
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 53 points 1 week ago

Not any guy, our very own Didier Raoult. Unethical, gross, money hoarding, conspirationist and overall public danger Didier Raoult.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Oh my dear Baruch, what did they do to you..

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

As a cis male, I find this post to be so true. And you're never done trying to unfold this socialization.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Failed copy/paste

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Cuddles maybe. Some homeless people care about their cats more than their own life. The nerve some people have to rob them of their cats.. I've seen it happen recently. I knew the guy, called him. He recognized his cat. The young couple said the cat would be better off with them than with a hobo. Needless to say, we "retrieved" the cat.

So no Miku, don't do that.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 weeks ago (4 children)

It's absolutely not legal Miku. Please all of you don't do that.


Omg, I suppose ERB was producing their Biden VS Trump rematch video when the democratic nominee changed. That means we may not get an electoral battle this cycle. My day is ruined.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Last two times I've bought a keyboard, I struggled to find one without LCD. Like really. So idk if that's on the demand or the offer.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

In my country, we simply call them "authoritarian communists" or, still today, "stals", for "stalinists".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I'm not qualified enough to approve or contest this statement, but I know for a /phisicistsfact that there was a time when great mathematicians were also great philosophers and they couldn't conceive doing one without the other (Leibnitz or Descartes, among many others). Why I changed and exactly how, I don't know, but I find it interesting.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Meh. Natural sciences and philosophy/methaphisics are quite closer/more intimately linked than you seem to think.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

New meme template just dropped

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Well, as a guy, I've been asked multiple times why I systematically play games female characters in video games, to the point of skipping a game if I'm forced to pay a male one, with a few exceptions (I really liked Albus from Troubleshooters for example). Whenever there's romance in a game, I'll also take the F/F route. Yet, I don't think I fetishize those in general. There's a thing about not liking most M characters in games, but also something about playing someone really different from who I am. We've had an interesting conversation about this with my gf who always plays F characters and woyd never play M.

Although I'm a straight guy, I've always more identified to female friends and characters, although I have a few male friends too. So I'm wondering who else does that (playing a character not matching your gender), and if you found your own explanation.

Edit : It's not really an oversexualization drive for me, I try to play a female character that looks like me, even though I've never thought about actually becoming a woman.

Edit 2 : So far, I think we have, hmm..

  1. Playing someone that differs from one's irl identity
  2. Physical Attractivity
  3. Male character writing and design
  4. Lara Croft effect
  5. Lady Dwarf

As per title. This is such a great feature, included by Eternity, Sync, Connect and a few others. A very nice QoL which a few users desperately want in their app. I'm one of them! Good luck with the development of Boost!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A community for those interested in ethics and particularly about the work on Spinoza. Anyone is welcome, you don't need a degree. Gatekeeping is not allowed.

If you are curious or want to share you examples, memes, discussions about how Spinoza's Ethics are relevant to you, of if you're curious and just want to learn a thing or two about it, come and discuss!

[email protected]

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been thinking about writing this following a discussion on atheistmemes because it gave me a lot to think about.

The idea is quite simple. I acknowledge there are multiple visions of atheism but never really took the opportunity to discuss it with people.

So here are the main cornerstones of my vision of atheism. Do you share them or reject them ?

-Gods, as religions define it, do not exist. There might be some kind of metaphysical supreme entity, but it would be more akin to an abstraction.

-Spiritual beliefs, per se, are not a good or bad thing. I admire quite a lot of religious minded people. Abolitionist quakers, anarchist christians, muslim thinkers, poets, activists fighting for emancipation from colonial/theocratic rule, etc. That being said, I believe I'll live and die as an atheist.

-Religious institutions are quasi-inherently evil. I write "quasi-" because I don't know enough about all beliefs system. What about animist/pantheist institutions ? I don't know. I come from a family of African immigrants and I hear mixed things about those.

-Being an atheist do not make you better or worse than being a believer, and, quite importantly, not "wiser". Wisdom is earned from character and mind. That being said, being a fundamentalist and being wise are mutually incompatible imo.

-I deeply hate and resent all missionaries. Religious ones, especially fundamentalism of all shapes and forms, for sure, but also atheist ones. I believe there's no god, I don't need my friends to accept this. If they want to learn about atheism, I'll tell them. I often question them about religion, because I sometimes have trouble understanding how they can be great people while believing in what are basically myths to me. But that's all. That's just me who don't understand. I don't think they would be "better" as atheists.

-I have an ambiguous relation to Islam. While I reject it as a set of institutions, like all other religions, and absolutely despise it's fundamentalist current, I do understand that some large part of anti-Islam movements are actually ethnoracists in (a bad) disguise. I tend to favour alliances with muslim individuals/groups i'll be able to talk with without it being infuriating. Tbh, the only fundamentalists I actually talked with irl were Christians and Jews. But that's just my social position. If I was born in another context, another place, another family, it who would be different. I don't doubt all religions produce fundamentalism in a somehow equal measure.

-I truly think reason is not a quality which is restricted to atheism. Even if, like wisdom, I think some conceptions of religion bar people from living according to reason. But I can't respect people waving the "reason" flag like a title, an honor or an automatic consequence to being an atheist. Reason is a way of life, certainly not an authoritarian one, it's hard earned and always fragile. And it's certainly not restricted to "maths". Although mathematics are a part of it. Understanding what's good and bad for your own complexion is, for me, the beating heart of reason. Easier said than done.

-Despite all I said, I understand and won't criticize a very strong stance against any religion from someone who's been oppressed by them. Although, and take it with a grain of salt because it's only my experience of those people, I don't feel like they're the first ones to wave atheist as the flag of a nation or a pride backed by a superiority complex.

To end this wall of text, here's a summed up version of how I was raised. My parents are far from perfect, but this they did fine.

Both were religious. Jewish and Muslim, with various degrees of adhesion/rejection/deviation from their faiths (quite complicated for my mother). They had us participate in both religious rituals when we were young. We sang prayers (as we sang folk songs, we didn't make a difference). But they didn't give us any kind of religious education. When we were 14 or 15, they gathered my siblings and I and basically told us this :

"We are religious. But that's just us. You've experienced what is religion. You should make a choice about it. Either now or later. There will be no consequence to your choice under this roof."

There were three of us. We all choose to be atheists. They acknowledged our choice add we never once discussed that again.

That's it. I'd like to hear your opinions about all this, if any. Thanks for reading !

Edits : typos


Still a few ones..!

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think no comments are necessary. We have most of the emergency memes now.


If you have some on your phone, consider sharing them !


I know you miss them


Idk if "little experience" means something in English, but what I meant is non-life changing/threatening. Things that would otherwise go unnoticed.

For me, it was when I stopped drinking acoholic beverages because.. I ended up finding it boring, I guess.

I started noticing how low key hostile my environment is towards people who dont drink. People started thinking I was sick, depressed, converted to islam, being snob, etc.

Bartenders started to openly mock me when I asked for a lemonade (they still do) : "We dont do that here", "Go to a physician if you need that", "you're in a bar you know ?".

I started realizing how hostile my country/region/groups can be to people who dont drink. Never realized that before.

Edit : typo


Come for the strike, stay for the lemz & memz

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