
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Trying to put the thought in my head into words...Let's try this: Beetlejuice has an excuse plot like a lot of video games do. The plot is a framework to attach fun and amusing scenes together. It's an excuse to go to the ghost DMV and to have the dinner and seance and wedding scenes.

At one point they do have a stated goal of scaring away the Deetzes, but they don't achieve this goal. They scare off Otho, by making his...suit less trendy? Am I remembering that right? But the Maitlands and Deetzes end up living in harmony, Lydia gets the movie's victory lap. Beetlejuice is the title character, but he's really the closest thing the film has to an antagonist.

Really, the characters and plot don't matter as much as the series of fun and interesting scenes. That's why I enjoyed the movie; it's built more like a haunted house than a feature film. It's a series of loosely related vignettes. And if those are fun, then mission achieved.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (4 children)

Story cohesion

In one or two simlpe sentences, summarize the story of the original Beetlejuice film. In just a few words, what is Beetlejuice about?

But hey we now have checks notes Monica Bellucci, the worst actress the big screen has ever seen…

May I introduce you to Monique Gabrielle?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

(I know you're joking but the builder in me is genuinely curious if you can make a rubber-like substance out of polystyrene)

[–] [email protected] 73 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Latex is natural rubber and is indeed biodegradable though it is slow to break down. Polyurethane condoms will probably be found in the archeological record.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Fedora KDE does. I think it's going to go with the DE rather than the distro, I bet Kubuntu also does.

I think dating back to the Space Cadet keyboard, Unix systems recognize 6 modifier keys: Shift, Control, Alt, Super, Meta and Hyper. It is my understanding that they choose to bind either Super or Meta to the "Windows" key (or the octothorpe whatever that thing is called key on Macs) and in practice it's used as another modifier key, often with Windows-like functionality such as opening the Menu if tapped tacked on.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 week ago
  1. I went with Fedora because of newer packages than you generally get in the Debian family lineage.

  2. KDE, especially KDE 6, has a fairly robust implementation of Wayland. Cinnamon is just now rolling out experimental Wayland support. This wasn't an issue on my previous machine with an Nvidia GPU as X11 was the better deal there, but now that I have a Radeon GPU Wayland is the better deal. My two monitors running at different resolutions and refresh rates work. FreeSync works out of the box. There's even the beginnings of HDR support. Having tried both on this machine, Fedora KDE has a lot more features of my hardware that "Just Work."

I much prefer using Cinnamon to KDE, but I'll deal.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Some distros call it the Meta key.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

At this point, Linux or even any given distro isn't the problem. The problem is the software library.

I call it GIMP syndrome. There's a lot of capable and powerful apps in the FOSS ecosystem and most of them have some kind of critical functionality gap or the UX of an Oregon Trail era disease. A lot of them, with the notable exception of GIMP, are actually working on it now.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I found KDE a bit overwhelmingly customizable to start out with, and maybe a bit bloated.

I've said this kind of thing before; Gnome feels like it's trying to appeal to Apple users, "Look how simple it is, look how few settings menus there are, you use it the way we designed it to be used and only that way, nothing else works." They like their empty blank windows. The ideal Gnome utility app is a blank window with a single button in the title bar that says "Cancel." Featurelessness is their goal.

KDE always felt like the polar opposite of that to me. Every feature under the sun, sometimes twice. Nothing is consistent, nothing aligns quite right, they love their cluttered windows. The ideal KDE utility app is a window crammed edge to edge with text boxes, drop downs, radio buttons and check boxes that never opens quite big enough for all the elements in it. This one little utility app can do basically everything even remotely related to the task it's made for plus several other adjacent tasks, to the point it takes you a long time to find the one option you ever actually need in a sea of settings menus.

Cinnamon felt somewhere in between. Except where Gnome apps crept in with their hamburger menus and top bar UI, Cinnamon felt consistent and good looking without being an iPhone commercial, and their included utilities tended to have the functionality you needed and nothing you didn't.

I just recently built a PC, and to get the most out of an AMD GPU I'm using Fedora KDE instead of my long time favorite Mint Cinnamon, and I've already had to boot up my old computer once to use a Mint utility because I couldn't seem to get the job done in KDE. You know that USB stick formatter tool in Mint? Why doesn't every OS have that?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I mean I can think of worse ways to send messages to my sleeper cells across the surface web. I used to watch The Modern Rogue.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (3 children)

So, tangentially related to this, you know r/kitty? The subreddit where every post was a picture of a cat, and the only word permitted in the title and any comments was "Kitty"?

I'm convinced that was being used for covert communications. Run those pictures through Outguess or something.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Asterisk: At 1 atmosphere of pressure. Lots of people forget that part.


My GTX-1080 is getting a little long in the tooth, I'm thinking of going all AMD on my Linux Mint gaming rig here, there anything I need to do or install or uninstall to switch to an AMD card from an Nvidia one?

I've never done this before on a Linux system; I've got my Intel/Radeon laptop, and my Ryzen/GeForce desktop and that's most of my Linux experience.


It's one of those things I've never talked about with other people, the most I've really been exposed to journal keeping in pop culture is Doug Funny. People don't talk about their personal journals.

Ever since I was a teenager I've sometimes felt compelled to write about major events, and over the years this has become the habit of keeping a journal that I write in almost every day, and sometimes I go back and read old entries. "What was I doing this time last year?" I also sometimes keep notes or such intentionally for future reference.

So, if you keep a journal, do you go back and read it? Why?


I have occasionally posted like, cat photos to social media trusting that identifying metadata is removed, since the mouth breathers that design things like smart phones put social security numbers and goddamn GPS data in every picture that's taken. Does Lemmy strip that data out, or am I gonna have to blank that myself?

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