain America: The First Avenger

(Sorry for my lazy title choices but I couldn't think of any others)

It seems like we have 3 things here: an "or" title in the name (alternate title which is included in the full version of the main title), a completely different alternate title that replaces the main one, and a subtitle following a colon after the main title. Are there different names to distinguish these different types of titles??

Also can we talk about how sub-title is used to mean closed captions as well as "sub-name" (sub-title used in this context)? It makes it impossible to search about because most people understand subtitle to mean closed captions, I think.


humane having or showing compassion or benevolence.


I feel like I would make use of it more if I could do it again. Maybe that's weird, I don't know.

Edit; To ask more of a question. What would you do differently?


Hearing the movie is getting bad reviews. But Snyder says the director's cut will be a completely different movie with a different vision. I admit Zack Snyder's Justice League (director's cut) was much better than the theatrical version and quite different (though I had mostly forgotten the original by then). Not sure if I should just watch this movie now or wait for the director's cut for a better experience. Impression Blend on YouTube said it was ok.


Copied from a Reddit post:

Platformer/3rd Person Shooter Hybrids

So I want to discuss about platformer shooter hybrids, and the questions I have about it.

Why aren't there more of these?

Ratchet & Clank is the quintessential Platformer/Shooter hybrid (as well as the Jak and Daxter/Jak games after the first one), but how come there aren't more games like it?

Here are a few guesses:

RAC wasn't always the most popular thing outside of the States, they couldn't surpass the sales of Mario, the charm of sonic, nor the popularity of Crash. They never peaked until they outlived their neighbors: Jak, and Sly, or now with Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.

It's hard to fuse 2 genres with conflicting themes associated with them: One with colorful characters and cheerful worlds, and another with gritty characters and serious stories. The result would likely result in an "Edge platformer" the likes of Shadow the Hedgehog.

Aside from the big names, platformers were dying in the 6th gen, they were becoming less and less common, making a new platformer IP would definitely be something companies would not really want, on top of that shooters are becoming increasingly multiplayer based, with platformers being a predominantly singleplayer genre.

Here are some other 3rd person Platformer/Shooter Hybrids I know of (other than R&C / J&D):

• MDK and its sequel predated Ratchet & added platforming elements to a 3rd person shooter

• Blasto and Jet Force Gemini mix shooter elements into Mascot-style games

• Later Sly games added gunplay, but not much shooter elements.

• There were a few games that tried to cash-in on R&C, some good, like Metal Arms and others not so much like Ruff Trigger.

• Sunset Overdrive is developed by Insomniac, however is more action-adventure than platforming, like Recore.

• There are also some indie titles like Cloudbuilt and Onirism. I'm looking for more of these.

I have tried every single of these games, and even some others barely scooting into the category like Rayman, Automaton Lung, Splatoon, or Returnal, and mostly unsatisfied (though the two 3D Raymans are good).

Looking for more 3rd person shooter/3D platformer hybrids!


An example is that I generally despise Jordan Peterson and most of what he says, but I often quote one thing that Jordan Peterson said (in the linked video) because I think it's a good summary of why toxic positivity doesn't work.

People (who hate JP) freak out when I quote him and say "Why tf are you quoting Jordan Peterson? Are you a insert thing that Jordan Peterson is?" And I'm like "No, I generally disagree with him on most points, aside from this one thing." But they don't believe or accept it and assume that I must be a #1 Jordan Peterson fan or something.

I think it can be considered a partial agreement, majority disagreement. Or a partial agreement with a person you generally disagree with. But I'd be open to other terms of how to describe this in a way people can understand.

Also, to avoid the controversy of referencing Jordan Peterson, if anyone has a better summary of the same concept explained by a different person in a way as well as he does, that would be appreciated too.


Such as "money can't buy happiness" or "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger". Generally a false adage or something like that. All I could think of was "fallacious bumper sticker" which just sounds stupid.


Please prove me wrong and suggest me some modern ones that stand up to the older ones.

Also, why are there no 3rd person shooter/3D platformer hybrids aside from Ratchet & Clank / Jak series? This seems like an untapped genre hybridisation that works well together. Like literally why is no one making games like this. I would love some examples of 3rd person shooter platformers to prove me wrong again.

Edit: It's not a nostalgia thing. The quality of the PS2 platformers was actually better. Even ones I discovered recently that exist on PS2 or that I hadn't played before. If I compare them side by side with modern 3D platformers, they look like s*** compared to the PS2 ones. And case in point, there are literally no open world 3rd person shooter-3D platformers with detailed worlds/graphics outside of PS2 (that I know of) and those are the kinds of 3D platformers I enjoy most... give me an example to prove me wrong. Ok technically I know of a few examples which meet some but not all of this criteria (only because I've looked far and wide for them) but they're very basic and nowhere near as intricate as these games.


An example would be a version of the trolley problem where you can either allow the track to remain on its current path which is empty, or divert it to harm an individual unnecessarily. This is a choice between a universally good outcome or a universally bad outcome.

Whereas the typical trolley problem is an ethical dilemma since both options are harmful and neither are ideal so it's choosing between 2 bad outcomes.

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