
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

If you want a nice introduction to why a proper plant based diet is in most cases better for longevity listen to this interview. The 2½ hours are really rewarding and you'll get some very important (live-prolonging) information:

This 7 min excerpt from the interview briefly touches why changing our diets is imperative for the survivability of future generations:

The podcast of Simon Hill is called "The Proof".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Bill Ackmann (a 9 bn dollar heavy reptiloid billionaire) posted a lengthy rant against it on that birdsite and our lord and saviour Elmo concurred and proclaimed that it's racist, immoral and illegal although similar programs were already in place since 1964 in the USA.

MAGAs regularly claim that it's the fault of DEI when something goes south, e.g. Boeing machines failing, the CrowdStrike thingy, the bridge crash in Baltimore or Harris getting to the position she's now in.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Diamond Age is my all time favourite (although I read it just one time as I do with all books). In the current age of AI it is very relevant. If nano technology and AI will progress we'll maybe head into the depicted scenario and I hope I'm still alive then.

Cryptonomicon, Anathem, The Baroque Cycle are wild rides and masterpieces too. Anathem was a bit hard to get into but it got really exciting after the first 300 pages (of ~1000) or so.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

I did not read that book of Calvino (nor have I heard his name) but there exists a free game on steam called "If on a winter's night four travelers" with very positive reviews which seems to be inspired by the book.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

I only read "The Left Hand of Darkness". That novell was fire (no pun intended). Excellent world building and super captivating and immersive writing.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)
  1. Jup. That execution was extremely dangerous and I'm sure Iran is still pondering how they could take revenge. Another possible fubar situation if he comes to power. Iran launching a new 9/11 as a retribution for their national hero.

  2. Not meant that you insulted me but rather 46. You're free to do of course but I don't think it fits. I can't imagine it's Biden who's giving commands to carpet bomb Gaza, block aid deliveries or to shoot ~100 people fighting for said deliveries.

  3. I'm not well informed about the independent candidates in the US and their stance to help for Israel. But even if there are some very left parties with no-aid for Israel policy would they stand any chance against Orange Cheato? After him it's just game over. He would be dictator for lifetime. And Don Jr. after. Remember it's very hard for US presidents to traditionally not support Israel militarywise. This doctrine seems to become a bit brittle lately with the dems.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Nothing wild about it.


  • vote for the only worthy contender against Trump


  • vote for someone who isn't that contender and therefore not for the only worthy contender Biden

If you decide for the latter you'll risk to never really vote again. Read the signs on the wall. It's the "What would I have done if I was a german under Hitler" phase, the USA citizens are in right now. If your prefer the stuff that's going on in Hungary under Orban or worse, go on, vote 3rd party.


Germany is in a similar situation in the next federal parliament election although we got more weighty contenders in the parliament than only dems and reps. Our Biden vote equals to 2 parties (labour party and the greens) out of 6. The remaining 4 parties would be a Trump vote (AfD). The outcome of that election would define the politics for unforseeable future and was and is the reason for the mass protests in germany.

Edit 2:

We'd probably have more leeway as the AfD would not straight be elected but mainly the CDU who would choose the chancelor (Either Söder or the german Trump light Friedrich Merz). There would be many more compromises made with AfD (farfarfar right) with a CDU chancelor than under a new labor (SPD) and Greens chancelor. The dream would be if The Greens got a majority. Then Habeck would be chancelor.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 months ago (2 children)

You're either a plant or you're dangerously uninformed.

If Trump and his christofascist sect wins, all arabic people in the region will be expelled or genocided.

If the crazies behind Trump with their playbook "Project 2025" get their way it would be really the "Lord have mercy" phase in humanities history.

This article shows the grand picture which should frighten every world citizen, considering we talk about the greatest military power with an unhinged Commander in Chief who is commanded himself by even more sinister manipulators.

"Many Republicans express their unwavering support for Israel in biblical and apocalyptic terms. Rep. Mike Johnson, a Christian evangelical, made his first public appearance after being elected House speaker last October at a conference of the Republican Jewish Coalition, where he said that “God is not done with Israel.”"

Compare that to president Biden openly criticising Netanyahu and vice-president Harris calling for a ceasefire now.

Your insult just doesn't make sense. I hope you see that. I heard that nearly every US president after WW2 was unconditionally pro Israel. And at least some of the dems (including the president) currently seem to begin to grasp that Israel is going terribly wrong with their methods in the war on Gaza. Your current government has the best chances to bring it to an end if they go just one step further. Biden said in the interview on MSNBC he'd always support them with their Iron Dome but it seemed, although he didn't say it directly, that he wouldn't support them above that, if Netanyahu crosses a red line.

Choose wisely.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

About Trumps (or more that of his advisers) connection to Israel

"According to a LifeWay poll conducted in 2017, 80 per cent of evangelical Christians view the creation of Israel in 1948 as a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy."

"The tenet of Christian Zionism is that God's promise of the Holy Land to the Jews is eternal. It's not just something in antiquity," Ms Oldmixon said. "When we talk about the Holy Land, God's promise of the Holy Land, we're talking about real estate on both sides of the Jordan River. So the sense of a greater Israel and expansionism is really important to this community. Jerusalem is just central to that. It's viewed as a historical and biblical capital.

Beyond the rebuilding of the temple, Israel is also important to evangelical eschatology because they believe it will be home to the final battle of good against evil in which God obliterates his enemies and ushers in the millennial reign of Christ."

Do you think there'll be any considerations for the plight of the palestinians left if those absolutely bonkers sect of christo fascists will get their 1000 year reign?

Biden at least adressed his concerns about Netanyahu directly within an interview recently. That would never happen under Trump. So they're far from being equally horrible.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 6 months ago

Hello from Europe. Please inform yourself about Project 2025 if you haven't. If you already did and insist on your position to vote 3rd party and still don't get that you won't have fair elections in your lifetime anymore when orange cheato & the heritage foundation come into power I can't really feel sorry for you. I'm sorry for anybody who'll get dragged with you into a christo-fascist handmaids tale nation, though.

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