
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago

aww it's like hardstyle shuffle rave phat pants!

[–] [email protected] 73 points 4 months ago

why would future humans bother bringing all these people back

i think it's worth reminding why doctors treat people now, in this time and space. they do it mostly because they want to save people. maybe a few do it for money, but past a certain point, the money isn't why you do it. i think it's a safe bet that doctors of a future would see these corpses as patients, and act accordingly. an analogy - think how we see heart attack victims as patients, and not how our medieval ancestors would have seen them (as corpses)

...literally nothing positive to contribute to the utopian future...

true, but, a good chunk of patients in hopsital today have nothing to contribute to society, and cannot contribute any more, whatsoever. we treat them anyway, because that's what we do. humans have consistently cared for others that are sick and have "nothing to contribute" throughout history, and that shows no sign of going away anytime soon

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

yeah it's pretty messy

there was an original condition called "autism" which referred to the stereotypical, ""low functioning"" case where someone has intellectual disabilities and the rest

then a ""high functioning"" variant was labelled, where the intellectual disability was missing, called "asperger's syndrome"

then more and more inbetween cases started being labelled like rett syndrome, CDD, PDD-NOS, and so they had to say "fuck it, it's all "autism spectrum disorder" now"

over time, "autism" has become shorthand for ASD. to avoid confusion, the OG autism sometimes gets described as "classic autism"

honestly it's all a big mess

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (2 children)

i wanted to add my personal experience, as someone who tried kbin and then ended up on lemmy

when learning about fediverse, i was first introduced to kbin. i assumed that kbin was a close match to reddit, and this was why i was being introduced to it. turns out, nope! it also has some microblogging thing? active people? boost vs favourites? i was bamboozled to say the least.

i'm sure the dual-purpose threads + microblogging is good for some, but i'm really, really not into twitter. and i also found it to be confusing when i was tagged in something as to whether i was reading a thread, or a microblog. i.e, kbin wasn't a good fit. then i discovered most of the actual content i was reading on kbin was being posted from some "lemmy" service? i clicked to find out more and... yeah, i made the switch pretty quickly.

basically, not all of us went back to reddit. i can't speak for all former reddit users, but one of the detracting points for kbin was the mixed purpose. like, for example, if i was to list places like facebook, twitter, instagram, even mastodon - these are all "people" focused places. you post about people, and the focus is more skewed towards following individual people and trends. if i was to list places like reddit, hackernews, something awful, even... 4chan... - these are "things" focused places. you post about things, and the focus is on following things. lemmy is firmly in the "things" camp, whereas kbin is trying to be both "people" and "things" at once, and so it just wasn't for me. 🙂

[–] [email protected] 26 points 9 months ago (11 children)

a Catholic health care system

is this like where the doctors and nurses have to be of the religion, or does the hospital get to decide who gets treated using their own rules? or something else? can someone explain this?

either way, what the fuck?

[–] [email protected] -1 points 9 months ago

op, it's not just you, i promise. 🙂

i encourage you to watch this in it's entirety. while it covers a different life story, it explores some avenues of what you are possibly feeling when you ask this question.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 9 months ago

google tries not to kill one of it's products challenge (impossible)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

a trillion is never enough

[–] [email protected] 42 points 9 months ago (9 children)

the current solution for that would be similar to the current "sponsor block" plugins, here's an example

crowdsourced start and endpoints for embedded sponsorships

something like this tool, but for future embedded google adverts

[–] [email protected] 9 points 9 months ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 80 points 9 months ago (18 children)

the "open source hackers" are always going to win this one, for a simple reason. if the data of the youtube video is handed to a user at any point, then the information it contains can be scrubbed and cleaned of ads. no exceptions.

if google somehow solves all ad-blocking techniques within browser, then new plugins will be developed on the operating system side to put a black square of pixels and selectively mute audio over the advert each time. if they solve that too? then people will hack the display signal going out at the graphics card level so that it is cleaned before it hits the monitor. if they beat that using some stupid encryption trick? well, then people will develop usb plugin tools that physically plug into the monitors at the display end, that artificially add the black boxes and audio mutes at the monitor display side.

if they beat that? someone, someone will jerry rig a literal black square of paper on some servos and wires, and physical audio switch to do the same thing, an actual, physical advert blocker. i'm sure once someone works that out, a mass produced version would be quite popular as a monitor attachment (in a timeline that gets so fucked that we would need this).

if that doesn't work? like, google starts coding malware to seek and destroy physical adblockers? then close your eyes and mute your headphones for 30 seconds, lol. the only way google is solving that one is with hitsquads and armed drones to make viewers RESUME VIEWING

as long as a youtube video is available to access without restriction, then google cannot dictate how the consumer experiences that video. google cannot win this.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 9 months ago

you're entirely right. allistic is silly. i think it's slightly worse than silly though. i have two takes on this.

my first take is that you shouldn't slur people.

my second is that if you're gonna slur someone anyway, don't be a chicken; just slur them. hiding behind "allistic" is a little bit like hiding behind "youths", or "fruity", or "welfare scroungers", or "special", or when people do that thing where they go "...she... oh sorry i mean he" (and vice-versa). it's either a dogwhistle, or dogwhislte-adjacent. we all know what the speaker is implying when they uses these terms. you're just slurring someone without the confidence necessary to do so.

this is why i unironically use normie (on the internet). sometimes i want to be rude about it, y'know? am in the wrong to slur like this? yes, absolutely. whilst i might use normie in the context of venting, it still doesn't make it right. but at least i'm not being a coward about my position by hiding behind "allistic"

sometimes, especially when i'm chatting amongst autistics, it's easier to casually write "when normies do x it upsets me, how about you?" instead of writing formal prose like "Oh I must say! These dastardly Neurotypicals have a particular behaviour pattern that troubles my mind... Do tell me how you bear the burden of such travesties.".

doing the formal thing is tiring, and sometimes i don't want to be the better person. 😎👍

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