
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago

I think the US can supply surplus to its neighbors.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I don't want to be morbid, but with as many gun deaths as there are in the US there are lots of young livers to go around.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 week ago (5 children)

Imagine how many matching organs are just left to rot in the ground.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago (9 children)

Maybe if donating organs was compulsory they wouldn't be so rare.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago

Isn't that just a hotel room?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

That pretty accurately describes my experience with progesterone, yeah.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Saudi Arabia learned its lesson in the Yom Kippur War. Do not fuck with the USs unsinkable aircraft carrier.

As for Egypt, Israel is extremely important for transporting natural gas and, to a lesser extent, important as a trading partner. They also cooperate on security matters wrt terrorism.

Of course, the US is also very important for ensuring all its other puppets in the region play nice with Israel. Israel, itself, has influence because it is an extension of the US and more important than any mere puppet.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Israel isn't the only reason OPEC has been brought to heel, but it was the last time OPEC ever used an oil embargo afaik

The spice must flow.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

The presence of a Sword of Domacles hanging over the heads of every country in the region does have political uses, not just military ones.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

An unsinkable aircraft carrier is a destabilizing force, what are you talking about?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Israel was critical for disempowering OPEC in the Yom Kippur War. We would not have gotten where we are today, with OPEC firmly under control, without Israel's critical role in the conflict.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

The bipartisan consensus on Israel is ironclad, elections don't matter nearly as much as Israel does to the US empire.

I do no expect anything to change unless Israel, itself, enters a crisis that would require direct boots the ground. That might be the breaking point. Otherwise? Unlimited US/NATO bloc support.

Israel isn't the only tool they need to control the likes of Egypt and Saudi Arabia - they need direct support too, especially Egypt, which would probably be controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood without US support. But, Israel is still critical as part of the broader strategy.


And you all told me the blue maga border bill that Republicans rejected was 4d chess.


In Khan Younis, many of those taking flight on Monday were already displaced from other areas. Abu Mohammed told Reuters it was now the third time he had been forced to flee since abandoning his home in Gaza City in the north.

"Why did they eject us from our homes in Gaza (City) if they planned to kill us here?" he said.

At a home in Khan Younis that was struck overnight, flames licked the collapsed masonry and grey smoke billowed out from the rubble. A child's stuffed toy of a sheep lay in a pile of dust. Boys were picking through the wreckage. Next door, Nesrine Abdelmoty stood amid damaged furniture in the rented room where she lives with her divorced daughter and two-year-old baby.

"We were sleeping at 5 a.m. when we felt things collapse, everything went upside down," she told Reuters. "They told (people) to move from the north to Khan Younis, since the south is safer. And now, they've bombed Khan Younis. Even Khan Younis is not safe now, and even if we move to Rafah, Rafah is not safe as well. Where do they want us to go?"


The end of the article jumped out at me:

The Palestinian health ministry said 40 patients died on Tuesday, after five days without the fuel needed to power generators that fed dialysis machines and other vital medical equipment. The hospital had also run out of clean water, and doctors said they were subsisting on dates to survive as food supplies dwindled to nothing.

Corpses were piled in front of the hospital, with staff too terrified to move between buildings. The UN’s office for humanitarian affairs said staff at al-Shifa, for decades the linchpin of Gaza’s medical system, had begun preparations for a mass grave to entomb 180 bodies in front of the facility, as there was no way for them to leave in order to bury the dead.


The nug:

While assertions have been made by both sides about the incident and death toll, the available evidence is less clear. However, analysis of the video footage rules out most explanations aside from an Israeli strike.

The devastation underlines the heightened risk civilians are facing as tens of thousands flee the north, on Israeli orders, during hostilities. The bodies of at least three children can be seen in multiple clips verified by the FT.

At least 1,400 Israelis have been killed, according to the government, including many women and children. At least 2,500 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombardment, about half of them women and below the age of 18, according to Palestinian officials.

On Saturday, Israel told Gazans that it would refrain from bombing two evacuation routes for six hours, including Salah-ad-Din street, where these explosions took place, so that civilians could continue to move south


I want to read you two recent headlines from New York magazine. They were written within a week of each other. The first is “A.O.C. Is Just a Regular Old Democrat Now,” and that accuses you of compromising on your progressive ideals as you work within the party system. And then came the rebuttal, which was “The ‘A.O.C. Left’ Has Achieved Plenty,” which argued that your wing has pushed the party leftward. Why do you think your role is still being parsed this way by Democrats and by those on the left?

Part of it is because we haven’t really had a political presence like this in the United States before. I think very often you had this consummate insider that was bankrolled by corporate money and advancing this, frankly, very neoliberal agenda. And those were the people that we were used to seeing in power. And so I think over time there’s been an inherent association between power, ascent and quote-unquote selling out.

I often say to my grass-roots companions that the left, for a very long time, was not used to having power in the United States. And so when we encounter power, we’re so bewildered by it —

Yes, the reason we are suspicious of you is because we're too fucking stupid to understand. Thank you boss queen!!!

Moving your ideas internationally, even if they might conflict with the foreign policy of the leader of your own party?

I wouldn’t necessarily characterize my foreign policy goals as oppositional to the president’s or to the United States. I am a member of Congress. I have sworn an oath to this country, and I take that oath very seriously.

That says it all, doesn't it?

Do you feel more comfortable in the Democratic Party now? The way you described it initially was fraught. They rejected you, and you were definitely trying to change the party. You have said you’ve pushed the party leftward. Many would agree. So is it OK to be a regular Democrat now?

The activist in me always seeks to agitate for more. I think despite there being progress, many people are still woefully underserved in this country. But the Democratic Party has changed dramatically in the last five years. Even if you just look at the numbers, I believe it’s something around 50 percent of House Democrats have been elected since 2018. And so what is considered center and moderate now is dramatically different than what it was five years ago.

No no wait, that says it all.

Being center and moderate is good now folks!


Look at it! What is that? It looks kind of like a cross section of a human, kind of, except the eyes are pools of blackened fire and the brain is sending electrical pulses out to... are those Jupiters? Why? Why??? This is absolute nightmare shit lol

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