
joined 2 years ago

“It’s down to creative accounting,”

The tool.used by most white collar grifters.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Which is widely know but surprisingly well supported by a vast number of voters.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Good news! Fuck the Swiss.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 days ago

Theres none so blind as those who don't want to see.


Hypocrisy, thy name is liberal democracy?

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Thats a dark road to tread.

An example,

no alchol consumption is safe, so using your line of thinking you'd need to argue that anyone who partakes of alcohol at any anytime would fall under that line of thinking


Processed red meats simailary, especially those treated with nitrites, so those eating bacon, ham etc shouldn't be entitled to public heath care under your reasoning


Or are those things ok becase you do them ?

On the upside, now you've excluded 95% of the population, public healthcare will be cheap :)

Contra to most peoples thinking, if you're concerned about public healthcare costs, you should "encourage" obesiety and smoking, they all die early, most health care coats are associated with healthy people in their old age. See here


Adults are stupid and greedy, we all are.


It found about 70 per cent of existing homes have building quality problems, while more than two-thirds of homes have an energy rating of three stars or lower.

Australia really just doesn't have the policy instruments or policies in place that one might expect for building performance and housing quality and condition," Dr Daniel said.

So all of these homes were almost effectively reducing their useful life, because it's almost as soon as they're built, they're not up to what we might consider a standard that's fit for purpose," she said.

"In the future, we can imagine that people living in those homes are going to be much more exposed to fluctuations in energy prices because they're over-reliant on heating and cooling.

What a cluster fuck

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Southern Hemisphere is a big place, I'm at 10C here in Tasmania where I live , in the middle of the day, a long way from scorching.

It would be nice if they used more specific language then "southern hemisphere", which includes Antarctica.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Most of the growing US population centres are in places that are at the forefront of unsustainablity and climate change danger.

For the vast majorty, there's just a complete lack of giving a fuck & zero real interest but just assuming things will be alright, no matter the evidence.

Another example, water issues and heat issues and it's the second fastest growing place in the US. On another note, creating wealth is a proxy for destroying the biosphere and making an unlivable planet.


KYLE, Texas—People and businesses have flooded into Kyle, Texas, since the pandemic, making it the second-fastest-growing city in the U.S. The influx is creating wealth but also contributing to a big problem: Kyle is getting hotter and running low on water

But climate change can make living here brutal. Underground, the aquifer that Kyle relied on is shrinking. The city for three years now has had to buy water rights from nearby San Marcos to satisfy its growing population. Temperatures hit nearly 100 degrees before this summer even started, and drought conditions persist. People wear neck fans, limit outdoor time to early morning and nighttime, and keep their children inside.

And here


No sane person would choose to move to Vegas. The heat and lack of water are ridiculous and it's nothing but a giant monument to human stupidity and hubris... Yet here we are.


Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Well most voters are entitled asshole that think a few solar panels and ecars is as much as can be expected and another bunch who think it's all bullshit anyway.

That's the vast majority. They Vote for the politcans who reflect that and its also why the Greens dont get enough votes to make substantive policy changes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

There is (or was) a North Korean Restaurant in Phnom Penh, in Cambodia. The staff were apparntly North Korean, so not sure how that worked and I was going to go but never go there back in the day.

The worst dishes (for me) I've had were in Malaysia , o coild nit find sonethbg Ibloeod, i started oit disliking the food in Myamar (before the recent civil war) not did start to find food I liked and the most suprisingly good food was Nepalese, at a little place owned by a Nepalese family. Not a fan of tomato based dishes so...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Outback Steak house ? Lol wot?

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe the owner died before they could oaas the torch ?

[–] [email protected] 38 points 2 weeks ago

Linux, seriously, it's in my phone, my router, my desktop, my ISP and nearly the entire infrastructure of the internet upon which I rely uses it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Voters aren't though, still voting for the politcans with their polices and heads stuck in last century.

Nearly everything we're doing is wrong, so I dont expect that to change much. The presumption is our human entitlement subsumes the laws of nature and whioke we can fool ourselves and each other for a time, you cannot fool nature.


I used to use YouTube Downloader but it seems to have shit the bed and isn't updated.


Wondering if anyone has any recommended Android app they use and a URL to download said app?


Over the past six months members have filmed themselves entering or attempting to enter court houses, police stations, local council chambers and commercial offices across the country.

During these interactions, an NDA "sheriff" typically approaches a polite, but often confused, front desk worker to proclaim Australia is now a "demilitarised zone" and that all government authority has been dissolved before handing them a written notice.

The notice warns "failure to be fully compliant" with NDA's rules "will certainly place you at severe risk of possible persecution, imprisonment or financial ruin".

Over time, these interactions have become more confrontational.

Video seen by ABC Investigations showed police forcefully ejecting members of the group from Gympie Court House in May.

What in tarnation?


In an age where giving lifts to strangers is mostly advised against, this family sees it as their preferred option to get to India, for environmental and social reasons.

Mr Jones and Ms Ulman do not own a car, have not been overseas in 20 years, and wanted to show their son the world, in the least polluting way possible.

"We've done a lot of travel before on bicycles and hitching and public transport in Australia," Mr Jones said.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/10807072

Australia has one of the lowest rates of people acknowledging that 'climate disruption' is caused by humans

Colour me not suprised


We know our planet’s ecosystem is breaking down…much of the destruction is irreparable. So, why haven’t things changed faster?


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/10713443

For denial doesn’t only amount to rejecting the evidence, he argues – it also consists of denying our role in the climate crisis; absolving ourselves through “carbon offsets, hybrid cars, local purchases, recycling”. And in this, far more of us are implicated.

In some ways, this argument might not seem all that new. Multiple authors have pointed out that green capitalism, not rightwing deniers of the crisis, is our greatest obstacle to properly confronting the problem. DeLay agrees. The difference is the lens he brings to it – using psychoanalysis to explain the mechanisms behind denial.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/10670770

Central to their concerns are how the IPCC predictions rely on a tool called the Forest Fire Danger Index (FFDI), which does not capture the full potential of future fires in drought and heatwave conditions.

Bureau of Meteorology senior research scientist Mika Peace and independent study co-author Lachlan McCaw identified several variables missing from the IPCC report's fire predictions under climate change.


cross-posted from: https://slrpnk.net/post/10459641

Over the past three years ... we've seen an even faster growth rate of accumulation of N2O into the atmosphere, almost 30 per cent faster than the previous decade.

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