
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

A Song of Blood and Incest.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I did the same weeks ago and I miss lots.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago

I like the classic graphics in the corner

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

I have no idea. Maybe someone with a larger neural network than mine can figure it out.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It works now. It definitely didn't before when using Sync for Lemmy. That kind of mistake wouldn't have worked on the reddit website either. I had seen it a million times. Not sure if the Lemmy web site would handle it right.

Both versions work on my end.

I'm surprised to hear that.

Markdown libraries normally see the closing parenthesis in the URL as the end of the link markdown syntax of [text](link). You had [text](link(stuff)) which is parsed as [text](link(stuff) A smarter markdown parser could handle it, so whatever app you were using might do that.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (2 children)

When a link contains parentheses, you have to escape them... or else.

'find' goes back a long way

[–] [email protected] -1 points 4 months ago (1 children)

Well, congratulations, hacker.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago (7 children)

And you can't unlock their boot loaders. You must suffer their changes to Android, their assistant, their UI, their spyware, and bloatware. You don't own the device.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 4 months ago (2 children)

LLM's work on multi-dimensional search spaces

You're missing half of it. The data cube is just for storing and finding weights. Those weights are then loaded into the nodes of a neural network to do the actual work. The neural network was inspired by actual brains.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 months ago

So hard you dropped an O.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

It needs an apostrophe like y'all.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 months ago

His name is Max.


This was a comment I made on a "sink" post the mods deleted, and I think it's an issue that needs addressing, so I'm pasting it here. The comment I replied to said something like "Superscript and spoilers have always worked fine in Sync".

Ironically, that isn't valid Lemmy markdown. Sync should be supporting Lemmy markdown, not Reddit markdown. Here's what your comment looks like on the website:

This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~.


This is^superscript^ and you can also do~subscript~.

Here's what it should look like:

Instead, you get this:

Personally I don't like Lemmy's syntax for spoilers, but Sync should still support it!

hidden or nsfw stuffa bunch of spoilers here


hidden or nsfw stuffa bunch of spoilers here

I'm surprised that actually even works in Sync. It didn't used to. However, Sync doesn't show my code block accurately, which is funny as fuck! No app should be editing my code block. Sync is replacing my text with reddit markdown in order for it to display properly. And even when I put that markdown in a code block, it still converts it to reddit style! It also strips out the warning text!

Here is what I actually typed:

And here's what Sync shows:

What a lazy ass way of doing it. It removes an important feature: the warning text, and won't even let me show Sync users how to do a proper spoiler!

Oh, WTF. Sync butchered my comment when editing it! I had to fix it back on desktop.

Sync is not fine. It's full of bugs that the dev is ignoring.


Edited the image to stop putting the person on blast.


It would be good to display whatever the real error is instead of this erroneous message.

I don't even use filters except for a very short list of user filters from before the block API was implemented in Sync. I do, however have a very large list of blocked communities on the server, but I don't see why the Lemmy API would generate an empty page of posts due to my server-side blocks. Is it not smart enough to generate a page of posts after excluding my blocked communities? I've written a lot of paged database queries with filters, and implementing blocks after performing the query would be pretty dumb.


UPDATE: I just found this option:

Settings shortcut: Media > Shown options when peeking

That's where a "keep open" option could go, as well as a save button.

A lot of thumbanils have high resolution, and I want to see some detail on them without loading the article just to see it. Especially since mobile web pages most often don't allow zooming anyway.

Another option would be to have a save button you could release your finger over to save the thumbnail.

Even if it is an image post, these buttons could be available since I often don't pay attention to whether a post is an image post or not, and peek the image either way.



Someone said you can't edit any post containing an image, and my oldest post has an image. Might not have to do with age at all.

I would edit my title to reflect this but.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Just playing, Lj, keep up the good work!

I can still edit newer posts with Sync, but not my oldest one. I've only made three posts, so I don't have much data. For all I know, the bug is you can't edit your single oldest post. But I do know that Reddit would archive posts after a while, and maybe this behavior is a throwback from the Reddit version.


I can't seem to upload an image of my current mount, but it mounts flat on the top of my dashboard on a little plastic sheet that's permanently affixed to the dashboard.

The mount has a suction cup made of that sticky rubbery stuff. Any new mount needs to mount the same way. I'm hoping some of you have similar mounts and have some experience with what holds such a large phone well. (I have a slim case).


It's a sudden change up or down. Happens whether I'm plugged in or not.


That's all.

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