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Here is the study: http://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adg0344

A deadly pandemic has decimated bats in North America — and that has ultimately had harmful effects on humans, including higher rates of infant mortality, according to a new study.

The research is part of growing evidence that humans rely on the animal and plant species around them, and are harmed when those species decline or go extinct.

White-nose syndrome is a deadly fungal disease that kills an average of 70 per cent of bats it infects, and has been spreading to new areas since it was first reported on the continent in 2006.


Ecologists know that bats play a crucial role in eating up and controlling insect pests.

Because of that, Eyal Frank, an environmental economist at the University of Chicago, decided to look at what happened when white-nose syndrome spread into new counties in the eastern U.S., decimating bat populations.

He found that farmers responded to the resulting insect outbreaks by increasing their pesticide use 31 per cent. Pesticides are toxic, and often associated with human health impacts such as increases in infant deaths.

Frank found that infant mortality went up eight per cent after the arrival of white-nose syndrome in a county, according to his study published today in the journal Science.


The study shows how interactions between species such as bats and insects stabilize the ecosystems that other species rely on, including humans, who can be harmed when those species disappear, Frank said.

"These ecosystems are very complex systems with many interactions between species, and we do not fully understand what to expect or what will happen when we allow one species to fall below some viable population level or to go extinct," said Frank, who had previously linked the deaths of half a million people in India to the collapse of local vulture populations due to accidental poisoning.


Alexey Soldatov, known as the “father of the Russian Internet,” was sentenced in July to two years in prison by a Moscow court for alleged “misuse” of IP addresses.

In 1990, Soldatov led the Relcom computer network that made the first Soviet connection to the global internet. He also served as Russia’s Deputy Minister of Communications from 2008 to 2010.

Soldatov was convicted on charges related to an alleged deal to transfer IP addresses to a foreign organization. He and his lawyers have denied the accusations. His family, many supporters, and Netzpolitik suggest that the accusations are politically motivated. Soldatov’s former business partner, Yevgeny Antipov, was also sentenced to eighteen months in prison.

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The original was posted on /r/maybemaybemaybe by /u/Same-OldMantra on 2024-09-07 19:55:09+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/maybemaybemaybe by /u/beingimmature on 2024-09-07 19:54:19+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/maybemaybemaybe by /u/Only-Reels on 2024-09-07 19:52:00+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/maybemaybemaybe by /u/itsokate on 2024-09-07 17:48:50+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/maybemaybemaybe by /u/floweer_ladyy on 2024-09-07 11:37:46+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/hyruleengineering by /u/FigureLogical3933 on 2024-09-07 19:24:26+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/hyruleengineering by /u/ProfessorSoCool on 2024-09-07 13:49:25+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/hyruleengineering by /u/Efficient_Demand5759 on 2024-09-07 10:05:25+00:00.

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The original was posted on /r/hyruleengineering by /u/kmarkow on 2024-09-07 07:14:07+00:00.



Lithuania installed "dragon's teeth" and mines in front of the bridge on the border with the Kaliningrad region

"This is a precautionary step to ensure more effective defense," the Lithuanian Defense Ministry said on Twitter. The ministry explained that the Queen Louise Bridge is Russian property, so Lithuania cannot install "dragon's teeth" and mines on the bridge itself, but only in front of it.


Enticing though they are, such arguments conceal a logical flaw. As a classic 19th-century theory known as a Jevons paradox explains, even if autonomous vehicles eventually work perfectly — an enormous “if” — they are likely to increase total emissions and crash deaths, simply because people will use them so much.


Stop Killing Games is an European Citizens Initiative aiming to keep games playable even after their developers and publishers have stopped supporting it.

Only two days ago Denmark passed its respective threshold (I reported) and just last night the Netherlands joined the club. Both countries did so after two weeks of virtually no movement in their numbers.

To get the initiative onto the EUs agenda so it has the chance to become EU law, it has to both reach 1 million signatures total and minimum thresholds in at least 7 countries. The Netherlands is the 6th country to pass the threshold. So who will be the 7th? Currently it looks like Ireland (69%) followed by Belgium (66%), France (64%) and Austria (62%). But as Poland has shown, things can change quickly.

All that has happened already, happened in only just over one month since the initiative started accepting signatures showing a remarkable momentum. So let's keep the momentum going. If you haven't already signed and are a citizen of the EU (even one abroad) consider signing the initiative.

Even if you are from a country that already reached the threshold you can still sign. Your signature counts to the 1 million goal.

Relevant links:

PS: Hi LTT crew. I'm honoured to be your source when reporting on the initiative. But maybe consider also citing the primary sources. The link "Sign the initiative here" leads directly to the page of the European Commission, which has even more up to date numbers than my screenshot.


Archived version

Yesterday, at the Economic Club of New York, one member asked Donald Trump a very specific question about his policy priorities:

“If you win in November, can you commit to prioritizing legislation to make child care affordable, and if so, what specific piece of legislation will you advance?”

Trump’s reply was not only not specific; it was incoherent. After a little throat-clearing about how “important” an issue child care is, he seemed to turn to a discussion of his nebulous idea to increase tariffs on foreign imports, although even that is hard to ascertain.

Trump said:

But I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I’m talking about, that—because, look, child care is child care. It’s, couldn’t—you know, there’s something … You have to have it. In this country, you have to have it.

But when you talk about those numbers compared to the kind of numbers that I’m talking about by taxing foreign nations at levels that they’re not used to, but they’ll get used to it very quickly. And it’s not going to stop them from doing business with us, but they’ll have a very substantial tax when they send product into our country.

Those numbers are so much bigger than any numbers that we’re talking about, including child care, that it’s gonna take care. We’re gonna have—I, I look forward to having no deficits within a fairly short period of time, coupled with, uh, the reductions that I told you about on waste and fraud and all of the other things that are going on in our country—because I have to stay with child care. I want to stay with child care, but those numbers are small relative to the kind of economic numbers that I’m talking about, including growth.

But growth also headed up by what the plan is that I just, uh, that I just told you about. We’re gonna be taking in trillions of dollars, and as much as child care is talked about as being expensive, it’s, relatively speaking, not very expensive compared to the kind of numbers we’ll be taking in.

We’re going to make this into an incredible country that can afford to take care of its people, and then we’ll worry about the rest of the world. Let’s help other people. But we’re gonna take care of our country first. This is about America first. It’s about: Make America great again. We have to do it, because right now we’re a failing nation. So we’ll take care of it. Thank you. Very good question.

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/EmmaWatsonButDumber on 2024-09-07 19:43:35+00:00.

I am a forensic pathologist. If you are not familiar with the term, simply put, my job is to perform autopsies and find out the cause of death of a body. It is not a profession for the weak, and I can certainly say it has given my life a grim hue, but I've learned to live with it.

I'm fairly good at my job, and respected amongst my colleagues. The only way I can do my thing is if I dehumanize the body in front of me, and just view it as a... specimen of some sort. I try not to think about the life it had, and just be done with it as fast as possible.

I got to a point where I tune it out and never get grossed out or creeped out — I could have my lunch break next to a corpse and I would not give a fuck.

Last June was when our small town started talking about this... incident.

An 18 year old had been found dead in a well.

We don’t really pay attention to this kind of news — it’s not helpful in any way, nor does it impact our everyday lives. This time the crime was everywhere, due to its… gruesome nature. His teeth were found stuck on his back. I don’t know why, but that creeped me out, and I don’t get creeped out easily.

Fast-forward to Thanksgiving, and another grim day — this time, two bodies: an old widow and an engineer with a wife and kids. People were talking about the teeth, stuck to their backs.

Stories began circulating of this new serial killer — they called them Teeth, just that. There was no online coverage, because in this small town people don't believe in the media.

Soon, the next killings followed: men, women, children.

All found in water wells, all with teeth stuck into their backs.

Police had an ongoing investigation, and multiple suspects. One particular man, whose real name I won't disclose, so we'll just call him Keith Paulson, had caught their eye for his antisocial behavior and his constant lurking at the scenes of the crimes. Finally, one day, forensic research matches his prints to a set found at the newest tragedy.

That was it — Keith Paulson was Teeth.

However, a day before his court meeting, he went missing.

Everyone panicked. At night, I couldn’t help but think. What if he got to my son? My wife? I began losing sleep - countless nights followed, until the next day, when he was found dead.

I breathed a sigh of relief: finally, the torment was over. I could finally rest, knowing we were safe. I hated the whole situation, and I'd assumed the bastard had taken his days, afraid of what he would have gotten done to himself in jail.

I got a call from the chief that very night. Sitting at my desk, looking through my computer, and the phone rings. It's 3AM, so it did startle me. I knew, even before I answered, what it would be about. I didn’t want to. I really didn’t. My head was racing, silently pleading he wouldn’t ask me what I suspected.

“Mr. Simmons?”

“Yes? Ralph, is that you?”

“Yeah. Listen, uh, we have a… situation. We might need your expertise.”

“Don’t you have your guys for that?”

“We do, but given your experience and… dexterity, you’d be more suitable for the job.”

“All right.” I responded, fixated on the window. “What time tomorrow?”

“We might need you tonight, actually.”

My blood ran cold. What could be so urgent, that they couldn’t wait?

“Are you sure? Why is it so urgent?”

“Just… the faster we get it done, the better.”

“What is it?” my wife asked, from the hallway.

“They need me for a job.”


“Yeah. On that… teeth guy.”

I saw her eyes widen. “No. That whole thing is really fucking creepy. Can’t you just pass?”

“I don’t think I can.”

“Ernie, it’s the middle of the night.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to go to sleep knowing you’re out there opening a serial killer up. Plus, what if he isn’t the killer? What then? You, out there, alone?”

“I’ll get an assistant.”

“Don’t go.”

“I’m sorry.”

I got dressed and drove off into the night. I never get creeped out, but this was… different.

Alone, in the car, I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d killed himself. I guess I was about to find out.

As I got to the hospital, I could see the police cars lined up. I got out and met Ralph. “So, what was so special about this that couldn’t wait?”

“It’s just, it really looked like a suicide, but it also looked like he had crawled into the well by himself.” I assumed they wanted to get it done as fast as possible, because if Keith was just a victim, the real deal hadn't been caught, and with someone so active and thirsty for blood, you cannot waste another day.

I frowned. “I’ll need an assistant.” I knew I actually didn't, but for some reason I didn't like to be alone with that guy at 3AM.

“I’m afraid no one is available now. I’ve spoken to the others, and no one wants to have anything to do with him.”

With that said, they left me in the hospital's basement, accompanied by fluorescent lights and the smell of sanitizer. The top two floors of the hospital were active, but the night patrol, on this side of town, wasn't so numerous. Just a few nurses and some doctors sleeping on the watch. Rarely any emergencies.

Basically, I was alone.

I usually work in the middle of the day, and I really wanted to just go back home, to my bed and my family. The sooner this is over, the better, so I better get to work, I thought.

This is how an autopsy works. First, the pathologist - me - reviews the deceased's medical history, circumstances surrounding the death, and any relevant details provided by law enforcement or medical personnel.

As I read through the report, my mind kept flashing back to me the same words: It looked like he had crawled into the well by himself.

Then, the external examination follows. The body is visually inspected for external signs of injury, trauma, or abnormalities - bruises, lacerations, rashes. Skin color, lividity, and rigor mortis are noted.

Keith had been found in a well. That was essential, and I had expected him to look worse. Way worse. What I found and how he looked was horrifying.

Let me explain. I won't bore you with technical details, and just strip it to the essential.

Water exposure often causes bloating as gases accumulate inside the body during decomposition. The skin may turn a pale or greenish hue, especially in cooler water, due to bacterial activity. Keith did not look like that at all. In fact, it looked like he'd just fallen asleep. No bloating. The skin wasn't wrinkled or softened. He looked fine.

For obvious reasons, I wanted to see if his teeth were stuck to his back, and they weren't. I breathed a sigh of relief. That most likely meant he was the killer.

Next, photographs are taken, and detailed notes are made regarding the condition of the body, clothing, and any external objects found with the body. I snapped some pictures and kept going.

I was beginning to sweat, and couldn't understand why. I mean, the window had been open this whole time - it was a small window, really high, close to the ceiling, which corresponded to ground level.

I turned to check, and found out the window was closed.

I could have sworn I felt a breeze on my neck.

Moving on to the internal examination, and nothing was out of place. Absolutely nothing. No signs of drowning, poisoning, heart attack, anything. I felt as if I was examining someone still alive. In all my years of practice, I have never, and I mean never, not been able to find a cause of death.

I heard a sound in the hallway, distant, but piercing in the deafening silence. I felt a knot in my chest. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. And again. And again.

Then, I stretched for a bit, and got back to work.

It was tedious, and the more I examined, the more I realized how utterly wrong it was. His body was perfect, and, apart from his broken fingernails and bleeding fingertips - which I assumed were what the chief saw that made him think he'd crawled into the well - nothing was out of place.

By the time I had finished the reconstitution, sunlight had begun to creep though the tiny window. I started filling out the report, but stopped halfway to check the pictures I'd taken, just to get the details right.

The first one felt like a punch in the gut. My body stayed still, but a wave of sheer terror washed over me, and my head became overwhelmingly light. I looked back at Keith, but could not bear to look back at the camera. My hands were shaking like crazy, and I could barely see two feet in front of me. My eyes widened, and, scarcely breathing, I took the clipboard with me, my phone, camera and car keys, and got the fuck out of that basement.

I didn't even lock the room, and left him on that table. I prayed no one would go inside. For their own good.

I locked the car and, there, I started filling out the autopsy report. My pen loomed over the Cause of death column. Suicide I wrote down, pressing hard into the paper.

After that, I called the chief. I was so dizzy, for the shock hadn't fully left my body.

"Anything out of order?"

"I wrote down suicide."

A break followed, then Ralph spoke softly. "Simmons, I trust you. Did you feel it was necessary for you to write that down?"

"I never said I lied."

"So that's how he died?"

"For now, yes."

"What do you mean, for now?"

My glassy eyes were fixated on the center of the steering wheel. Just start the car, take your wife and your kid and move out of this state. You don't have to tell him. You can just leave it like that.

"You said he looked like he'd crawled into the well." I said.


Content cut off. Read original on https://old.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/1fbfdnn/this_autopsy_keeps_getting_weirder/

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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/SalamiMommie on 2024-09-07 15:07:35+00:00.

I remember it all still like it was yesterday. The guilt still eats me alive.

I was thirteen years old and living in nowhere, North Carolina. Me and a few neighborhood kids would ride around on bikes and get into all sorts of mischief. The year was 1979.

Old lady Bell would often times sit on the front porch of her old mill house and smoke Marlboro reds. She seemed to mind herself. It seemed like she was always eating muscadines too.

“I always heard that the muscadines are kids she captured.” Johnny stared off from her afar.

“I heard she was a witch.” Sally said.

Meanwhile Old lady Bell popped another muscadine in her mouth.

Bobby pulled out a bag of chew that belonged to his dad . “So, is her house the one tonight? We need to go buy some eggs.”

I stared off at the house and seen where plant vines and overgrown weeds were slowly taking over her house. A wind gust blew that made her chimes ring.

Sally spoke up “maybe we can throw some toilet paper over her trees too. Richard! Pay attention.”

I spoke up. “I thought If witches ate a kid, it makes them young. I mean she’s old and creepy.”

Bobby spit on the ground and laughed. “I bet she crossed the Red Sea with Moses.”

We took off on our bikes and decided that her house was the one to suffer from our shenanigans tonight.

We all snuck out of our homes and met near her home at an old gas station that was closed for three night. Johnny pulled a bag out of his backpack and the smell made me gag.

“Dog shit. I scooped some up and got it. Figured it would be funnier than throwing a few eggs. I brought my lighter too.”

I spoke up. “I don’t know if we should do that. She might be too old to get up and her house catch on fire.”

“Don’t be a wimp.” Sally spoke up.

We all walked by the bushes near her house. Johnny ran up to her porch and lit the bag. He knocked on her door and ran like a bat out of hell.

He tripped in her yard as soon as she opened the door. She let out a wicked scream and began to stomp on the bag.

“You damn hooligans! I see you all and you’ll pay.” She sounded so evil when she said it.

Johnny caught up to us and we all took off on our bikes. They all began laughing and we split off on the way home.

I crawled back through my window and threw the blanket over my head. I didn’t much sleep that night.

I walked in my kitchen the next morning and poured myself some cereal when my mom asked what happened last night. I tried to come up with a lie and she stopped me.

“The police came by this morning and said Ms. Bell caught you in your friends vandalizing her property.”

“Mom, I.”

“She’s not pressing charges. But she requested that you and the others go do some yard work for her. I’m so disappointed that you would do this.”

“Mom, listen.”

“Don’t you talk when I am. I already talked with the other parents and we think it’s a good idea. So you are going to go right after breakfast.”

I didn’t have much of a choice. I rode my bike over there to see the gang were already pulling weeds. Old lady Bell was sitting on porch with a lit cigarette.

“There you are. I have a lawnmower sitting right there. I need you to mow.”

“I’m very sorry for what we did. Honestly.” She put her hand up.

“Get to mowing.”

Her yard was pretty big. I made sure to be careful mowing and not destroy her flower beds or hit any trinkets. I stopped when I heard a the blades tearing up something. I bent down and it looked like a tiny piece of bone. I didn’t think she owned a dog.

“Lemonade!” She sat a few glasses on the porch. I was soaking in sweat and was so thirsty. “You kids deserve a small break before we get to the house work.”

We all ran up the porch and grabbed a glass. I chugged it as if I hadn’t had anything to drink in days.

She popped another muscadine in her mouth and spit out the peel. Sally fell over all the sudden. Old lady Bell looked like it didn’t concern her.

Bobby bent down really quickly to check on her. He dropped on top of her.

Old Lady Bell coughed up some smoke and let out a cackle.

Johnny took off running and fell as soon as he hit her bottom step. She looked at me and started to stand as I fell.

I woke up and heard Sally crying. My eyes were still drowsy as I noticed we all were tied up in her living room.

She blew some smoke and was cackling. The others began to open their eyes. “You better all stay on your knees.”

“You think you’re the first people to try and harass me? Oh no, no, no.”

A black cat appeared and was rubbing itself against Johnny and began to purr.

Sally spoke through her tears. “I promise if you let us go, we won’t tell anyone.”

Old Lady bell let out another cackle. “I’m afraid it’s too late for that my dear.” She stood up and walked over to a cauldron in the middle of the room. She began to stir it. “Besides, it’s about time for a new start again.”

“I’m the one who lit the bag.” Johnny spoke up. “Let them go, they didn’t do it.”

“One bad apple spoils the bunch.”

Bobby had tears in his eyes. “Are you gonna turn us into muscadines and eat us?”

“Muscadines? No.” She walked up to Johnny and forced his mouth open. She pulled a small bottle out of her pocket and forced it down his throat.

She was reaching in her pocket when Bobby stood up and trying to push his weight into her. It knocked her down.

“RUN!!!” He screamed. Our hands were behind our back. We got ourselves and our feet and tried to escape. She grabbed Bobby by the ankle and knocked him down.

“You damn hooligan!” She pulled out a knife and plunged it into his back. Johnny turned his body to open the door with his hands.

She drove the knife into Bobby several more times. She got up and chased us. We were faster.

We ran to Sally’s home where her dad was outside tinkering with his car. He quickly cut the ropes off us and listened to what we said. He got us inside where her mom was knitting and told us to stay put. He called Bobby’s dad.

We heard that a bunch of the neighborhood parents went to go confront her. They said a young lady was on the porch and was laughing, she said they would never see Bobby again. They said Bobby’s dad fired a rifle at her and it hit her in the stomach. She managed to get back in her house.

The cops came and quickly busted in. They found no trace of her or Bobby besides what was left in the cauldron. Some of the parents burned down her house later that week and the rumor was bright green smoke was coming out the windows. No one could prove who did it though.

My parents did what they thought was best. They put the house up for sale and we moved. A bunch of other families began to do the same.

Johnny ended up being put in a mental institution. They say he went crazy and became a danger to himself and others. To my knowledge, he is still there to this day.

I didn’t keep up with Sally really. I know her family moved to Florida after everything. I tried looking her up on Facebook recently and didn’t find any luck. Then again, it’s better she stayed part of the past.

We moved a few hours away to a nicer area. Once I got out of college, I moved to California where I met my wife. We have a three beautiful children and two grandkids.

I’ve tried my best to push this all out of my memory and forgive myself. I had plenty of nightmares and always wondered if Old Lady Bell was ever around me.

My wife just got back from the beauty salon and her hair looked gorgeous. She reached out and handed me a coffee.

“There’s a new girl at the salon. She said she’s new to the area and from North Carolina. We got to talking and she said she knew you.”

“Hmm. Is it Sally? We were childhood friends. I haven’t heard from her since I was a youngster.”

“No, no. I don’t believe that’s what it was. Her name was Margret I think. Margret Bell. She said she’d like you to come visit her one day. She sure was chewing on some muscadines before she cut my hair.”

I dropped my cup of coffee.


Archived version

Unit 42 researchers recently found that Stately Taurus abused the popular Visual Studio Code software in espionage operations targeting government entities in Southeast Asia. Stately Taurus is a Chinese advanced persistent threat (APT) group that carries out cyberespionage attacks.

This threat actor used Visual Studio Code’s embedded reverse shell feature to gain a foothold in target networks. This is a relatively new technique that a security researcher discovered in 2023. According to our telemetry, this is the first time a threat actor used it in the wild.

We assess that this campaign is a direct continuation of a previously reported campaign that we attributed with moderate-high confidence to Stately Taurus. We come to this conclusion based on consideration of the TTPs, timeline and victimology targeting government entities in Southeast Asia.

We will also discuss a connection between the Stately Taurus activity and a second cluster of activity occurring simultaneously in the same targeted environment that leveraged the ShadowPad backdoor.

Palo Alto Networks customers receive better protection against threats discussed in this article through the following products and services, which we detail further in the Conclusion section:

  • Advanced WildFire
  • Advanced URL Filtering
  • Advanced DNS Security
  • Cortex XDR
  • Cortex XSIAM
  • Prisma Cloud Compute
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