
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Maybe someone who hasn't see Airplane.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago (4 children)

To be fair, no user "owns" their account. Everything about your Twitter account, from the user name to the data you tweet belongs to Twitter. I hesitate to call it a dick move. It's more of an Elon move.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

They can still see your comments and posts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I had a discussion about weird vs. norm with a friend the other day. We decided neither type of person is good or bad inherently because they are weird or normal. Different things comfort them. A weird person feels safe surrounded by people that "get them" who are weird like they are. Their personal identity is often centered on the fact that they are not "normal". They take pride in it.

But the predictability of a more structured "normal" life is just as comforting to those who are "normal". There are no rights or wrongs here, only the need for each type to recognize and respect the other. I don't really like derogatory terms like "normie", which I have more than one friend who uses (I don't say anything to them about it, I can personally not like it without making demands on my friends to feel the same as I do). It's like when I was in school, there were mostly right handed people, but every now and then there was a "leftie" or "southpaw". They were different. I don't recall ever seeing anyone bullied over being left-handed, but we all knew who they were. Humans and many animals focus on differences. It's probably a residual primal thing. Wolves will kill deformed or sickly pups, for example.

Normal is boring to some, and weird is chaotic to some. Both are acceptable stances and shouldn't be seen as adversarial by either group.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

I identify as Salsageex

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Collections add a little something real to an interest. You are into baseball? Collect baseball cards and baseball memorabilia. Some find a tactile connection improves their enjoyment. For some people, it may be old video games, for others it may be coins, stamps, achievements in video games. Yes they are digital, but you can see them in your achievement/trophy list. I think some people are drawn to collections more than others because they favor a certain learning style over another. I'm not educated in behavior in any way so I am qualified to share my opinion on the Internet. There's nothing abnormal about that. The collecting part. Not the part where I have no real knowledge on a topic but I feel my opinion is worthy of being heard. That's actually normal, too, probably. But it shouldn't be.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Let's be honest, this price change was all about being able to charge the big corps mega money for access to their data in order to train new generations of AI. The price is absurd, yes, but the owners of reddit know that Google and Microsoft have deep pockets (among other global corps wanting the massive amount of data reddit has saved).

They never expected the third party apps to be able to pay this much and frankly, they don't care. It's HUGE profit from AI corps, and the losses, at least short term, will be overshadowed by the gains. Long term? I don't know, this isn't my area of expertise, but, like I did with Twitter, I have moved on so at this point, it's no longer relevant to me.