
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Some of the videos of this are really frustrating to watch. Like, what are you trying to do!? You just found your spot, now you're coming back out?? More circling, stopping, going back, going forward. Uughghhh..


The following command works even though I really don't think I should have permission to the key file:
$ openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -in etc_backup.tar.xz.enc -out etc_backup.tar.xz -k /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key

I'm unable to even ascertain the existence of the key file under my normal user. I'm a member of only two groups, my own group and vboxusers.

The permissions leading up to that file:

drwxr-xr-x   1 root root 4010 Jul 31 08:01 etc
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root      206 Jul 14 23:52 ssl
drwx------ 1 root root    26 Jul 31 14:07 private
-rw------- 1 root root 256 Jul 31 14:07 etcBackup.key

OpenSSL isn't setuid:

> ls -la $(which openssl)
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1004768 Jul 14 23:52 /usr/bin/openssl

There don't appear to be any ACLs related to that key file:

> sudo getfacl /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
[sudo] password for root: 
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
# owner: root
# group: root

> sudo lsattr  /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key
---------------------- /etc/ssl/private/etcBackup.key

Finally, it's not just the case that the original file was encrypted with an empty file:

> openssl aes-256-cbc -d -pbkdf2 -in etc_backup.tar.xz.enc -out etc_backup.tar.xz -k /etc/ssl/private/abc.key
bad decrypt
4047F634B67F0000:error:1C800064:Provider routines:ossl_cipher_unpadblock:bad decrypt:providers/implementations/ciphers/ciphercommon_block.c:124

Does anyone know what I've missed here?


Zoom is vital to my job this month and prior to an update last week I had the openSUSE version of Zoom's RPM installed and working fine.

I updated my Tumbleweed installation to openSUSE-20240704-0 last week, after which Zoom started crashing when sharing a screen. There was a message in the logs about the library and I thought I could fix this by backing out either the update for the libQtQuick5 package in particular, or just booting from the pre-update snapshot.

To make a long story short, I ultimately installed the Zoom Flatpak and resolved to get back to this when I had a bit more time.

My question - Can people suggest the right way in openSUSE Tumbleweed to handle the situation where an update breaks something on the system?

Assuming libQtQuick5 was the updated package that was at fault here, is there a way I could have downgraded just that package? Would booting from the pre-update snapshot and then just carrying on with my week have been a reasonable way to proceed?

To be clear - I'm not so much concerned about Zoom, I'm more curious about how to use the openSUSE Tumbleweed tools to recover from updates that cause problems.

Thank you!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I ordered mine from and they happily shipped to Canada. It has worked fine in Canada, the US, and Barbados (eSIM and physical SIM).

I like the phone a lot, but whenever it's talked about I'm surprised how many people feel the urge to chime in on why it wouldn't work for them.

I'd say my biggest gripe is lack of accessories. I paid the huge price for the official screen protector twice. They both cracked relatively quickly and there are pretty much no other options. I'm using a flexible matte-finish screen protector from Amazon now, but it scratches really easily and will slide around on the screen if I keep my phone in my back pocket.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

When you put about:support into the Firefox URL bar, do you see evidence that your GPU is being used? I'm not sure which settings, exactly, would indicate that, but mine, under "GPU #1" has "Active: Yes."

Lots of GPU-related options are also disabled, but I still get a smooth Google Earth experience.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I've reconsidered my view of Anker being a quality brand. I bought a USB C hub of their's that was supposed to provide 100W power delivery, but it couldn't keep a 65W Dell laptop happy. So, I powered the Dell separately and still used the hub. After a while the display port started to cut out.

I've also bought a USB C PD cable of their's that was supposed to support 100W power delivery. With my 85W MacBook I noticed that the cable was starting to get hard (non-bendy) spots in it. Soon after my MacBook would report being unplugged when I did anything that would draw significant power.

Ok, so I go over to Amazon and start looking at reviews that are 2 or 3 stars and holy shit. I got the distinct feeling that these were the real reviews. They're not good.


I'll be emailing the site admin... or some contact at the site, but, is there anything else that can be done to try to put pressure on these websites that tell me "you're not getting the best experience... download Chrome."?

I know Firefox has a "Report a broken site" feature, but, the site isn't technically broken. They're just telling me to switch browsers.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

I'm loving the new camera update and I don't have anyone to tell... I think it's awesome they're doing this for a previous-generation phone.


cross-posted from:

I have a very specific questions about Linux Traffic control and u32 filters in particular. However, I don't know where the right place is to ask such a question as it's fairly niche.

The Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control site says it has a mailing list for questions, but the last post was from 2019. There is also the incredibly busy 'linux-netdev' mailing list, but, the traffic there looks like strictly source changes.

Any ideas?

The question I'm trying to find an answer to is: The u32 tc filter seems to support negative byte offsets which allows you to examine the Ethernet frame header (I don't think I even found documentation on this, this is thanks to ChatGPT). However, when using u32 values to examine 8 bytes I can only use offsets in increments of 4 - like "at -8" or "at -12", with any other increment giving me the error Illegal "match".

This seems like only a curiosity, but, I've been struggling to get my bit-matching to match the way I expect, and I'm wondering if this suggests that matching doesn't function the way I think.


I have a very specific questions about Linux Traffic control and u32 filters in particular. However, I don't know where the right place is to ask such a question as it's fairly niche.

The Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control site says it has a mailing list for questions, but the last post was from 2019. There is also the incredibly busy 'linux-netdev' mailing list, but, the traffic there looks like strictly source changes.

Any ideas?

The question I'm trying to find an answer to is: The u32 tc filter seems to support negative byte offsets which allows you to examine the Ethernet frame header (I don't think I even found documentation on this, this is thanks to ChatGPT). However, when using u32 values to examine 8 bytes I can only use offsets in increments of 4 - like "at -8" or "at -12", with any other increment giving me the error Illegal "match".

This seems like only a curiosity, but, I've been struggling to get my bit-matching to match the way I expect, and I'm wondering if this suggests that matching doesn't function the way I think.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 8 months ago

I don't know if this is related, but occasionally I get some new insurance quotes just to make sure I'm not missing out on any deals, and this year I'm being asked for all sorts of details I've never been asked before. I've been asked for pictures inside and out, documentation from the county, information about my pets, specifics about my roof material, letters from past insurers.

I've been with three different insurance companies in the past and it was always just basics like square footage, distance to fire hall. I get the feeling these companies don't really want my business, but they also don't want to tell me no, so they just send me on irritating errands to get strange info for them.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I think most people waaay under estimate the risk of reusing passwords. I don't know if that's what happened here, but in the security incidents I've seen there will often be the initial "No, I only use this password for banking!" and then "well... it's just for my important accounts." I've also seen the misconception that a complex password means it's ok to reuse it.

The other thing I've seen is people just mashing "agree," "ok, "yes," or any kind of prompt. This probably isn't what happened here, but with device-based 2FA, like when Google sends you an "Allow device?" message, it's pretty easy for someone to just mash "Allow" so they can get back to whatever it was they're doing.

I don't want to come off as victim-blaming, or as overly sympathetic to a big bank, but at some point I think it's fair to expect individuals to have their own shit in order. I think a reasonable step towards this is that consumers should start demanding safer devices and software.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

It's not immediately obvious how snow pack differs from rain (and not that I'm claiming to know all the ways), but you see it in ponds, sloughs, and dugouts. Once the ground thaws in the Spring, rain doesn't do much to replenish these bodies of water. It's the initial melting of snow that fills them, as the water runs until it hits a spot where it can collect. So, a dry winter can affect things for the entire summer.

We didn't have much snow last winter, and this summer - and continuing to today - we've had a lot of thirsty animals around our house. We've started putting rocks in the dog water dishes because we'd wake up with mice that had drown in the bowls over night. Deer drink from our birdbath, and this summer any standing water was getting swarmed by bees.

I'm not old enough to say "it's never been this bad!" but, things definitely don't feel right.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Ok, sure, but... what about the drought? We'll live in a dusty wasteland but have our veggies, which we water from... uhh..

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Sublime?! What packages are you running with that?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Oooh, don't do the Pinebook Pro. I think anything Pine64 isn't unsuitable for a non-tinkerer to be using. Also, if there's DRM content involved (unsure on Hulu), you'll probably want to stick with an x86 CPU.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Agreed on the latency issues. I tested SMB and NFS once and found them to be pretty much the same in that regard.

I'm interested to test iSCSI, as for some reason I think it might be better designed for latency.

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