
joined 9 months ago
[–] [email protected] 10 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I've been firmly diagnosed with ADHD, once when I wasn't even being tested for it, but ADHD markers were high enough that they asked if I was seeking treatment for it. That being said, I can read books just fine. I've read tons, and not just fiction. I have several nonfiction books about scientific topics I'm into. I'm currently reading a book about British royalty just because I like David Mitchell's comedy.

I cannot imagine that I'm special. I'm certain that there are other ADHD power readers. It's a way to hyper focus after all. I know sitting to read is a common problem area, but not always.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Trump was able to gather the hordes of weirdos in a way none of those other movements could. For whatever reason, he was an exceptionally powerful populist, and the other craven greed monsters want that power bad. It's been shown that that magic doesn't run off on them though and it seems to be flaking off trump very quickly these days.

There will always be another eventually, but it can't be denied that Trump's star is falling, and the Republicans have no one able to gather the hordes like trump could at the moment. If they lose their ass in November, it's very possible that it takes them quite a while to regroup in any real way. Their penchant for infighting will slow things down.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

We are in an apocalypse. We are not approaching it or dangerously close or anything like that. We. Are. In. It. Now. The suffering has only just begun. Welcome to a front row seat to the end of most life on this planet. Sorry rich folks, we never really figured out how to leave this blue marble to live on another. You're going to be suffering too it seems. You can't pay off the climate after all. I genuinely want you to enjoy your very expensive bunkers. They will help you survive long enough to face an extremely hellish earth that already killed most of us. You deserve that little gift.

The next decade is going to be fucking insane, let alone the following years. Good luck out there.

[–] [email protected] 50 points 3 months ago (1 children)

This just cements my opinion that all these people are short sighted idiots. They think they're foxes fucking up the henhouse, but they're just other chickens pecking the fuck out of their neighbors while the henhouse burns around them. Fucking. Stupid.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I once had a Christmas day post blow up and become top of the day from a stupid pic I uploaded. I wonder if some of those comments or a weird version of that pic will pop up. Anyone that had similar things happen should keep their eye out. Anything that blew up probably gets a bit more weight.

Oh God, cumbox! All of cumbox is in there. I wonder what kind of unrelated search could summon up that bit of fuzzy fun?

[–] [email protected] 26 points 3 months ago

Rapists get to choose who will bear their children, including children. Thank republicans for that.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

No, my thoughts come from a person who has no power to deliver proper punishment. From what I've read, it seems he's viewed as a petulant, perpetually angry prick. People like that are never happy, even when they get what they want, they just look for something else to hate. He's too uneducated and self centered to ever have proper introspection and growth. He's fucking stuck like that. Barring actual justice, at least he's trapped in that small mind.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (11 children)

Infamous stupid hick says hateful, willfully ignorant rage bait. Middle school was too much for this fucking mental invalid. He may never see prison for what he's done, but he's trapped in that idiot mind and will never know greater awareness, just like he deserves.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Companies**. Also, the word they're looking for is hypothesis, not theory.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

You failed to mention that a good chunk of that discourse is fake. There are absolutely people not pleased with Bidens stance, and I'm glad to see him calling for a ceasefire and supporting protester rights; but the truth is no matter what, fake outrage will attack him relentlessly regardless of what he does. That's a simple truth of modern media and it must be factored into any discussion about political discourse.

You never actually let go of the appeal to emotion. You just tried to wrap it up nicer. You even went for a last sentence stinger which doesn't land as well as you think. The simple fact is that one party openly wants to go full fascist dictator. Openly wants to be more cruel, more vengeful, more lethal, and more pro genocide to an insane degree. It is extremely naive to think those people are at all playing fair. We must pull out all the stops to slam the door on them. It's the only logical choice because it leaves us with a government that can be shifted instead of a far right fascist kleptocracy.

Want to get mad? Get fucking mad at the Republicans who consistently force this kind of choice. They're super pro genocide so I would assume you would want to do absolutely anything you could to stop them getting more power, right?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Defend your pont using what was already said in this discussion. No appeal to emotion. Use current polling to help show that third parties stand any chance in hell. Essentially, prove you aren't one of the many many disinfo bots/agents.

I'll be carefully paying attention to any sources so sticking to generally trusted would be best

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (5 children)

Third party candidates are not viable this election. Every poll that can be trusted to any degree is proof of this. Trumps base is going to vote for trump and the Republican party at large will very likely follow. Nearly the entire Republican party is openly fascist at this point and admitting that they plan to disassemble the government to suit their wants. They are open about allowing Israel to finish their genocide.

It is also well known at this point that disinformation campaigns really lean on trying to get any non Republican vote to either not vote at all, or vote third party. You have no logical arguments, no game theory, and no deeper understanding of everything on the table in this election. You mostly just use the appeal to emotion fallacy as if it's some magic gotcha. It is not, it is instead a signpost that you are not arguing in good faith.

Liars screamed "vote third party" last election too. Trump still lost, and we're working to ensure that stupid fuck loses again. Not only am I totally unswayed by your bs, I've ensured others will be voting straight blue as well. Youll maybe whine about it, but it won't change a thing.

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