joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

That's because it was part of a scrapped movie in the franchise. It wad going to be called Shrek's choice with Shrek being played by Meryl Streep

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

You can only pick one.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Your uncle sound like a well cultured man

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

But the unprocessed Salami will suck my dick. So

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago

I didn't know that. I've only known them for like the last couple of years. Granted, in 2013 I wasn't on the Internet yet.

[–] [email protected] 43 points 3 months ago (2 children)

I love the Poland balls.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago

This thread has been so weird for me because apparently something I've always done without ever giving any thought to is weird to people. I don't give a fuck. It's all in jest, anyways.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

No it doesn't. Milk can stay cold for ages. Like I would have any meal gone within 10 minutes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (6 children)

I just like having milk with every meal. I don't like water and having dinner with a fizzy drink is just wrong.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (6 children)

I mean, I just annoyed that milk isn't even an option in a lot of restaurants. It's something so basic, like.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 months ago (4 children)

He is owning the libs by drinking milk. Don't you know how leftists are trying to get milk banned? As a leftist this post made me so angry that spontaneously combusted and now I am dead/s


It's something I've seen slowly starting to emerge over the course of the last year or so. Maybe even longer. There's accounts that post stories to designed to shock people into thinking India is a terrible place. Like I get it. India does have issues. And it does have issues with sexual violence as well. But its a shame those conversations seemingly cannot be had without resorting to racism. I hope this site us different.


For me it's always been a huge issue. I am not even that old but I've still noticed a massive change in how autism is seen from when I was growing up until now.

Many people didn't fully understand what autism was and I was just blanked with the term "special needs". A term I hate with a burning passion. I only realised this as I entered adulthood but I was always told that I a different but never really told how. I knew that it would be more difficult for me to learn, I knew I would have meltdowns and I stim. That's it. And that lack of knowledge lead to me having such an internalised ablist few of myself. It saddens me when I realise that 14 year old me deep down thought of themselves as weird freak.

I could go on and on about my experiences as a teenager but this post can only go on for so long. I suppose the biggest thing was not being told about executive dysfunction. I was the brightest in my class but then it became impossible to get myself to study. My grades started declining. I would get upset and then my inability to focus and study made me feel an intense self loathing. It got to the point where I would frequently have meltdowns and punch myself in the head. When that happened I would just be sent home or suspended. The process would continue without my school or parents trying to get me any help. They all just brushed it off as my autism. And I was told repeatedly that I should be grateful that I wasn't expelled. Naturally, my repeated meltdowns lead to people avoiding me which worsened my self esteem which made it even harder for me to study which lead to more meltdowns. I was constantly just sent home.

Looking back. If one person just explained to me what executive dysfunction is the first time I had a meltdown. I dunno, my life would be completely different. No one ever told me this. I had to figure all this out about myself by myself.

Being able to understand yourself and how your condition affects you is important. I have myself fallen into pits of intense self loathing because of it and I've sadly seen other people on the spectrum do so as well.


I dunno. Been improving my mental health lately and it doesn't seems to that there's so many subs on reddit where the only purpose seems to be wallowing in misery.


So many people that take psychology courses end up working in the advertisement industry because that's where the jobs are if you have a psychology degree. Very few people sit back and think about the implications of the scientific study of the mind being used by companies to distort peoples perceptions and make them buy things.

They are literally trying to control our minds. It's not a conspiracy theory this is out in the open public information. If some companies decided to they can make you depressed to sell more things to you and you wouldn't even know it.

Imagine the pick a teenage boy. This boy is a bit shy and insecure. Now, psychology was originally intended to help people. Under the capitalist model it doesn't. Now this teenage boy instead of being recommended stuff to help them will instead be recommended the likes of Andrew Tate and so on. This person won't even know what hit them and won't even understand the turn of events that will lead to those videos being recommended. But they are recommended to him. Suddenly his change in behaviour pushes people away and he falls deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole.

They get more depressed. More lonely so they start buying shit like AI girlfriends but they aren't real. They get recommended more hateful content as well. They will sprial deeper into depression. This person will likely seek help at this point. Perhaps they'll recommend putting effort into real world connections so they download something like tinder. But all these apps are designed to make you pay in order to succeed so he pays to get special access. Now the ad companies know they'll loose money if this now grown man becomes confident so they start recommending content that'll make them more anxious and depressed about the experience. They give up and retreat further into depression. The whole time the person who is being targeted, their family, their therapist and their loved ones will never be able to put the dots together. They'll wonder what went wrong not knowing that their personality was already decided for them by ad companies years ago.

So like that they add companies weaponising human psychology can target a teenage boy and basically plan out the next ten years of their life. Think about how dystopian the weaponisation of psychology is when a family member of yours goes down the alt right pipeline after "suddenly" being recommended such videos.

Poem 3 (

I'm far up in the air

Still I see you from down below

You gesture for me to go down

But the wind says there's other places to go

I'm high up

I drift here and there

But there's no company in the sky

I've been everywhere and nowhere

You are down on the ground

Connected to your roots

You're stuck to the earth

Yet you enjoy its fruits

I wish I could visit

But nature has its limits

You make me want to descend

But in a different direction blows the wind

Poem 2. (
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Slipping in and out

of a war zone

No peace, no ease within

I'm on alert

My enemies take many forms

They're everywhere

With bullets from their tongues

I'm on the lookout

A barren landscape with no warmth

My sight has become quite deformed

But it will certainly be clear

If I live everyday in fear

I just want to see the grass grow.

I just want to see the grass grow.

I just want to see the fucking grass grow

Can you see me out here? Are you hostile?

In this scorched earth were I'm from, no one is usually in slight

Tell me please can you show me the way

Its long since time to evacuate (I would like to see some trees)

I am desperate could get shot any day

I could get shot any fucking day (I would to see the seas)

I am scared

I am trapped here in the this war zone

With constant threats but no life

No trees, no grass (nothing but bleakness as far as the eye)

Just relax your mind, of your demons

Just relax your mind, of your demons

Just relax your mind, of your demons

(I just want to see the grass grow)

Just relax your mind, of your demons

(I just want to see the grass grow)

Just relax your mind, of your demons

Just relax your mind, of your demons.


I am currently studying in college and part of my college course dictates that I most do a work experience placement. I ended being placed in a charity shop. The first couple of days went well. Its a small little shop in a shopping center so there wasn't much for me to do. So they decided that today I'll do some work in the warehouse where they receive their goods.

They gave me the address but they forgot the bus so I ended taking a bus that stopped at a 20 minutes walk away. I got off the bus and tried to find this warehouse with the help of Google maps. It kept constantly telling me to go in different directions for the next 40 minutes. So I was walking around in 0 degrees Celsius weather is just a jumper. I eventually managed to find the correct area but it was in a big industrial park. I went searching around for 40 minutes and it turns out all they had to identify them is like a tiny wooden sign. So I finally got to my placement nearly 2 hours late. They were quite forgiving about it though since apparently that has happened to a few other before.


We already know that Prince Andrew was heavily involved but who else do you think will be named?

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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