
joined 2 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Yeah, I talked about that before too somewhere on here. If they tell you to fudge, you fudge because standing up gets you axed.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I mean tbh, if it's tech from San Fran they actually are super about inclusive. At least any devs I've met from there, as it's sort of woven into the cultural tapestry of the West Coast as a whole (which is funny considering it has had some exceptionally racist policies in the past). I think more so people just don't realize what might be a thing needed to run the gamut of diversity because the face of STEM itself is relatively one sided in America. Probably just the face of corporate America as a whole, if we were being honest.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Oh for sure, you're most right! I mean we see it replicated over and over and over again in our society in so many spaces how would the ripples not continue onward into cybernetics. Something I often think about is if it's not/hasn't happened to you, you don't even tend to think about it. And by it, I mean being oppressed in some manner pertaining specifically to something you cannot change. They're also cannibalizing the middle class. So in the end you really probably will just have the "global" ruling class and the "indignant" and "ungrateful" others who they must charitably coexist with. But I also think it's like...the concept behind Deus Ex/Snowpiercer (Idk too many SciFi things don't come at me with pitchforks). So like, sci-fi writers got one up on us.

But I always figure, if you want to remember you've been bought and sold as a whole (no matter your class, ethnic background, or gender as long as you're not the top dog) I always point towards Russell Means Welcome to the Reservation because he proposes that America as a whole is a reservation because just because you think you're "free" doesn't mean you actually are free.

Eh! The whole thing gets me sad.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Tech for sure has a race/gender/class issue in America. On a global scale, I can't say much and I know that tech is global. I also know that Nigeria has a solid tech hub in Lagos. But also know that education in general in Nigeria is brutally competitive and very situationally based.

But to be honest, this has long since been an issue with technology. I know it was fluttered all over the net but people have long since known consumer cameras were made with a certain type of complexion in mind. But hilariously the first time I seen AI x racism talked was via Robin Thede (so a skit show) some odd years back. But capitalism gunna cap, and it's crazy that people can't just widen their test range if they're not going to at least offer a seat at the table.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago

Sweet holy jesus! I can't tell if you're being a passive aggressive tunt or trying to actually be helpful @_@!

I see what you're trying to do. I am just going to walk over here, and chill out. Things are always safe until they're not. Look, I am no doctor and I am a bunk ass scientist. All I am trying to say is that most people who identify as women tend to menstruate anywhere from like 7-50 years old. And that if they used tampons consistently for every month up until then, because it can dissolve in water, and your sniz-snatch tends to be moist that your body probably absorbs the particles directly. And since it's not through your digestive system, I am not sure if it gets processed in the way it would if we say...ate a bunch of dried fruits. Which were shown to be higher in lead quantities. Because I am not sure if it ever passes through the kidneys. But what I am saying is all speculation, because I very openly say - as I am saying here - I don't know. You can link a study - and I will absolutely read it. I don't need to be handed something with all sorts of craziness and zero explanation as to why you (specifically) are passing me it. And yes, I know most things have lead in them. But like I said, lead can be dissolved in water (I had a nightmare lead situation at one point in my life moving and I had to learn this stuff the hard way). I know it can be in tea, because I know it's in pretty much all crops. I would be a fool to think that it could not be in clothing made from said crops. But at the same time, a piece of clothing makes its way to me and it's probably pre-washed several times over. A tampon? I don't know because I haven't looked into the manufacturing process. Clearly you have to prep cotton before it can even be utilized. But I can't imagine it would be as washed. Because it doesn't have to go through a mutli-formation process to become a tampon like a shirt does or a pair of jeans. And on top of that, I wash my clothes too. I mean that's at least three washes before my body gets it. And it's external, it's not a moist pocket. I mean, you can sweat. All lead exposure isn't ideal. But it's really different when we're talking vaginal health - which already gets the short end of the stick. Likewise, I wasn't panicking. In fact, I have a very "is what it is" kinda vibe to it, because I literally could not give a shit outside of the fact that I do not like things that hurt women's health.

And in expressing it on a personal level, I think if you think about it - it's just another series of pollutants that are added to our lives (cause women do a lot of cleaning and women do a lot of grooming and all of that stuff can be caustic as well). But in the grand scheme of things I have absolutely zero - no - control over whether anything has lead. Is used. Etc. I just know that women tend to bleed (not all women) and that there will be a set of women who will insert tampons into their vaginas for a extended period of time. And it's a stressor that most men will never have to face. Even if we lined people up and made them all eat the same things, wear the same things - if the person who could menstruate added regular tampon use to the list it just adds extra exposure. That's all I was saying. People can have different lifestyles and their lifestyles can expose them to all sorts of stuff but having a period outside of some situations or forms of control are pretty standard affair for most vagina holders. Is all.

Jesus freakin' christ. Jesus.


Yo, you broke me homes.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Hey there, cancerian or pro-human sexuality? Either way, love the essence of your name and vegan pizzas are choice! Really, I wanted to sneak <<< that in but I will also say that I have used many a tampon in my journey to swapping to a cup. And it freaks me some kind of out, not so much that it is found to be relatively safe. And that I do understand that there are trace metals in many things that can be consumed. I guess I am just sad as a whole because I am thinking grand-scheme it's just one more thing that can compound. But on top of that, it's one more issue that affects women as a majority. But to be honest the travel from pads -> tampons -> cups felt like an upgrade each time. And I can understand why each has their advantage and I've got loved ones who run the gamut. And of course there's other alternatives even then, and different experiences with mayhaps-monthlies. Just saying as a whole that it stinks even if it is flagged as alright.

And yes, I understand these things are naturally occurring in the environment (and can be the affect of pollutants as well). It just sucks that something so freakin' wasteful, also increases exposure to a toxin that people keep pointing towards driving the generations above me "mad" and lowering iq levels. Yet as it stands, it's a necessary evil.


Cause sometimes you need to start your Saturdays with that good, good chaotic energy =)

Heads up there is for sure some flashing up in here, also if you've got a problem with cgi boobies I guess you gunna have to go somewhere else.


Another great music video, that is locked behind an age filter. Perhaps my favorite animated one, it's just so real. The last person I sent it to said that it almost had them in tears. It's a great one if you've got the time. It speaks levels on how we can grow, but if we don't heal the initial wound we are doomed to fail.


Great music video, goes with the song well. It's a love letter to human sexality in all its types and forms. Check if out if you're interested. If you're not, either way song is great.


For better or worse. Small scale or large. Personal or shared. What is an event you've experienced that changed the way you act, live, feel, etc. It could be short-term or long. Share what you feel comfortable with. Triumphs and tragedies alike.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

Oh no, freakin' COVID! I swear it eats up your mind like a zombie - stay strong. Don't let it winnnnnnn! (And by that I mean rest as much as you can but also eat and drink what you can)

a) Why did I miss the Eartbound and Telltale conversations. Boo!

b) The first Animal Crossing played via the purple purse will always have my heart. It's the best of the best and I remember staying up wayyyyy to late with my buddies beautifying our town and searching for ghosts. The only other one I ever played was the - wait that was a lie - I have actually played two. The only other one I remember playing was the one on Nintendo DS. A friend tossed me their old DS and my sibling tossed me some games - this included (and Rhythm Tengoku being one of the other ones. I absolutely do not remember any other games. Wait, lied again - I played one with Sudoku). But I didn't really dig it, or the DS as a whole. I don't think I like multiple screens for much of anything, and even work on a single monitor to this day. I also clearly don't love resistive touch screens and felt the little stylus was fiddly and hard to use. But it was more of a game as a whole. Just not for me.

Then covid happened, my gal got a switch and I played the new AC a bit while she ran around as Link. Eh, I literally don't even remember it. I might have aged out, or it might just be my disinterest in non-turn based games (which is pretty much my bread and butter now because I don't want a game to be able to dictate how and when I play it). It was much more forgiving than the old stuff. Idk where the HELL the gyroids were - but they might be in the game now. We were in some kind of tropical paradise (I believe!?) which I dug from an islander perspective. But as a whole, just didn't really care.

But I kind of feel that way about most "cozy" games nowadays. And it's funny, because I play games to "turn my brain off" so it's not that aspect. It's just that I think there's some weird brain-drain infantilization of the masses and that these games are kinda like the binkies of the brain. But there are some real pros to these types of games as whole. I think they give certain individuals a lot of structure, things to do that make them feel successful, and individuals to form relationships with. Like, give this game to an older individual who's open to playing them, and I think they'd go ham. Give this game to individuals who have certain qualities that society tends to push to the fringes - and I think it'd also be great. To be honest, Animal Crossing is about 700x less goofy than The Sims - even with its pastel graphics and chibi forms. But a lot of these games as a whole radiate kind of a toxic-positivity that I just don't vibe with. Especially when we know statistically a lot of developers - let alone GAME developers are terribly depressed.

And like, there's a light to looking to the bright side - eating potato chips - etc. Like there's a nice side to getting real basic sometimes. Especially when your brain is on fire (for whatever reason). It's probably why I play select games repetitively until it's akin to eating only peanut butter sandwiches 100xs over and get tired of them. You don't have to learn new systems really, and you're never truly challenged. Or if you are, because you're familiar with the mechanics of the game you can just ride the wave - get the dopamine and turn off. But 10/10 I don't think it's the healthiest thing to indulge in all the time. But that's just my opinion and pretty much every Nintendo made game (let alone games like Stardew) have cult followings because they really touch people where they need it.

So it is what it is. But also, on Stardew - I played it a long time ago. I had fun, then I had an okay time, now if you stick me in front of a crafting game of any kind I will burn you at the stick. The original Harvest Moon is/was (eh, debatable) one of my favorite games. It's cute, but it's also dirt-brown like a potato. It's ultra simple, kindness coins bs. I don't have to see a single portrait of anyone I am talking to. I don't really even have to give a poop about talking to anyone. I can just farm and care for my grumpy cows and chill. All while cleaning a massive field that I will never fully utilize. By this I am saying - Stardew even is too much for me. It kinda feels creepy to me too. Like it has the secret smugness and hoity-toity crap I hate so much about Seattle. And being the emotional creature I am - if I am not digging something it really takes a lot to sway me in the other direction. But the big picture reason why I put all of this is because I am clearly not the audience of either game in these modern times. So big reason why I wanted to post any of this is to say AC1 - yes! AC++!? Eh.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago

Emotional cheaters are still cheaters. All fucking cheaters can be taken straight to the fucking trash. I don't care how they do it. I don't care when or what time or age or whatever blah, blah, blah - I just strongly hold the stance fuck cheaters. I'm not talking about a stroll in the park, or a business plan. I am talking about people who are snakes who intentionally and selfishly walk past a series of boundaries and filters because they've got their heads in their asses.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

I didn't know this was still around, but sounds super good and super cool and tons of people will get in on this. For sure.


**** Warning: Flashing lights/LOUD shout at the beginning.

If you were here for this, if you saw this live - fuck you! But only in jest. But also, fuck you! If anyone did see this, I bet you it was probably one of the most amazing concerts ever held. So yeah. it is what it is, but if something is toe curling good and it's recorded you've got to know it was otherworldly in person.


If you are a human, and you are living and breathing - yet you haven't seen this music video are you really living? Cause you probably aren't. So get to living, and get with this video.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Fuck cheaters. They're pieces of shit. You wanna cheat? Fix your shit, or leave your relationship you human piece of shit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

egg-fkin-zactly! You know how many people I have seen personify things they like? But...I don't want the paper to be sad, so I guess I will read it =/!

This is going to sound horrible but 10/10 I am not reading this bullshit.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

The old Matrix/Celeste thingerdiedoo.

Also I think they used things in SU to skirt past making things "technically" too queer.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey there, today is a bumpy road in the pain-o-meter. And I wanted to reach out to other grumpy pain folk, and get some tlc for my soul. But I couldn't figure out if there even is some kind of support forum on here. So I figured I would ask, and you guys would give me the 411.

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