
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (4 children)

For code hosting, doesn't that just mean you're self-hosting + others can utilize you space for a backup?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

It's scaling. There's no hard cutoff. The longer a renter has been in, the more difficult to cancel their contact. The idea is that the longer someone has lived there, the more their life will have become reliant on being in that area, and hence uprooting them is less and less sensible.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago

Hamburg in Germany. I think we got even more tenant friendly laws than the other federal states though.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Something that is difficult to do over here because the longer a tenant has been in a rented place the more say they get over living there.

Effectively once it's been 5+ years, you no longer get to evict them. You can ask nicely if they'll leave, otherwise you're SOL.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (3 children)

More so on a piracy sub. Wouldn't you just pirate it?!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Overwatch 1.2, which would be more accurate?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Never in my life have I heard anybody say “Are you going to get new game …? I’ve heard you can play as a black woman in this one. So cool.”

Hrm, anecdotally I have quite a lot of formerly non-gamer friends who were really hyped for say, Life is Strange: True Colors, specifically because they were excited about how Alex breaks some beauty norms and gets to flirt with Steph on top of that.

Of course, anecdotally.

But it's important to keep in mind that we're no longer an industry of 5 teams creating 20 games a year. There's so many games that there is more than enough space for every game. From absolutely purist near-identityless gameplay-only designs (Which exist in droves) to huge mass-market hyper-produced open worlds all the way to purist story/feels only visual novels and experimental art pieces.

And each of these categories has more games each year than the entire market around the Gameboy time had. Gaming is insanely big now.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Okay? Used the wrong community for your ad spam?

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

Sssh, don't tell the sheep that! Next you'll tell them about the earth's shape or the alien butt probes we all get implanted after birth in hospitals! Don't let them know!!

[–] [email protected] 30 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Sure, just be aware that if you apply this without reading up on virtually every single option this changes, you'll soon be joining the legion of people that always post about how "Firefox uses so much memory at idle!" or "Firefox won't even render page xyz!" or "Firefox stutters like hell on pages with animations!" and so on.

Because there's a reason that the devs have not applied these to be the default. They don't come without any cost.

[–] [email protected] -1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Though if they're smart about this, they'll remove that the back gesture goes back a webpage, and instead make it go back a screen (say back into settings or home or out of the app), so it's consistent with other apps.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

It's not your machine, your choice of distro, or your choice of specific packages to use or not use. It's a work tool you get handed as part of a job. So whether CrowdStrike runs on it or not is not your decision and you aren't allowed (and usually not capable) to change that.

That's an entirely different situation from one where you get a PC to do with as you please and set up yourself, or a private machine.

Plus we're mostly talking endpoint devices for non-technical users with many of these difficult-to-fix devices as techs have to drive out to them. The users expect a tool, and they get a tool. A Linux would be customized and utterly locked down, and part of that would be the endpoint protection software.


Bringing remodellings of:

  • Stockholm
  • Nice
  • Monaco
  • Barcelona
  • Porto
  • Madrid

In particular the shot of Monaco looks truly impressive, tbh.


Actually... sounds quite interesting. Like a more casual and chaotic take on DbD, which to me at least sounds like exactly what that formula could use.


Welp, this didn't take long.

It's especially interesting that they laid off a lot of people who were the only ones in their particular job, leaving entire jobs uncovered. I suspect this comes right before shutting them entirely or doing it all "with AI" 🤮.

Sad in particular about Alice Bell. She was fantastic, and it always felt like she kept the site going through all the shit of recent years. Plus being the driving force behind their podcast (the Electronic Wireless Show) of course also spells doom for that one though I hope that like Indiescovery they go rogue and run it independent of the site.

Bleak times. Fuck IGN.




This morning, Finnish game developer Remedy Entertainment announced a couple of key changes to its core management team. First and foremost, Chief Operations Officer Christopher Schmitz has resigned and will leave the company on May 31.
Secondly, Mikael Kasurinen has been promoted to Creative Director, sharing responsibilities in this role with Sami Järvi, more commonly known as Sam Lake. Kasurinen also joins the Remedy core management team.


Unity's Runtime Fee debacle cost it the trust of several indie developers, and led to Slay the Spire 2 being made in Godot.


Basically hearths are getting species-specific upgrades which also makes organizing who moves close to which hearth easier (so slightly more micro early game, but less late game in each stage).

Also some assorted stuff like new cornerstones and so on.


Short description:

Play as Brynn, a young but fearless Weaver, determined to recover her people’s cultural home in the debut fantasy action-adventure title from Yellow Brick Games, a new independent studio founded by industry veterans.

Armed with powerful magical abilities and an arsenal of magical weapons, face enemies that range from humanoid constructs to towering beasts. Use the environment and temperature to your advantage in battles against a diverse roster of fantastical creatures, like turning a dragon’s fiery breath against ice-covered minions. Climb every surface and use arcane skills to create new paths. Explore the world in pursuit of the Enclave’s lost mysteries and challenge giant titans on your journey.

On first glance it feels a bit Shadow of the Colossus, both in how dreamy much of it looks and how we're climbing around on large monsters.


Releases for €60 in my local currency, so far it seems on a technical level it's done well enough, FPS seems stable except during cutscenes (oddly enough, a lot report dropping to 30 or lower).

Sadly have not found information yet about FoV or keybindings.


And yeah he does this every night. Has to sleep on her head. Otherwise he won't sleep. 😅

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