
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (4 children)

So uh yeah as we all know a lot of amphetamines have already been "open source" for a long time.

And we also know the DEA really doesn't approve of private production... Vyvanse itself only really was created as a produg because of their control of the amphetamine market and their desire for products with lower abuse potential.

If we could get the DEA out of the way anyways, it would make more sense to just make dextroamphetamine as it's simple, cheap and effective.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

Same place as ever, impressions and click-through. The theoretical goal here would be to offload all the processing to the user's PC, making delivery of this customized ad content close to free.

However the largest advertising targets are now mobile by far, and those platforms don't have GPU to speak of, especially from an AI perspective. So so far not feasible.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Likewise Dunlop makes everything even slightly rubbery, from tires to tennis racquets, golf balls and hydraulic hose

[–] [email protected] 33 points 3 weeks ago

If you live in the right area you may already have one!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh I think I know what you're talking about, abusing a minisplit by idling the inverter back too far. Effectively you have a hugely oversized condenser for the tiny flow, under the right conditions like a cool night you can get ridiculous subcooling.

But COP is irrelevant in this case because you've derated the actual BTU to near zero, you aren't moving any refrigerant.

Also yes this will kill your compressor because the minimum speed is set where it will get enough oil flow. Run it too slow, and it won't pick up oil and eventually seize up. You also could end up running the suction in vacuum which is also hard on compressors.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

I saw 5 for air-air and was impressed. Then I see SCOP? Oh please. Why not change the scale again to make sure nobody knows what a good value is. Just like SEER on an air conditioner.

SCOP varies depending on environmental conditions!

Real COP or go home IMO. Watts out/watts in, no fudging numbers to confuse consumers again.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

I designed my heating system around a fairly efficient non-condensing NG boiler that takes 40W for the fan. I can run it and the circulators off my battery bank no problem, and handle a sustained power failure. But only because of the natural gas.

I've been integrating a water-water GSHP into it to provide summer cooling and a supplemental heat source from my solar panels. It works well, but in my climate (Rural Canada) I would be insane to completely remove my gas boiler IMO. Heating demand is just way too high on the sort of days where the power goes out. I've been working on plans for a wood boiler but insurance has put their foot right down on anything that burns wood in the last couple years.

Here in Canada we can't get lithium at a reasonable price so I have 10kWh of lead-acid (which as you know is actually 5). Doesn't go very far on a cold winter day with 4 hours of sun and snow on the panels!

On the upside I haven't had to hook my generator to my house in years, I'm really happy with my "grid-independent" system.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Double would be a COP of over 10. That's a stretch for an overbuilt GSHP and not even slightly feasible for air-air.

High COPs are usually easy on a compressor as they represent low compression ratios and low differential temps. For example I can hit around COP 7 in cooling on my scrap heap GSHP, with an evap temp around 10C and condenser temp around 20C. That's a high side pressure around 100 psi and only 30 psi of differential, "barely working" as far as the compressor is concerned.

The only way I know to get high COPs is to have an oversized condenser and a way to get your refrigerant below ambient, like evaporative, ground source or overnight radiant so you can get the compression ratio down, unless you know a secret in which case I'm not afraid to burn out a compressor or two trying it out!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Coal plants can be fairly easily repowered to natural gas, which decreases CO2 emissions but more significantly drops local particulate emissions nearly to zero. China's air quality is famously poor so this would be a smart move.

China still needs baseload generation and converting coal to NG is far cheaper than nuclear or advanced stack scrubbers.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago

probably the best optical character recognition by far

I've actually just been working with OCR this week, trying to capture data off of the screen of a stupid proprietary Schneider device as that's the only way to get at it.

Long story short Tesseract stinks at this task.

The Chinese designed PaddleOCR seems significantly superior as it runs a more modern neural net and requires a lot less preprocessing. I would class it as more of a "full service AI" and not just a simple recognition system like Tesseract, it can correct for skew and do its own normalization and thresholding internally while Tesseract wants a perfect boolean raster fed to it.

Unfortunately, the barrier to entry is a lot higher due to trying to understand their text vomit website and the fact that it seems prone to random segfaulting.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

Not a Catholic but fairly knowledgeable about the religion. I believe your transition would be accepted as long as you don't live in sin by performing any acts of sodomy. The Catholics study theology relentlessly, and I'm sure they already had a way of dealing with the fair number of intersex babies born without dooming them to a life spent in unintentional sin.

The church has never expressed an issue with homosexuality, only homosexual acts. And even those acts aren't a sin due to the homosexual intent, they're a sin because of the sodomy.

Remember though, sodomy is a blanket term here for "sex acts not capable of producing children" so for you that would be... All of them I suppose.

I suspect that the suggested answer would be the one they give to all gay men, for you to live as a man, but be celibate. Devote your life to God, maybe even become a monk back in the old days. A lot of monks were "confirmed bachelors"

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I think this is what makes Fallout a love it or hate it setting.

Fallout tells often whimsical stories against the horrific backdrop of nuclear annihilation, and that's what gives it it's charm IMO.

I actually feel like it's more realistic in a sense than overly grimdark settings. People are goofy, and with over 200 years since the bombs fell it's believable that people will have some laughs and some motivations other than pure survival.


In the pre-streaming days I used to have a large collection of ripped and downloaded music. However as my taste in music is extremely wide and it became easier and more fun to use hacked streaming services (i.e. Youtube Music Vanced) to play music especially on the go, I decided to let my music collection go years ago. Plus... it was a big mess due to undiagnosed ADHD so let's be honest it wasn't a huge loss.

Now with the streaming ecosystem degrading and me now capable of keeping my things in order, I find myself wanting to start rebuilding a local music collection for the coming post-streaming era.

Wondering if there are any places I could find huge collection torrents that could be pared down to what I want, rather than spending my life downloading single albums or discographies? I'm ideally talking torrents that would be like 20GB of funk, but not just a shitload of tracks in a root directory with no tagging.

One of my favourite things about streaming services is getting to hear tracks or artists I haven't even thought of in ages, and it's hard to build a collection when you can't think of exactly what to put in it!

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