
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Hehe. You came from a different direction. My main point is that reading, thinking and contributing in Swift is more familiar with the majority of developers. Currently.

Swift usage is largely isolated to Apple's ecosystem, which doesn't have a ton of overlap with the open-source ecosystem.

I agree that the usage is isolated and it is not represented in the FOSS community. And I am not an advocate for doing so. Though it is compatible and if it is a possible alternative it can be considered. If you compare it to other Syntax it is reading very easily and you can pick it up in 20 Minutes. They could even require to explicilty use type annotations to further aid accessibility for possible contributors or audits.

... creating libraries which can be called from virtually any other language, like you can with C and C++. Which means you're not locked into the Rust/Apple/whatever ecosystem ...

Let's agree that a lock-in should not be dependend on the implementation language. There are other implications on the build which may arise. I am neither familiar with rust nor Swift. Comparing implications for building and linking can't be compared by me on a professional level.

I further - without research - call out that Rust comes with implications on either library implementation or linkable procedures for an author in order to link to it. Neglecting thinks like nested interop between host/implementation language here.

But even if Rust was the most overhyped garbage, it would still be garbage that people are familiar with. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Two things: Every developer I have met in person whishes to get some project in Rust. No one has seriously started pushing or even learned it thoroughly. Second point: I didn't called it garbage! The language as it is awesome. I don't like its readability and its packaging.

When I read Rust sources it isn't fluent in my inner mind. Sure it is due to familiarity but I would also argue that the over-expressiveness kills reading speed as well. Though that should be inspected by more objective and competent people though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Barrier to contribute in Swift is wwwaaaaayyyy lower then Rust.

We once ported and Swift App to Kotlin by copy+pasting. It was one day of work.

Rust - imo - is overhyped. It has its niches. But to me it is not the swiss army knife. Swift has better expressiveness then Rust.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Stopped at "Thought:" and texted my ex.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Couchbase db is just sqlite with json. Anyhow - on a more humorous note it reminded me at this intially:


Be me.

Wanted to use the mastodon app instead of browser.

Sign up, everything smooth.

Later: Read Lemmy.

See a mastodon link.

Disagree with post, post my critique.

Want to see how my post is rendered.

Post list can't be sorted and has a weird order.

Scroll and realize that the majority is in agreement.

Post list so long, no way anyone can be expected to read up upon for context.

Feels like random thoughts dumping: Fire and Forget.

Is this how such platforms work? The author prompts something and random people interact with eachother - without a consens at the end of the post? Or am I missing something?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Wtf happend with #30? Did they edit him out? Other majors are shown. Why would that be?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Valid option, so thanks.

I do not like to be bound by ALDI in order to renew my SIM, though.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago

There is a plan matching my needs from BNESIM!

No expiry and e.g. 5 GB would be plenty.

The perfect answer, Sir or Madam. Appreciated very much!!


Hi Lemmy.

I would like to get hands on some SIM for my laptop. I reside in Germany so roaming would be required.

Anyhow, I do not want to pay some amount x every months or four weeks. Instead I would like to have some old school SIM where I can use my data until its gone. 4G speed and 5 GB would be plenty.

Anyone knows of such a SIM from within your country?


[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Americans talking about getting ID'ed:

We use a formal form of speech when talking to people above our age. This shit reminds you fucking daily. When some fucking 20-ish person starts honoring your age and you thought you are on the same level.


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I am hiding for posting these. Will flag the post in the dawn as NSFW when everybody asleep.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Word. Running eyes wide open into oblivion. GNU is a big part why our system is as superior as it is.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

If you run qemu from CLI you get a window which grabs keyboard and mouse automatically. Ctrl+Alt+G (from the top of my head) releases the input devices so you can again navigate the host. The window is otherwise a default window for you display server.

I find qemu from CLI way more transparent then these GUI-Applications since each vm is a readable, single script. So I recommend this.

Regarding installation on iMac bare metal: If the kernel supporta virtualization you can expect to work flawlessly. If you have a dedicated graphics card you can only pass this (as well as dedicated devices like hdd's) if you main board supports IOMMU.

If it does all you need is the qemu man page to setup your vm.

Why I prefer a qemu script to any GUI alternative:

The entire script for passing RAM, GPU and a HDD is about 10 lines max. A default vm with tcg-emulation e.g. via libvirt etc. can pass 50 lines of xml easily.

I recommend giving it a try. My workflow is: Place the install script in some directory. The default run script is placed in my ~/.bin/ You can combine these scripts but I find it way simpler to separate them (you would need more elaborate options mounting devices).


Feature request: Place a checkbox next to the currently selected sort which sets "hide read posts".

This way I do not have to issue two requests and two button clicks, if I switch the sort order. This should make the sort-mechanism more convenient.

Additionally one could either shortly show a toast that "automatic hide read posts" was set.

Alternatively a succinct icon could be plaed next to it.


So I got the thought that american football incorporates any type of physique.

Say I would restart in america, which position may I be trained in given I joined an american football team? Post your physique and let passioned footballers answer it.

I am 6'3", good sprinter, physically resistant, average at about 190 lbs and can't throw things.

What position I am good for (and what does it do)?

// edit: I could have been a receiver but I am a safety (sounds wrong tbqh).


Germany's Vice-Chancellor posts historic speech.

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