
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 17 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I gave up running an email server long ago - I thought it was basically impossible because too many spammers were doing it for nefarious purposes.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

The second one gave me a message that the domain has been seized. :(

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I'd add that quite a few of them have also been intentionally misled. They've been fed a diet of shit information over the past few decades, and it has an effect.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

The whole page is the point. You don't seem to be very informed on the situation; you claimed it was just a few friends. I was trying to tell you it was a systemic issue, and the long page is evidence of that.

I'm guessing you're religious and trying to avoid facing the fact that religions do bad things, too. Well, guess what? They do.

"Ragging on religious institutions" lol. Seems like you just want to bury your head in the sand.

I've scrolled through your comments and realize now you're a Trump fan, so I now realize I've been wasting my time. There's no point in trying to explain something to Trump fans, you guys are beyond help. And I'm guessing your "government school" comment is referring to the (insane, untrue) claims that schools indoctrinate kids to be trans or whatever the hell they are claiming today. So, don't bother replying, I'm just going to add you to my block list, and I won't see it any way.

Trump fans. Just keep drinking that Flavor-Aid. Still supporting that jackass after all of the stupid shit he has done. The "party of law and order" supporting churches that covered up pedophiles for years. Insane.

And yes, he is racist. If you think otherwise, you're burying your head in the sand, again.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Please read up on it. I'm sure now they do have that policy, was an extremely widespread problem, literally all over the world. Any claim that they've fixed the problem is going to be met with skepticism for a long time, and rightly so. They worked HARD to hide it.

I do think the Catholic church was right about one thing - it likely happened in other churches as well.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Uh, it was more of an institutional policy. That's why it was such a scandal.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Unfortunately some churches have a reputation for covering up the crime and not punishing the perpetrator.

It's one thing for the crime to happen; it's much worse when a bunch of people decide to hide it.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Great question. I knew a guy that suddenly found Jesus. He wasn't religious as far as we knew, never mentioned it, etc., then one day he suddenly became very religious. We had no idea what prompted it.

But I remember him saying he doesn't even know who his wife is any more, and thinking, "Uh, you're the one that changed." But the way he said it made it sound like he thought she had changed, not him.

He was the manager of the retail store I worked in, and he'd sometimes start badgering customers about Jesus and God. Not good. I was off to college at the end of the summer, and he was gone when I stopped in a few months later.

I wonder if he got a brain tumor or something, just to shift so dramatically so quickly. He was also doing bizarre things, like ordering tons of products we didn't need, and not ordering stuff we did need.

I remember one Sunday he scheduled himself, one cashier, one guy that had just started a few days before, and myself to work - then spent the entire time hanging out in the office. I was swamped all day. New guy did what he could, but he hadn't had much time to learn. I could at least get him to load stuff, things like that, to reduce some of my workload. That workday went by really quickly. The customers were actually really nice about it - I assume they knew it wasn't my fault, and saw that I was working hard.


Hi, all. Finally migrated from Kubuntu to Debian 12 over the weekend. It's working great, as I figured it would, with one exception: The system isn't turning the monitors off after 10 minutes. It's blanking them, but they're clearly still on.

One monitor is on an AMD graphics card, the other is on the motherboard Intel adapter.

Debian 12 with KDE Plasma running on Wayland with sddm login. It previously worked fine on Kubuntu (which I believe was running X11). It's a fresh Debian install on a different drive; I didn't overwrite the Kubuntu installation.

In the Energy Saving settings, I have "Screen energy saving" checked with a delay of 10 minutes. (I have "suspend session" turned off - one, because I don't want the computer to sleep or suspend, and two, because when I woke it up again, the graphics were garbled and I had to reboot.) As I said, it does blank the screens, but they're still clearly on. I want them to go into power save mode.

I've tried running dpkg-reconfigure and selecting sddm, no change. In KDE's background services, I tried turning off KScreen 2, but that didn't help (though I'm not sure if I rebooted after turning it off, now that I think about it).

I found advice somewhere that suggested deleting .config/powermanagementprofilesrc and rebooting; I did that, no change.

I did notice yesterday that the monitors had shut off...after a very long time of being idle. I'm not sure how long, but more than overnight, for certain.

Any advice or suggestions? Unfortunately, searching is difficult, because I get a lot of results where the screen blanks when it shouldn't. I haven't found much for this problem.

I used the same installer on my laptop to do the same migration (also with KDE Plasma and sddm) and it works fine there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

I bought a Lenovo about 2 years ago that I've been really happy with. I wanted something with a metal shell because I carry my laptop around sometimes and use it balanced on one hand, and my previous Dell (plastic) started flexing and having weird issues with the TouchPad as a result. The Lenovo has been solid. I'm running Kubuntu on it, but my plan is to go Debian at some point.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

All these comments, and I'm wondering who would ask someone about their height like's pretty easy to estimate someone's height just by observation.

Running on a Lenovo Yoga Tab 13, Android 13, version 1.0.4 of Boost.

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