
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

My pleasure. I regularly put notes in my password manager about stuff like this.

Have a good day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Can you maybe add a note to the account in your password manager to remind yourself of the limitation? I dunno, I'm just some guy

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 days ago

Hey, stop trying to be logical. These people don't understand it, and that's mean.


[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago

Ironic. Amirite?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (11 children)

There's a whole subset of idiots that believe that you need to expose yourself to harmful shit to have a strong immune system. (See: all the people licking toilets and crap during lockdown)

There's some credible science to it, in the way that, an immunization is literally putting "harmful" stuff in you to train your immune system. This is known science that I should be able to mostly hand wave around since most people already know this. Immunizations are usually focusing on a key indicator, eg, for COVID, it's the protein on the outside of the vital cell wall (all the spiky bits in the illustrations) or whatever.... I'm no scientist. For other viruses and bacteria, it's a deactivated version of the virus... It's essentially "dead" for all intents and purposes. It just resembles the virus so closely that it effectively trains your immune system to recognize it.

With all that being said, not all bacteria and viruses are something we can develop a natural immunity to, partly because some of them just kill us, partly because there's something that is preventing it. Again I'm not a scientist.

Regardless, these idiots think that by exposing yourself to "natural" viruses and bacteria, you can strengthen your immune system. Bluntly, it's possible to do that, and why the fuck would you want to do it that way? It's literally a randomized version of a science we already have that's tried, tested, and proven effective, called immunizations. With immunizations, you get all the benefits of surviving the horrors of some of the most nasty viruses and bacteria out there, without suffering through what those viruses and bacteria are going to do to you.

The whole thing is stupid.

If anyone argues about "good" bacteria, tell them to eat yogurt. FFS.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

This.... Is actually a pretty good idea.

There's a few meme images around that Celsius is how water "feels" and Fahrenheit is how people feel (and Kelvin is how atoms feel), which isn't entirely off base....

But frankly, I would support human scale more than Fahrenheit. I live in a country with Celsius, and my only real gripe with it is that whole degrees are not very precise. You have to go to half-degrees, or even 1/10th of a degree to get reasonable precision on temperature.

Just seems like the human scale would work well for 90% of use cases, aside from science where we should be using either Celsius or Kelvin.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

I should rephrase.

Instead of "massively overpriced" I should have said "way outside of everyone's budget"

Still overpriced, but the cost is low enough to actually afford it.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 week ago

I agree.

Everything needs to rise IMO. Except for the highest levels of management.

My job in 2016 paid 90% of what I make now. Inflation in that time has been around 25%, and I've only increased around 10%...

Minimum wage is far worse, I know this, but just because minimum wage needs to increase doesn't and shouldn't imply other areas don't also need to be increased.

I'm in a more senior position, and I've changed jobs at least three times to get where I am now. If minimum goes up, I won't be angry about it, but I will be left wondering why I'm not also getting more.

Companies need workers and wages have been stagnant, and plenty of working people who used to be middle class, are now homeless, despite still being employed.

The whole situation is fucked and the only people profiting out of everything are the wage theives at the top and their shareholder friends.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

It humors me that we're making the housing market so unaffordable that "tiny homes" are a thing. They're smaller than ever and it's literally the only thing that's not massively overpriced.

I thought that's what condos were supposed to be. Somewhere between apartment living and a full house (townhouse/semi-detached/fully detached).... Do people really care that much about having a lawn?

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I almost thought this was going a different way. I'm happy to be wrong.

I imagine some capitalist, right-wing fucker is screaming at their screen going "nu-uhhh" and furiously typing that you're wrong despite having done zero research.

I'm employed, and I live like I'm in poverty. As much as I want to lift up the homeless, I would also appreciate fair wages for the employed.

Since rent/housing has gone insane, I'm having a hard time making things work on the money I'm making. I'm well over the "poverty" line and I can't afford to put fuel in my car and buy name brand products, even if I wanted to. Products like.... Idk, Campbell's.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

How dare these people wanting to improve the life of the poors by giving them handouts. For shame.

*I'm a "poor" and I approve this sarcasm.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago (2 children)

So ... People who have billions of dollars sitting around doing jack and shit, are ruining the economy?

That actually checks out.


Looking for some advice here, I'm out to complete two things:

  1. restore saves from the games I played using the stock firmware to GarlicOS
  2. get two player/two controllers working for couch gaming over HDMI

Specifics: I picked up a 16G microSD for the OS, and a 64G for ROMs, pulled the original (kinda garbage) SD and replaced it with the 16G that I loaded with GarlicOS. I copied the relevant roms that I loaded onto the original SD to the new set and moved the save files ( .sav) over to the saves folder in the relevant subfolder. Launching the game results in a blank save. I can't continue the save.

For dual controller/two player, I haven't tested HDMI yet (on the list) I'm just trying to get controllers working at the moment; I have an Anker USB 3 hub. What works right now, is if I plug my Stadia controller in, it gets picked up, no problem. but my xbox controller will mess everything up. If I just do my OTG adapter to the stadia controller, it works, OTG to hub to stadia, no problem. If I either go OTG to the xbox controller, or OTG to hub to controller, it does not come up in GarlicOS. If I plug OTG to hub to both controller, neither shows up. I added waitForUSB (I also tried waitforUSB) file to the OS SD card, with no effect (the file still exists).

With stock, I was able to use a controller (just the stadia controller), over USB OTG with HDMI, so I know that works, and it should still work. The Xbox Controller I'm using is almost brand new, it's an XBOX One controller, connected by a USB A to C cable, I picked up 10ft cables from Anker for the purpose. I'm fine with wired, but I also have a USB xbox wireless dongle for PC that I can't seem to find right now, and I'm wondering if that would do any better (and I would prefer this since it would be wireless).

Does anyone have any hits or tricks or information related to this that I can use to push this along? is the new series of xbox controllers not compatible? do I need to change the drivers or something to make it work better? I'm new to retroArch, and GarlicOS, and the 35xx is my first dedicated retro handheld. I'm refreshingly not new to linux or SBC's, so I'm very comfortable with making changes and taking chances. All my saves are archived on that original SD card, and I have a backup on my laptop, so I'm not worried about losing saves or data at all. If the controllers are not viable, I'm sure I can find something that works and pick that up, maybe something from 8bitdo.

Thanks in advance.


Two subreddits I used to be very active in were for techsupport and networking/home networking. Anyone know if there's Lemmy communities for the same?

Also, related, is there a way to list communities available from a specific instance? Like if I wanted to see all communities local to or something (that's not my local instance), can I do that? If so, how?

I'm still getting used to the fediverse way of doing things, I love it here, I'm just having trouble getting myself up to speed relative to all that I was subscribed to on Reddit.


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