joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 26 points 1 week ago (1 children)

There was a viral YouTube video of doing exactly this a few years back.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

At least if the Twitter comments are to believed that video was from 1.5hr before the Trump rally. I'm sure it annoys him the same as if it were real, but this isn't beneficial to ensuring Democrats realize the urgency to get out and vote in November.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

At least in what they say they certainly recognize this. The middle East as a whole talks about climate change much more than the US in my experience, mostly because to them it is an actual existential threat. Money is money so I'm sure they'll keep extracting oil while it makes money, but every single middle Eastern economy's goal has been to diversify from oil for many decades now.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Firefox mobile isn't there yet. Passwords will conveniently autofill from your Google account thanks to the Android level implementation of password management, but more importantly it's resource heavy and bad UI design. Ublock support is nice but some websites just don't deal with it well. The nightly builds do fix my main problems with the UI but they crash all the time. So there's hope for the future, but for now it's not great unless you absolutely need proper browser level ad blocking rather than Blokada.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

Every other year or so, but only because there somehow keep being better deals. Over the last 8 years mint mobile has been consistently good pricing even for returning customers provided you're willing to pay for the whole year up front. That's my baseline. From there other small carriers come along offering unlimited for less and you join for a year or two until they go bust. Right now I'm on Spectrum mobile since it's free with even the cheapest home internet available to my address (for 12 months).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

This is referring to the Roku built into many TVs. So you have no choice but to deal with it at least a little bit for switching between your HDMI/PC inputs. The reason this case is so bad is that it literally prevents you from using any input or device until you find the Roku remote that came with the TV and click accept. The TV is a "brick" until you do this.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

They should write it as "you must allow targeted advertising at least once every 5 years before submitting a new opt-out request for the next 5 year period".

So dumb this is legal, I just sent my email.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago (7 children)

The first time I saw this I was shocked. Every single paycheck of mine is there and there's basically nothing you can do about it without having negative credit impacts for having manually disabled it. Why on earth is this opt-out rather than opt-in? Then it wouldn't look like you're trying to hide something if you value your privacy at all.

It's crazy this is legal. So dystopian.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 months ago

Not only did they have the option, as I understand it the API was even configured as such since all requests from an app shared the same API key. They're basically whitelisting like this now but only for the accessibility oriented 3rd party apps.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 7 months ago

Yes, but to increase longevity energy density goes down substantially. Manufacturers (and many users including myself) would not make this decision for something as weight and size sensitive as a phone. The lithium ion batteries currently used already last for 2 years after all and are relatively small. A single model S battery contains 7104 individual cells for comparison. Further, lithium battery recycling has made substantial progress over the last year and will already need to be done at scale when higher volumes of EV batteries have reached their end of life. The impact of the of life phone batteries even from the entire world will be dwarfed by that of the 26 million EVs already on the roads today with thousands of cells each (or equivalent if using prismatic cells).

Some cars use LiFePO4 batteries for the superior longevity. But the range is reduced to somewhere between 1/2 and 2/3 their lithium ion counterparts. The industry is moving away from this trend in recent years in favor of traditional lithium ion with a software limited charge/discharge range.

[–] [email protected] 27 points 7 months ago (2 children)

If they hadn't applied the same charges to legitimate 3rd party applications they could still do this and have avoided the massive community backlash.

Considering their horrible track record with advertising and selling Reddit premium this should be the single best way for them to finally monetize their platform. They didn't need to destroy what little credibility they had remaining to their users to get to this point, but for whatever reason they did.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago (2 children)

The chemistry from holding that last 20% of charge for a while is what causes the degradation. The BMS can tell the system to stop charging before it's full but it can't do anything itself to prevent the cell from slowly being degraded by full charging.

This is is a problem that occurs on the order of years and that's why the EV companies care but phones historically don't. More easily replaceable batteries is the real solution here, not software stopping you from fully charging.

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