
joined 1 year ago


Quick question: How do i completely separate (also with distinct names) Firefox instances?

What i mean by that:

On my old Intel Mac, i've made 4 copies of Firefox, one for work, safe browsing, and apps. I've renamed each with FF-name so i can quickly open them with spotlight. Each has it's own profile.

For that i "only" need to edit the Info.plist and all worked.

However since then i migrated to Apple Silicon and MacOs Ventura, which seems to interfere with my approach.

Do you guys have an alternative idea or better approach? Maybe docker containers or anything?

My main intent is that i have them as separate applications, so i can open them with spotlight and also do not accidentally share the wrong instance in a conference call.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

It looks very interesting!

But I don't see the unique selling point of it compared to alacritty and kitty, besides web-enabled. Is there anything that it does better than these 2?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That looks promising, especially since my current status bar is also just a collection of shell scripts, so that might be easier to switch

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks! That looks exactly like what I was looking for. I hope it works as promising as it looks :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks, that was a very interesting read!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I forgot one essential tool, where I need a recommendation for: spotlight. I use it to switch quickly between applications or to folders. Keyboard shortcut, first letter of the application name and enter... I know there are solutions, but I only heard from Ubuntu, which I don't want. Anything simple and fast you can recommend?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

Thank you everyone for all your suggestions! I'll quickly try to summarize them for myself. So what you suggest is:

Operating Systems:

  • NixOs
  • Debian 12
  • ElementaryOS
  • mint
  • PopOs
  • EndevourOS
  • Fedora
  • arch
  • Opensuse
  • Novara

Tiling Window Manager:

Recomended to use something based on wayland.

  • hyprland (can be configured from file, good compatibility with nix)
  • sway (proposed with Debian, multiple suggestions, config via file as well, good for custom keybindings, already options for sway in nixos)
  • i3
  • bspwm
  • KDE Plasma
  • dwm / dwl

Status Bar:

  • swaybar (in case of using sway)
  • waybar (when using wayland)
  • eww
  • ags
  • KDE neon

Package Managers:

  • flatpack
  • brew (is this already stable enough?)
  • Nix (obvious choice if nix os chosen)
  • snap
  • (pacman if arch)
  • integrated one


  • together with wayland alacritty or kitty
  • foot
  • Yakuake
  • suckless

At the moment I am trying to avoid anything where RedHat is involved. Not because of the recent controversy, but simply IBM is known to kill their software solutions on a whim. (although i still use ansible), so Fedora is unfortunately out (again, no judging on how great it is). I've been quite interested in EndevourOS, so that might be fun to try out. Debian for the desktop probably not right now. I'm running it on servers for stability, but for a desktop environment, i prefer having more recent packages (e.g. neovim). The "sales pitch" for Mint sounded pretty interesting as well. However i'll give NixOs a try first, simply because it was mentioned very often, same with sway.

Based on this i'll try out these combinations first:

  1. NixOs with sway and eww
  2. NixOs with hyprland and waybar
  3. NixOs with dwl and ?

If this does not satisfy, i'll look into endevourOS and mint, but that might require some Ansible I assume.

Thank you very much!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

It might have. I've tried nixos on a mini PC meant as a home server, so most configuration is done via SSH and users don't change (much), I might have accidently activate it while trying nixos out.

Making users unable to login is a bit of an odd (side?) Effect, but maybe I'm not understanding the purpose of this option correctly. I'll stay away from it for now :D


Hello Everyone,

as you can see on my screenshot, i am using an intel based mac for years now, which i customized to my needs. However i have reached the limits of this machine in terms of customization options and would like to move to linux to test it out as a daily driver. I'm actually quite happy with mac from the pov that everything just works, however there are certain things that annoy me, but apple does not allow me to change them.

As a newbie in terms of desktop linux (i've used ubuntu roughly 12 years ago as a daily driver and am familar with headless linux), i'd like your advice.

Specifically I am looking for:

  • a minimal, fast system
  • keyboard / shortcut based - all interactions can be done from keyboard (within common sense limits)
  • all keys can be custom mapped (i have muscle memory of my custom keys for certain actions, so i'd like to keep them)
  • all can be configured from dotfiles (worse case shell scripts and ansible)
  • very low ressource consumption, snappy system with no delays.

I'd like to try NixOs due to it's unique configuration ability, however on a headless server it was a buggy pain just weeks ago (for example user passwords just vanished/changed without any external influence, not allowing access anymore), so i'm open to alternatives.

What i am looking for in advice is:

  • a minimal, configurable (file based for git) tiling window manager
  • a top status bar like you see in the screenshot that i can freely configure
  • as much terminal emulator based as possible (i honestly mostly only need a browser and the terminal, most other apps have a TUI that i can use with the keyboard, see the above requirement)
  • terminal based package management as easy as brew (maybe Nix?)
  • custom keyboard layout (I am not a native english speaker, so i mapped all non-english characters to my option keys with the english layout as the base)
  • Option to use 2 keyboards at once (come by default when using Karabiner Elements) as i combined 2 small keyboards to one to a fake split keyboard ;)

My current stack on macos is Hammerspoon for heavy customization, Karabiner Elements, yabai, kitty (and alacritty, for ssh, as kitty is bad with ssh in my personal experience), sketchybar. firefox (customized for privacy)

Any good recommendations or dotfiles? Anything i should look out for as a MacOs User?

Thanks in advance!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

I don't know how the code is currently working, but I like this feature idea and would suggest to start very simple and proceed from there.

For example you could: a) Make a list of communities that are siblings with their id and instance b) add a toggle to view sister community posts yes /no c) query all communities, list the last x posts from each with time constraints, e.g. not older than 1 day or hour depending on the community post frequency d) list them sorted by time of x , depending on what was chosen

The biggest issue I see with this simple approach, besides others, is that different communities are different in terms of activity / post frequency. So ideally the better, but more effort, way would be to let each community instance communicate their posts themselves via a query with activity metric parameters. Basically the amount of returned posts would depend on common parameters set by the most active instance.

It's not yet thought out, but just getting an mvp started and test the waters would probably be better than having it perfect right away while working on it for months