
joined 1 year ago

My favourite 2 animals have gotta be :

The Meerkat, I love these little guys, they're so funny when they pop their heads out of a tunnel and dart their head around looking for potential threats or curiosity. And also cos of the Meerkat adverts.

The Jaguar, this big danger kitty has got the strongest jaws of the big cats and is the unofficial mascot of Brazil. I just like the design of this animal and sheer power that it brings to the food chain below it. An absolutely deadly and beautiful creature.

What about you guys? Got any favourites from the animal kingdom and why?


Whilst BSD isn't linux per se, it still has a lasting legacy in the unix like space and notably has been used in game consoles like the PS4.

For you in your personal use case, have you tried a bsd distro? What was better compared to the average linux distro?

Apparently BSD is more modular with its jailing system and seems to have a lower resource usage.

I look at ones like NETBSD and FreeBSD and think, "what exactly do I get out of them that I wouldn't with Linux say, Ubuntu or Void as an example?

What are your thoughts on BSD, you use FreeBSD before?


So you may have heard of the install gentoo meme, when I looked the guidebook I thought it looked a little complex like with Arch.

Does Gentoo have something special that other distros do not? Apparently you can use the USE FLAGS to determine what stuff you want and it's meant to be even more lean on resources.

Isn't there a Gentoo installer like with Arch? With Arch I can confidently just run the installer on a VM but I got stuck with Gentoo


As a beginner I mainly focused on Cinnamon, XFCE and GNOME but want to try out a windowing DE on a VM to get a feel for things.

What window manager DE would you recommend to a first timer that doesn't use tiling DEs?

There seems to be pretty popular ones like i3 and hyprland.

I was also hoping if some wm's still have a task bar as I am comfortable using that to keep a traditional style as I come from a long line use of Windows as well (starting from the XP era)

Thank you if you have any recommendations, it is good to branch your horizons a bit!


Aside from Linux running on NASA hardware, phones and consoles. Does it run on ATM machines, PDAs and point of sale monitors?

I ask this because I've seen Windows being used in airport terminals and really old versions being used for cash machines as well. The crowdstrike problem made this more prevalent by seeing "non end user computers" using the OS.

Does Linux fill this niche as well do you know? I don't recall hearing any big name embedded distro used for those sorts of machines. Maybe Alpine Linux or NetBSD?

Thank you in advance for your input!


I should clarify I wasn't a upper level sys admin managing those servers, I just used them or maintained accounts being a rank and file technician

While I get the fundamental concept of DNS as a phonebook for your IPs. I am not sure why it is joked around if something goes haywire or someone breaks something.

Is it because if you get no DNS, people can't log in through their AD accounts, browse the Internet?

Afaik DNS is a bit of a rabbit hole topic, maybe that's why people joke about it due to DNS being this "No one really knows how this magic name matching box works"?

Please correct me, I'd genuinely like to know why this is prevalent from you guys.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Consider me a weeb but I like Japan, it has some truly beautiful nature and cuisines to try across the country.

Yes, there is a bit of that anime or gaming side to it, they've birthed many favourite nostalgic franchises of mine like Crash Bandicoot or Pokemon.

I also really like their architecture with their traditional houses and castles, the whole thing just seems really peaceful and tranquil given it it is a "quiet and polite" country.

Their country might be set in their ways but that is what I think makes the country special, keeping its traditions, beliefs and culture for many, many years.

My bro likes Spain because of their food and hot sunny weather 😎

What about you? What country do you like and why?


For me, when I get books I often get the cheaper paperback option, give it a read.

Then if I really liked this book, I'll donate it to a charity shop or in my social circle and purchase the hardcover version.

The only gripe I have with hardcover though is some books come with that sleeve cover around it, you know the one, bit fidgety to use when reading.

Paperback I like if there's a book I am mildly interested in and I'll just go "whatever" I'll keep it as part a collection.

Paperbacks = cheap as chips but aren't as protected as hardcover, easy to fill up your collection or shelf with, might sell it if i want the luxurious version of that book. this is for me.

Hardcover = More luxurious as it provides proper protection to the pages and outer area of the book, Often comes with items as part of a collectors set. Usually I get the same book if I really enjoy it to add as a gem of my shelf.

What are your tastes? Same as me or do you lean more heavily to one or the other?


Personally, I'm more an RTS guy playing games such as command and conquer, AOE 3 (first aoe game I played) and supreme commander.

For the tactical side I have played the newer XCOMs and Commandos on PS2.

I don't know but the turn based ones never clicked for me, I prefer deciding in real time whilst my opponent is also scrounging up for resources and fueling their armies, I find it to be more engaging because you're trying to put more map control on you and time for better units etc.

For turn based, it was the core mechanic of waiting for your turn and hoping to fudge the other guy hasn't sussed you out with good placement.

What about you my fellow Lemmoid/Lemming/Lemmy user? What's the genre that you like most of the two?


What I mean is, how come the military of any country weaponize and test new kit or technologies first before civilian use?

An example of this was when the Internet came about and TCP, Apparently these technological inventions were being stewed for use by the U.S. military before they allowed it to be opened to the public.

Yeah I get it, military complex want loads of profit, but you'd think some five or 6 star general would go "Yeah nah we don't need this shit, waste of tax money just stick with what works"

I might come off as being naive here but I genuinely wonder why all the new bleeding tech time it gets introduced and patented for concept, the army dudes wanna see if it can cause damage to the enemy first in any way.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Like WSUS for patching windows machines, very sus indeed :)


I just wanna know, is it normal to go to an interview meeting the 2nd or 3rd time around for the same firm and same vacancy?

Basically, I first applied for an IT role earlier this year, wasn't offered after attending, applied again a week ago and they are inviting me.

Is this a normal thing? Usually if the first time they see you and you don't get the offer, they don't try again with you.

I'm just hoping it won't be awkward they're like "Uh.. I remember you, didn't we interview you earlier in the year" sort of questions.

Thank you.


So as we all know on the news, the cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike Y2K'd it's own end customers with a shoddy non-tested update.

But how does this happen? Aren't there programming teams and check their code or pass it to a quality assurance staff to see if it bricked their own machines?

8.5 Million machines too, does that effect home users too or is it only for windows machines that have this endpoint agent installed?

Lastly, why would large firms and government institutions such as railway networks and hospitals put all their eggs in one basket? Surely chucking everything into "The Cloud (Literally just another man's tinbox)" would be disastrous?

TLDR - Confused how this titanic tits up could happen and that 8.5 Million windows machines (POS, Desktops and servers) just packed up.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

My favourite film has gotta be 1986 "Aliens"

Some tension, some horror, some action.

And Ripley was both pretty and a good asskicker of xenos.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Didn't HP sell some fancy shmancy laptops that came with Ubuntu or some flavor of it? Think it was for developers but I thought that was the closest we gotten to commercially selling Linux based machines.

P.S. I could be wrong about this but I am sure this happened.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 3 months ago

The problem is mate is that not all games have native Linux versions, If FIFA 17 were on steam, you could use proton on it but I believe it isn't.

It just comes with the territory of Linux that some games are windows only and can be finicky.

Minecraft however, should run fine on potato machines and with Linux, should have a native port you can install from say Flatpak.

When moving to the penguin train, he needs to write down what software and games he wants to use, and what might be omitted due to compatibility issues.

If the man wants to use Windows, let him be, he might reconsider in future about trying Mint again or another distro like Kubuntu.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I am a chad htop enjoyer, I find btop and other alternatives too much on the eyes for me personally and HTOP has enough info for me to take a look at in terms of system resources.

Either that or I just use the regular gnome GUI system monitor lol

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 months ago

I prefer Flatpaks because it's a nice easy way of getting software without the chance of broken or missing dependencies for a program.

Much better than Snaps, snaps is flatpaks but MUCH worse and slower.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

That is fair, but personally I felt WMR is a niche feature and those with VRs can game using Steam or other vr application alternatives.

I understand that there are people that wanna use this so I get its stupid they're pulling away a feature that you actually need.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (3 children)

It honestly feels good to be on windows 10 LTSC IOT. None of this nonsense bloat installed and you get exactly the security updates you need sparsed out.

I dread the moment I actually have to migrate to Windows 11 but at least this version of Windows 10 I can use like, another 9 years lol.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

The two apps I've mentioned are exclusively messenger apps. Think of Facebooks messenger but more secure with no big company servers looking at your chat and messages.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

This is true, FB messenger is as open as it will get with seeing your messages, WhatsApp is dubious too so either Signal or Session are best e2e messenger apps imo.

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